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Everything posted by LSP_K2

  1. I've never been a real fan of American armor, so it looks like Das Werk for me.
  2. To address the OP here, there can be numerous reasons for a thread lock-down. That thread was doomed from day one to go nowhere, as there was really nowhere for it to go. While it never really got too snotty, it was also quickly devolving from the original intent, into a meandering discussion of what other companies may do, so not on point at all. Keeping a post "on topic", within reason, helps those that are interested, remain interested, and is why we prefer for it to stay that way whenever possible. Locking threads is not a decision that any staffer takes lightly.
  3. I'm quite sure he's aware of the difference, D. As to the book in question (Schlachtflieger), my copy, written by six different folks, does not have the Hs 129 on the cover.
  4. Oh boy, P-40 stuff! In addition to the MRP neutral grey that's on the way, I may now be able to get the fuselage zipped up soon. There's also some Tamiya neutral grey here now, just to add some accents to the MRP grey.
  5. My 1:200 I Love Kit USS Hornet (CV-8), is in fact the Trumpeter kit, just considerably cheaper.
  6. More baby steps. ‘Pit now has some detail colors, Red Fox stuff and some random washes to unify and dirty it all up. Still more to do though, as I’m awaiting an Eduard set for additional interior stuff.
  7. Nice! If it's affordable, I'll have to grab one. The MOANG flew them way back when, so I may do a tribute aircraft.
  8. Holy Cow!!! Just excellent work.
  9. "Pit parts now given a nice Vallejo dark olive wash. Once clear coated, I'll add some other colors. Pretty subtle, but I like that.
  10. Starboard tail seam turned out much better than I'd hoped.
  11. OK, I've decided to go with brand new intake parts, so here they are, assembled and puttied.
  12. Another cool model arrived today. Thanks, Troy, I love it.
  13. Despite having one brother that served in Vietnam and one that was "Vietnam era" (USAF, Guam), at the same time, Vietnam era armor generally does very little for me either.
  14. I decided it was time to dust off the ol’ airbrush and do some painting tonight. Here the intakes have received some MM metalizer aluminum and a dark wash on the screens. Unfortunately, I used way too much liquid glue on these parts, ruining two of the three screens, so I’ll either replace with Eduard P.E, or just steal the same parts from my “E” kit and redo, not real sure yet. And the basic ‘pit components now given their base coat of Gunze 351.
  15. I don't think it's so much a matter of what's not available, but whether that subject that's not available would actually sell in 1:32 kit form.
  16. I'd really go for the Bulldog, as I have a sentimental spot for it. Most other post-war armor leaves me cold.
  17. OK, the RF "E" IP is completely different from the "N" stuff, naturally, including even the gun sight, so I think I'm going to use the kit IP (with decals), and the RF stuff on the remaining areas. The "N" IP is pretty boring and colorless anyway, so this seems to be my best option at the moment. Now if I just had some decent seat belts.
  18. I could certainly go for a Hellcat, especially an F6F-3.
  19. Also of interest to me, are the two thin black lines on the wings, which I have seen before.
  20. Curious that the ailerons never got the medium green, but the elevators did.
  21. Sure enough. Thanks for the info. I just checked, and the Zotz sheet has it as 5009 too. I'll have to see if I can dig up a replacement somewhere.
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