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Found 14 results

  1. We take a look at another new 3D printed set in the Airscale Pro range: Bf109 G2/G4 660 X 160 Wheel Set. Have fun! Iain
  2. Hello all... this is my first model share on this site so please go easy. Unfortunately I don't have the photography (or build) skills as others on here, but I've thoroughly enjoyed building it and am pleased with how it has turned out. The kit is the old Airfix 1/24 scale Bf109 onto which I have used some after market parts, namely: - Barracuda Resin Wheels - Yahu Instrument Panel - Scale Aircraft Conversions Metal Undercarriage Legs - RB Productions Seat Harness - Custom Decals (to my own design) Modification wise, I did a lot with the wheel wells (totally absent in the original kit), I also cut out the flaps so that I could pose them down and I cut out and replaced the moulded in exhausts. Anyway, enough rambling, here it is: Thanks for looking.
  3. And sooo… I crossed the Rubicon and joined the fray. Come to think of it, three months ago, I knew nothing about the Bf 109 and couldn’t even spell Messerschmitt. Then came the arrival of the ZM kit in our regions and the ensuing flurry of activity in the interweb. My curiosity was piqued especially when controversy aroused about some apparent pitfalls of the kit. I knew ZM since I built their Skyraider a few years back. I knew they were serious about their products so when I read about the early critiques, I knew I had to try it out myself and make my own opinion. So during two full months, I read all I could about the subject and when finally I found the ZM kit at a discounted price , I was ready. This thread is not intended as a WIP per se since there are already several ones en cours but rather to share with you my impressions as a ‘consumer’ of plastic. Hopefully you’d find it helpful or at least entertaining. Each one of us has his own opinions about instruction sheets. As a hardened old-timer, I tend to pass on them most of the time. Except in this case… As I knew next to nothing about the 109, I forced myself to READ (really read) the 50-page instruction booklet included in the kit. What a revelation! It’s obvious that ZM put a great deal of effort in this booklet. So instructive about the subject and plenty of useful tips and pitfalls to avoid. A sample The next thing I wanted to check out is that infamous tail join which caused so much ruckus on the internet. It was indeed curious why ZM contrary to the other manufacturers (Revell, Hasegawa, …) decided to provide the horizontal stabs in one piece and the vertical tail in 2 parts. The reason is simple: the real thing was built that way: So I decided to make a dry test. The fuselage halves are taped together. Only the tail top halves and the horizontal slab halves are glued. NO cement between the horizontal slab, the lower tail and the upper tail. Dry fit indeed! The result speaks for itself. No shim and no glue. Just some extra care in cleaning the stubs when the parts are detached from the sprues. Compare with the real thing. Note the thickness of the flange. One thing to consider. Like on the real thing, the vertical tail is asymmetric. Starboard=flat. Port=curved Viewed from the rear. Note same thickness between upper and lower tail. Also perfect 0° dihedral. Again no glue. Note that RH flange is purposely larger than LH. Also peculiarities on the horizontal stab. This kit is so meticulously researched and moulded that any attempt to ‘correct’ it under some wrong assumption would only lead to tragedy. My advice: read the plan and clean the stubs. Happy modeling! Cheers, Quang
  4. Admin/Moderators, please move to correct area if this isn't appropriate place. I’m really wondering if I need to clear out some of my stash of older kits. I know most the old Revell 1/32 kits date from the 60s and have been reissued several times AND by and large been eclipsed by far better kits. The only one I’m not sure about is the Revell Hurricane Mk I. IIRC, the molds were modified to produce the cannon equipped version Mk II. Is that right? I have fond memories of building the Corsair, P-40, P-47, Typhoon, Spitfire Mk I, Wildcat, Stuka and Zero and maybe others…and may even build the P-40 as a lark as I remember it being a decent looking model…despite being an E in AVG markings. What about the SBDs? Former Matchbox IIRC. Neither opened, but expect them to be of the same era and lacking as badly as the P-47 and P-51B. Same with the P-38J kit. Having the Trumpeter, I doubt I’ll build one and don’t need two. On the old Hasegawa and Hasegawa/Minicraft kits, they are largely of the early seventies. Are the old M-109E and Fw190s decent kits? I’m not much of a German a/c builder, though thinking these might be good projects to learn on. While improvements over the Revell kits, are they reasonable accurate or do they have major shape/fit issues? I think the 109G14 is a much later and better kit. Is that true? I found a 2002 date on it versus 60/70s on the others. How does the Zero compare to the Revell? What about the Oscar? These were is sealed clear poly bags I didn’t want to open so hard to compare. I certainly have a surplus of Hasegawa P-51Ds and will be shedding some of them. im working my way through Scalemates looking at various boxing’s and original tool dates. At the moment, nothing is for sale or trade, but some soon will be once I get educated a bit more. I acquired many of these from a good friend who was a retired USAF F-106/F-15 pilot and retired FedEx Captain. He died in a small plane crash a couple of years ago and his wife gave me all his kits which accounts for me having multiples. Nothing is up for sale or trade at the moment. I will list it here first when I decide what I'm doing with which kit and gauge if there is any market for these or if postage will be more than they are worth. I am hanging on to my new Hasegawa P-47s (3). I would appreciate your feedback. H-278 and 04781 H-296 and 04722 Both 04711 4749 and H-280 H-283 and H-279 H-295 and H282 (two) H-217 JS-060 and JS-073 JS-070 and JS-060 JS-086 x2 and (not shown 1086 x3) Both JS-060:400 JS-073 and ST18:4200
  5. Hello everyone, time to build this 109 up, going to represent this one: Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6/Late "Gustav" "Double Chevron" II./JG 3 "Udet" Schiphol, Netherlands, November 1943 Major Kurt-Werner Brändle Kurt-Werner Brändle (19 January 1912 – 3 November 1943) was a German Luftwaffe military aviator during World War II, a fighter ace credited with 180 enemy aircraft shot down in over 700 combat missions. The majority of his victories - 155 - were claimed over the Eastern Front. he was killed in action west of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Following an attack by a group of Martin B-26 Marauders on Schiphol airfield, II. Gruppe scrambled to counter the attack. He was shot down in this aircraft - Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 (Werknummer 26058) by Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) Spitfires under the command of Wing Commander Lloyd Chadburn. His body later washed ashore near Zandvoort on 30 December 1943. Brändle was 31 years old
  6. Most are familiar with the fuel line with a clear section in the cockpits of drop tank equipped Bf109s. Should it be clear, though ? It occurs to me that if the drop tank has fuel in it the sight glass should be fuel coloured. 80 Octane: A3 - Light Blue colour, 87 Octane: B4 - Dark Blue colour , 100 Octane: C3 - Dark Green colour. Thoughts?
  7. hello, my last new built : voila voila !
  8. Some may remember this short thread from 2009: Hungarian Bf109G-14 Otherwise looking a bit like this: I wasn't happy with a number of things in that build so I put it next to my Trumpeter 1/24 P-51D on the Shelf of Doom and moved on to other 109's and P-51D's. When this Group Build materializd I thought I might as well see what I could see about resurrecting it since I have wanted to build this scheme from the first day I saw it waaayyyyy back in IPMS Quarterly Volume 6 Number 2, March 1971, which I still possess. Many, if not all, of these details I have done before and if you've followed any of my previous 109's you'll recognize them, as they for the most part are the same. If you haven't followed my previous 109 builds, or don't recognize the details, I'll be referring to that specific thread in my signature where the detail construction may be found, but not the post #, if you are so inclined to be interested to find how I did the detail. One of the things I was unhappy about in the previous incarnation were the results obtained in painting this scheme. I wanted to trap the color edges instead of overlap them and in attempting to do so the result was that all of the color edges were ridged. I suppose I could have sanded them down, but I did not, instead I put the kit aside and began work on the Hartmann G-14. Thru the generosity of Forum members I learned to use Mr. Hobby Mr. Color Thinner as a paint stripper instead of lighter fluid. Never use lighter fluid to strip paint. You can see the traumatic results from its' use in my Bf109K-4 thread. I put aside my K-4 and F-4 builds, stripped the model, broke out my 3-ring binder and CD of details and started anew. 25 images. Punched discs, shaped strip and rod to hold trim wheel chain in place. Little switch is supposed to be mount to the right of the angled shape. I couldn't do it. Removed the location of the glass tube, drilled thru from the left, made a new glass tube from clear sprue. Rear deck. Forgot to add the door. It is detailed similar to the door in the F-4 thread. Antenna wire lead-in. 4-photo Walk-around. 1. 2. 3. 4. More below.
  9. My last project of 2016, and I wasn't even sure if I would get it done before the end of the year. But here it is: Inspired by the many photos of downed Me 109's in the Libyan desert late 1941. I wanted to depict a scene with a Bf109 being 'pillaged' by british troops in a desert setting. So this is how it turned out: A Bf 109G-2 Trop with the engine and armament covers removed, bend propellers and some of the hatches and the canopy removed. The oil is leaking from the damaged engine that brought the plane down... A British wireless vehicle (Humber 8 cwt) with its crew, has stopped to look for souvenirs from the downed German plane. The driver is taking a break, having a cup of tea, while the two other crew members are looking for interesting parts/objects. One of them has removed the Revi 16 gunsight from the cockpit and is holding it as if he had found a precious 'gem'. The groundwork is done with filler, plaster, sand and cat litter. Figures are various Miniart and Master Box, cannibalized, reworked to make them 54mm, to fit the 1/32 plane and vehicle... Hope you all like it! Bf 109G-2 Build thread: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=65897 Humber Build thread: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=65837&hl=
  10. Additional pictures. More details now. Thank you, Alex.
  11. Quick question: I have previously been building my aircraft in-flight to hang from my ceiling due to lack of shelf space, but that is coming to an end once I finish the new display cabinets in my office. So, how should the trailing edges look for one of these birds on the ground? I have looked online but there seems to be no definitive look. Is it up to how I want it to look? Period photos mostly indicate everything is up in the neutral position while most museum shots (and it seems most kit builds) have it all hanging loose - should I shoot for the middle ground? What gives? Okay, so not A question.
  12. Hi, Here is my last finish build. It was my "summer build", as for summer holidays i wanted to build a simple model, almost OOB, fast and simple. I have already unsprued most of the parts while on a journey and thought it would be very fast to then glue and paint it. But it wasnt so fast. I firstly very enjoyed the new Revell kit, as the OOB details are pretty good in the cockpit and wheel bays. But when i started to build it, i understood why there was so much critics about the strange engineering. Yes it's strange and sometime quite silly (mutiple parts gear legs, joints to be filled only a few millimeters from a panel line, and so on...). Filling and sanding the engine cowling was not easy and very time consuming. I've not built it 100% OOB as i've used the Alleycat correction resin set. I was not impressed by this set and i think it is under their usual quality. I may have been unlucky and maybe i've got a bad set, but it was not good. Some parts were useless because they were oversized, some were badly cast (soft and undefined, a real paint to clean up), and a number of bubbles. But some parts were used (radiator cowling, exhausts, spinner and propeller, cowling bulges....) and the set was not very expensive, so i'm not that upset. I've also used a quickboost bf109G gun set. The gondolas and the dust filter come from a Hasegawa kit. I know as a trop 109 there should be the umbrella holder brackets but i think i was a bit lazy (and i'm not sure they were fitted on all tropical 109) So in my opinion it's a good kit, nicely detailed and more accurate than the Hasegawa kit in some areas, but at the moment i still prefer the Hasegawa 109 as it is simpler and faster to build. I will soon try some Trumpeter 109, i'm going to see if it is better. The decals are from the Chris Busbridge Regia Aeronautica Bf109 set. They are very nicely printed and the film is thin and easy to move. I will have no worries to use any other decals printed by Fantasy Printshop.
  13. I've started fidgeting around with my revell G10 Erla and the brand new Alley Cat 109H conversion (meant for the G6), The intent behind this build is to have some fun and possibly annoy the 109 purists at the same time. I need some inspiration to get stuck in to this build, even at this stage - Help me find a fun paint scheme for this bird, it does not need to be German or even historically accurate. Basically anything but hello kitty! Once I really get stuck into the build, I'll start a post on the In Progress board. In the meantime I wanted to share a pic of roughly how this will look now that I've dry-fit the main Alley Cat resin parts. Looks great and I have to commend Ali over at Alley Cat, as this may be the best of their conversions I've come across yet. Perfect fit and it's VERY easy to make the needed cuts. I eyeballed them without measuring and the resin fits like Revell molded the parts themselves. Bravo, Alley Cat!
  14. Yup, after defeating Costa Rica in the WC Soccer quarter final I have finished this build! No pics yet, but tomorrow I will make some beauty shots for you all. It's 2 AM here now so i need to get some sleep first. Cheers! With my Sparrow build nearly completed (you can find it here if interested: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=47233&hl=) I started a new build. This time the Cyber-hobby BF109E-3. It's a beautiful kit to build, with no major flaws. Since the kit is practically engineered to show of the engine, that's exactly what I decided to do. The build will be pretty much OOB, with the exception of: Master-model MG-17 barrels. Aires Radio Equipement. I won't use the on of the paint schemes provided with the kit, but instead build a 1940 early-war E3: (For reference only) Allthough the engine is of great detail, it still devoid of any wiring except the ignition cables. Here's my progress so far on the engine and cockpit. Enjoy! And I also installed the radio equipement and started to paint it. Closing the fuselage, much of this won't be visible, but it's nice to know it's there .
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