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Fok. D.VII Seven Swabians -4/28/14 - All Done!


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Alrighty, minus a final clear coat, wings are DONE!  I'm very pleased with how these turned out, even with the lower wing underside goof. I hit it with a few more applications of microsol and it helped a bit more. Good as it's going to get. Now to just to the darn interior!


One thing I did find with the Aviattic decals - i found the stretched a little as i went along with the setting solution and as a result there are one or two wing ribs that dont line up to the tapes and one or two areas where the lozenge from the next decal over mashes and gives the effect of a very dark green rib tape. This said, I have no complaints whatsoever with the product, it's simply a learning curve for me and I will absolutely be using their decals again!


Last photo is just to compare the decals (over a weathered tamiya Buff base instead of the recommended white) to the wingnut kit lozenge colors.







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That is mighty sweet, Mike!  What was the brand of engine staining washes you mentioned when you were here?  Just out of curiosity, what brand of paints do you use for your metallics?


It was great meeting you face-to-face.  I hope your new stash made it home wothout incident.

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Thanks Ron,

yes the stash made it home safely (thanks again for that!).  Engine was airbrushed tamiya semi gloss black, aluminum is alclad over the semi-gloss, smaller metal bits are hand painted model master metalizers, there's a wash of tamiya black panel line accent and then i tried out the AK Engine Grime and Engine Oil products - those products, especially the engine oil, are simply amazing - very highly recommended.

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Lovely work. I'm just doing similar stuff on mine in one of the kit schemes, but I also used the aviattic lozenge over gloss white. I'm very impressed with how resilient the decals are. They have a waxy surface that looks so real. Microsol just runs off it though. I'll be using more. I hope Richard will do cookie cutters for the Alby and Pfalzes too.

Keep it up Mike and take great care with the wing and cowling. Wing AFTER cowling, and make sure the radiator is as far on the engine bearers as it can be or youll get a gap underneath. The lower wing needs a tiny dihedral to get the struts to meet up.

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