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Everything posted by Hartmann352

  1. Will this stuff work on regular styrene parts?
  2. HOLY C**P!!!! I would love to have seen that in person....hmm, wonder if they will bring the 262 to Oshkosh? That'd be bloody awesome!!!! Prost! Dave
  3. You build tall ships in little bottles because "it's relaxing" don't you? Great work. I think I'd end up cross-eyed trying to do that. Cheers, Dave
  4. But hey...It has an upgraded cockpit door, sharpened exhaust pipes, hand-painted markings, and detailed with metal tubing to simulate hoses and wiring!! You know, that sort of stuff that you never see, ohh, say, like, maaayyybe.... around here. Pssshh, and free shipping to boot. What a bargain Cheers, Dave (Then there is the Zero that he built... 8K? - http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pro-Built-1-32-Zero-Fighter-A6M2-Fine-Art-Semi-Custom-Model-by-Nagao-Kozaburo-/150809030899?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item231ceb30f3 )
  5. Aye Pavel, I have seen that, but I have a LOOOOONG wy to go before I can tackle a conversion kit such as that. Been watching one on e-bay forever, but that one you provided appears to be less costly. (guess it would depend on shipping. http://www.ebay.com/itm/320878510844?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 ) Cheers, Dave
  6. Would really like to see an F/L be issued in 1/32. Cheers, Dave
  7. Per this following link, October, 2012. Here's to hoping! http://www.revell.de/index.php?id=210&KGKANR=0&KGKOGP=10&KGSCHL=2&L=1&page=3&sort=0&nc=1&searchactive=&q=&SWO=&ARMAS4=&PHPSESSID=bc0d57934d490bfc496619d0fa801aa3&KZSLPG=&offset=19&cmd=show&ARARTN=04666&sp=1
  8. Darn nice bird, love the paint. I've really liked F-5s since....... well, lets just say a long time. Oh, and I do not have an answer for the question. Cheers, Dave
  9. The head wound soldier looks awesome! shaggy hair and all. I am no good at people. (that's why all my a/c are controlled by A.I. )
  10. This is great. This bird has interested me for a bit, built 2 in 1/48 with a 3rd waiting in the stash. Cheers, Dave
  11. Very Nice!! Glad you hung in there. Really digging the paint. Noticed pictures of the 'pit are from 2008. Wow! Not sure wether to take it as perseverance, a glutton for punishment, or both. Truly a great job though -- Kudos to you. Cheers, Dave
  12. Now that'd be cool. Wife and the Village might have an issue though with that sitting in the front yard. "Honey, I'm going out to my fort." Ha, remember building "forts" when you were a kid? Cheers, Dave
  13. Looks good, and different to say the least. And here I thought once the decals proved themselves to be a PITA, you would have just done masks and painted all of that on there. Cheers, Dave
  14. Looks great - you have WAYYY more patience than I. Cheers, Dave
  15. Awesome!! Really like the green/black/grey. Different, the contrast is great!! Cheers, Dave
  16. Nice job -- I actually had to go back and look at the first pic regarding the landing gear...very nice.
  17. Oo Oo Oo, I want one!! Hmm, guess I should go ahead and do the 110 panel then. Dave
  18. Just awesome! Anyone else here jealous? Dave
  19. Very nice. Well done. I really like the cowling. Painted, yes? I really like the stripes and checkers on the Fw-190 cowlings, just way to afraid to attempt to paint them. Honestly, very nice indeed. Cheers, Dave
  20. Found this...third post eludes to a 3rd edition. http://www.luftwaffe-experten.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=15208 Cheers, Dave
  21. Wow!!! I have this one waiting in the wings....going to do the Polish AF with the Swordfish on the sides...(took awhile to find that set of 'cals...hope they are good.) Going to be strictly OOB, (except for the 'cals)...not good enough for AM stuff like the office. Looking quite beautiful Kevin. Something about these, the extreme angles and rocket, yet airplane shape....I don't know, caught my eye the very first picture I saw. Watching and patiently awaiting to see you cross the finish line with this one Kevin. Cheers, Dave
  22. Impressive!! that first photo, I thought there wasn't any "glass" in the canopy, just the framing. Simply beautiful. On Wisconsin! Cheers, Dave
  23. Aww, come on...give us 3 to choose from and we'll pick the next one for you. Dave
  24. Woo Hoo!!!! I can't wait.....Finally have a direction. Finishing up a F-16N ...well, so close to being ready for paint, I can smell the fumes... Then break out the 1/24 Trumpy G-6 Late. Cannot wait to use these to paint "my own aircraft". Dave
  25. To quote Po, the Dragon Warrior....."That is SO BODACIOUSLY AWESOME!!" (Umm, could you message me the proposed cost by chance, so I can save up. )
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