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Anybody use Finemolds seatbelts?

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Picked up a few sets (RAF, US, Luftwaffe) in 1/32 at Plaza Japan. They look great, but I'm having issues with the lap belt----they seem far too stiff to fold over the edge of the seat bucket. I tried hot water soak, but no luck---it finally snapped in half!


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I had the same problem. The only solution was to fold very progressively to avoid breakage. When plastic color becomes whitish you are entering into the danger zone. If the angle is too small, I would try that: do cautiously a series of very thin cuts with a razor saw on the internal side of the belt (where you want to fold). This should help. However, globally, it is better avoiding such plastic belts in such cases...



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Thanks Thierry----I'll give it try. Like I said, they look great. I don't like PE and the HGW ones look great but are a bit tricky to assemble. I kinda stocked up on the Finemolds, so I'll give it another try

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So far I have found the Quinta studio belts to be excellent. I wish they would just release the belts in a series so you don’t have to purchase the entire cockpit instrument set. I also tried the HGW belts but all the work to get the various buckles on correctly just did not work well for me.   The Eduard belts that are PE tend to be too stiff and the paint comes off once you attempt a bend. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Late to the party on this one. I've used many sets of these, HOT HOT HOT water is a must. Shoulder harnesses aren't a big deal, lap belts ca be a fight. First few i broke, then i started to glue the end at the seat side, let that dry. I then dumped the seat with belt into the HOT water, let soak, then bent into position. may have to clamp at sides. Never could do the build belts from any manufacturer, these Finemolds i was happy with.



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