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Shaka HI

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Everything posted by Shaka HI

  1. Amazing. That does not look like a vacuum-form canopy! Well, mine's don't look that which is why I just gave up!
  2. Yes, Richard...4th was the charm (but I'll probably strip it again so that I can paint it along with the whole model once more)! Working the windscreen and I'm hoping to get the whole air frame painted this weekend.
  3. Photo's are just fine, Dale! So close to the finish line! Good to hear from ya.
  4. Excellent detail, man! I've seen Waldron Products waaay back and do have the F-14 Placard set which cost me a small fortune (I was just a kid) and they look awesome. I wonder if I still have it somewhere...anyway....Keep going!
  5. Not sure if I'll keep this one either...unlike the pict above this was sprayed with a dull clear coat (Windsor Newton Matte/Tamiya Lacquer). Silver chipping was done with a Prisma Color pencil. I purposely layered the blue to show the ZCY underneath..just so...I'll try some MiG filters to break up the blue..
  6. Nice! I don't think I've ever seen one with rocket launchers!
  7. Dude...stop showing off! Awesomest P-40 ever!
  8. Ya..I agree, which is why I stripped it again! I'll go even lighter and I might not even add the silver coat because well..these layers are noticeable to me. I might just do the primer coat/chip with a dull knife or toothpick /color coat/ chip with a silver pencil on certain strategic spots ever so lightly...
  9. Ditto, ditto, ditto... First place I go if I have to go online!
  10. Ok I think this will do. I sealed the "primer" coat with clear before adding the color coat. Chipping is lighter, but I see the primer coming through on some of them which is what I'm after. It's glossy because I sealed the color coat for washes/filters!
  11. ! (Another thread that there's nothing much to say but to enjoy the awesomeness...)
  12. Purrrrtttty! (Is the finish suppose to be so flat?)
  13. You guys are incorrigible! Everyone here is pretty cool, buddy...Now get on IMGUR as John said and upload that pict! I'm looking for a Hasegawa P-40N as well (for a reasonable price) and would like to see your finished work!
  14. Mahalo David. I appreciate your input. I use these builds in prep for future builds -- a NMF finish next. So I use the NMF for chipping on this build to practice...and what looks great to the naked eye looks horrible with macro photography. I think coverage is my issue. I'll let the metal finish dry longer before continuing with the clear/color coats!
  15. Okay.... I think I was expecting something a bit more... I'm a bit hard headed and subtlety is definitely not my forte.
  16. Really odd and interesting, to see such an awesome, realistic finish on a caricature representation of a tank!
  17. I just liked all the replies..cause well, there's nothing left to say.
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