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Posts posted by rosariovw

  1. hm, strange this, most of the photobucket pics are gone.  Did some more work. Its a bit less productive but i try to do some minor stuff each day. Now at the hobby room its 32°c.


    First, exhausts done, did it in 2 tries, but, resin and thinner, works great t get rid of the feiled paint attempt. I softened the details in the burner cans. As most know, there is a little detail on the real feathers, and i find the aires details to hard. Now i'm sure that the sanding gives a good grip for the paint. Sprayed with Mr Surfacer Black, Let dry overnight, and then did some Alclad gloss black over it. Made my own maskings for the black part of the exhaust petals, after one night i maksed them all . Pale burnt metal went over it. I let it dry for a couple of hours, and the Gloss clear over it.



    The tube, inserts and fan sprayed with mr surfacer black, overnight drying and then gloss clear, i drybrushed with white, and silver. Some white wash, here the results.





    The shrouds are painted with my own blend, some claer gloss, and they look great


    The rest of the engine covers are fitted, some sanding, removing the support on the inside helped alot.All is flush now. For the fuselage, and boddy, next is filling and sanding.




    Did the horizontal stabilizers, glued them, filled the panel lines, and then masking. Like on some aircraft, there are panel lines, and later moddels have all the lines filled. So, i wanted to get that look. There is the result, after the masking, some layers surfacer, removed the tape, and then the black primer on.





  2. The last 3 days i did the dryfitting, and modding it all for the Zactoman intakes. Its not an easy task, resin wheelbays, resin ecs vents, and the intakes are not intended to be used together. 

    I thinned the vents side, and made a thin cut in the air bleed compartiment.


    On the wheel bay side, and on the air bleed compartiment i had to remove some extra resin, so the  compartiment rests on the angled wheel bay part.

    Also, i added some strips to make sure the compartiments get on the correct position, and added a cover on the bottom of the vents.


    painted the intakes


    just an example





  3. yesterdag, i ordered the the Tomato decals (not that i have enough decal sets) but the gilfriend says, it was the best eyepopping bird.

    Also, this weekend i won't build much, cause i'm compating in a contest with 1/48 this weekend.  Even just invested in the hobby again, and bought just a whopping 300$ worth of building materials.

  4. 2 hours ago, A-10LOADER said:

    Great work so far on everything, looks really good. You need to add the Programmable Tactical Information Display (PTID) control stick to the RIO's left side console.




    Yup, i know, but i wait till all the rest is done, cause of i want to put foam in the cockpit for protection there is a chance it gets snagged and lost.


  5. 8 hours ago, Squizzy said:

    I have pretty much the same bag of resin in the stash for a similar build, I'll enjoy watching this! 

    Do you have any after market decals in mind? 

    Well, i think Vandy one, but have 2 VF-101 sets , VF-11 set, and a vf-2 set.  At this moment i can still go for a late B model or a D, i have some 6sets for B, so, i think it would be difficult to decide now. more progress pics from the wing.20190521_000921_zpsbbogxc7r.jpg


  6. After some years of small projects, and no inspiration, i found it back.


    Last week i started with my 4the F-14 in 1/32.  Basicly, it will have most of the available extra's.

    -eduard F-14d exteriour set

    - eduard F-14d undercarriage

    - eduard F-14 set for tamiya

    - Aires cockpit set

    - Aires wheel bays

    - Aires exhaust

    - Zactoman intakes

    - Ben schumacher's ECS vents


    I try to keep this thread going and put as much pics on, if i'm not going to fast.


    At this moment the cockpit is done.






     and the wheelbays are painted.




    I started working at the Wings




    All the wrong rivets on the forward fuselage are removed/filled.



    At the rear, i filled the wrong rivets, added the actuator cooling vents, andraised the area a little bit with MrSurfacer




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