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Everything posted by KUROK

  1. It's hard to find the right word so all I can say is Beautiful! I'm imagining you "dropping the mike" right about now!
  2. Did I mention I think it's superb?
  3. THAT is an attractive and well detailed replica!
  4. Wow! Your patience is commendable. I would not have redone those control surfaces but now I see how valuable that is to do. They look splendid!
  5. Fantastic job and great photography as well.
  6. Great job and keep updates coming!
  7. The paint is silky smooth and has such a scale sheen.
  8. Project is looking awesome. Outstanding work!
  9. When you peel masks off you need to peel them back over themselves. That is, do not peel away from surface but back along surface. This works. Yes, I agree that they need to peel off early while paint is still soft.
  10. When you share from imgur there should be an option for "BB code" which stands for bulletin board code which is our forum. Paste that link into here.
  11. I need to add a receiving tube for my prop/brass rod set up. First temporarily join spinner to one fuselage half like so: Then use a bit of nylon thread to ensure perfect left/right alignment of tube: Now, I have gently laid some bits of sprue on the "ass" end of the tube. They have been set with gap filling superglue and I had to dab, gently, some accelerator: Here I have slopped on some 30 minute clear epoxy. Note I have added a peg to the front end of the tube but it is only glued to the fuselage at this time and NOT the tube. I'll explain why later: Here is a view of the epoxy setting up. Five minute epoxy would have been better. Setting up trying to get the epoxy to drip down with gravity. Did I mention five minute epoxy would have been better? BTW, this will be much stronger than it needs to be.
  12. Your dedication to get things right is something that I not only admire but wish to emulate in my own work (I tend to take shortcuts and later regret it). Well done!
  13. I hate to be a turd in the punchbowl but... the U.S. ARMY is too far forward on the wing, I think. This may be easy to repaint but you'd have to have more decals or create a frisket mask to repaint it.
  14. Maurice, thanks for comments. I have not seen a 1/32 version of Lope's Hope but perhaps we could ask, Jennings Heilig. I think he may have access to Fundekals and he might do it. The only thing that is worrying me about decals is the shark mouth. I'm wondering how to get it around that complex cowling successfully.
  15. I have this kit in my stash and hope it turns out half as good as yours! Is there a link to Chris Wauchop's weathering technique?
  16. As usual, life stuff keeping me off the bench. However, I'm working in small doses when I can. This was supposed to be a quick "out of the box" kit to get my juices flowing...but I cannot help myself. I added some missing surface detail to the spinner. Six screws indicated on one line and four on the other like the real thing.
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