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B-17G Double the fun!


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thanks guys..much appreciate

Looking Mighty Fine There Pard!             I wish I could foil my wings that quick


   What did you use for the weathering on the wings?




for the weathering I started with Alclads pale burnt aluminum ,followed by jet exhaust. then I used Vallejos Burnt umber , Black wash (airbrushed) , and a little camouflage brown. I also used a transparent blue and maroon from Freak Flex to give some of the panels that heated metal look. 

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stayed up late last night to get the decals done ..heres where Im at so far.. one thing I couldnt figure out was the color of the panel in front of that window..also, the decal instructions dont show whether it had the national insignia on the bottom wing or not..anyone know?




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Looking really Sharp Sir!                  My experience with the B-17 here is that MOST of the cheek gun fairings and the chin turret cover

                                                      were made of what we now call "composite material"  and were MOSTLY painted aluminum or neutral gray. 



                                                        We had  to replace one on the B-17 here and It came from the Air Force Museum from their NOS parts inventory.

                                                      I have also heard they made a mold to make copies............so I've heard



      Thank You for your weathering technic.................subtle  




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I would say that you've gone the right route painting the cheek window fairing grey - my guess is that it is neutral grey. When you look at the chin turret that too is likely to be neutral grey - this could be a replacement salvaged from a wrecked B-17 that was cammo or it came from the factory that way due to a surplus of cammo parts when they switched to NMF.


I am also 100% certain it would have had the star and bar on the lower right wing, too. Never seen a wartime B-17 without one!



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Tom, that was my guess as well, just wasnt sure if anyone knew if that BG used any particular colors..I couldnt find any photos of them with anything other than the OD engines cowls. But I took the same guess thinking it looks close to the color of the chin turret.

SD, the decals are from Zotz..which are great decals ..very thin and easy to conform. dip,apply, and a little bit of solvent works just right..I did sealed the Alclad though with their Gloss coat.

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Thanks for the info pz.  I know from reading that the Alclad finishes wear extremely well but it's always the right thing to seal it up.  It also makes the decals look painted on and with those Zotz decals, it real adds to the realism.  I can't wait for this one to be fully weathered and displayed.  Then I'll mess with my photoshop program and make it look like the photo was taken in 1944.  

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