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Everything posted by JimInOz

  1. Nice work Bill, love the cockpit placards and the work you have done so far. Judging by the start you have made this will be an impressive build. Very niceley done, keep us all posted. Jim
  2. Excellent build of a different subject Angelo.I look forward to the write up. Well done. Jim Ps whatcha gonna build next?
  3. Ditto, looks superb Chris. Keep on building and posting. Beautiful. Jim.
  4. Very Nice Koala , the dust issue is a bummer mate. Would the dust stay off it if you painted in a box with an extractor fan? ie the dust and particles moving toward the suction and not the paintjob. If the fan was about 600mm above your work it would pull the dust in without pulling in the airbrushed paint. Might work, Dunno. Anyways enough of that and back to your magnificent 38. Dont you just hate those little bits , make me go boss eyed trying to fit them. Look forward to seeing the contrast and washes K, keep up the top notch work and keep us all posted.Steady as she goes. Jim
  5. This is also an excellent first up effort Angelo. As the previous posters have said AWESOME. I look forward to seeing the panel washes, I am interested to see the effect. Nice work. Jim
  6. Hey Matty they look great, I think the weathering on both birds looks great. It's a tough call, the more pictures you look at the more confused you get! Case in point is the corsair, some photos you can eat off them, others look like they've been to hell and back. I reckon you have nailed the "look" with both birds. Good stuff. Jim.
  7. G'day Iron wolf, don't think so. Others may have a better idea. If nothing turns up, give me a yell. I have a set of plans that you can use for reference to scratchbuild them. HTH. Jim
  8. Brad and Koala, have got hold of a set of plans showing the differences in nose cowl and wing fittings between Martlet I-V and the F4F. If you want a copy send me an email and I will send you a full size set.HTH. Jim.
  9. Last but not least! this ones got a babe in it i .Scroll down. Cheers Jim. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/ac-forn...c-m/martlet.htm
  10. Thanks Matt, more here. Jim http://www.csd.uwo.ca/~pettypi/elevon/baug..._other/f4f.html
  11. Here's something for starters lads, pretty comprehensive and some links to follow at the bottom of the page. Your timeframe will determine your build. Have fun , more to follow. Jim http://www.fleetairarmarchive.net/Aircraft...tletWildcat.htm
  12. G'day Brad, stay tuned mate, I'll have a look around my stuff and see if I can help you out. I don't think they would differ too much from the USN birds, maybe just different radio sets, antenna position and maybes the gunsight.I'll let you no if I find anything obvious.Cheers Jim
  13. Yep that looks like a P-40 to me , as Brian has already mentioned Erwin, it definately captures the look of the P-40, well done, good work mate. Any clues or hints to how she will be finished??? VVVS perhaps? Cheers Jim
  14. This is a great technique Chris, I have been using Future and/or white glue.This is the way to go, thanks for sharing . Jim
  15. Whoa Matty nice work mate . If that is a "dog" then you have certainly done a beaut job on it . Looks bloody great to me. When you say "I tried a 50/50 mix with the future" , what did you use bud? If it was flat base, that would explain the satin finish. If not, I am surprised it has the "satin" appearance. Anyways it all looks AOK to me mate. Good effort. Excellent work.Cheers and model on Jim
  16. Very nice Piet, this method does work, even I managed to do it, with some super thick hassy decals . The method I used Derek : 1. Apply an amount of neat future to the area with a soft brush. (don't go berko with it, just enough to cover the decalled area). 2. Position decal into/onto base coat of future. 3. Carefully apply a second coat of neat future over the top of the decal. 4. Using a decent quality cotton swab/q tip, roll it across the surface of the decal. Do not swab it, roll it! This will absorb any excess future but will not remove all of it. You may have to repeat this a couple of times. 5. It is best to work quickly and carefully. And re check it after about a minute or two. If it has lifted , re apply some more future and repeat the proccess. Ensuring that you roll the cotton bud not swab with it. Piet may do it differentley , but this method worked for me. Good work. Jim.
  17. Nice work Messerschnutt, those barrels look very nice, as does the rest of the aircraft! If yourself and Jay do catch up, I beleive this is a top spot to meet, the view is great. Jim
  18. G'day Chris, this may or may not help. I am not sure if it is wartime or not. The jpeg. file is non descriptive and the aircraft carries no codes. It may be a trainer (as D has suggested), or Jason may be able to id it when he gets his refs. It may even be a restored warbird, I am not sure.Cheers. Jim
  19. Onya matty, thanks mate . May the best team win Sir . Jim.
  20. Excellent detail work Koala, keep it coming mate. Your gun camera work looks AOK to me. All the best. Jim.
  21. G'day gentlemen, any of you lads know where to download Hasegawa instructions from, or alternately, do any of you chaps have a set you could scan and send to me. Picked up the kit complete in bags but no decals or destructions! Oh well, waddaya expect for 10 bucks! As always, all help appreciated. Thanks. Jim
  22. Wow Smotti, that is looking great keep us posted with updates as she progresses. Very nice. Jim
  23. Piet this is very good work. I love that paintjob . Please keep the updates coming. And the one liners . This is how modelling should be. FUN. Cheers mate. Jim
  24. Just awesome Chris. My mate Dan is gonna freak when I show him this link. Attention to detail , paint and the engineering/scratchbuilding?? is just superb. I'm gonna have to go sit down now and have a beer . Excellent and excellence rolled into one. Jim.
  25. Bloody Hell (pardon my strine). Derek and Radub are building the BoB memorial flight. . That really is impressive Derek, good work and keep it coming. Cheers Jim.
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