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Everything posted by europapete

  1. Ok, now that bit is sorted, I can start on the kit. Took a couple of before photo's and will post tomorrow. These can be compared to period photo's in the "On Silver Wings" book and current shots over on Max's build. Oh, yes, am talking about the wings. Will do a bit of work on them tonight.
  2. That's not too bad. How do we find one? oops, post cross over! Thanks Vaughn, will look it up
  3. That looks interesting, contact info please. Nice find Vaughn.
  4. It worked AGAIN!!!!! NOT A FLUKE!!!!!!
  5. HOLY CRAP!!!! IT WORKED!!!!!!! Thanks Rocky!!!!!! I used your instruction on the forum info page.
  6. Photo test....................................
  7. That sounds like it was a great roadtrip. Well done.
  8. I know, I know. working on the pretty pics please precarious position. I have opened a Flikr account, so progress is being made.
  9. WOW! Those are awesome! Thank you Max. Makes you realise how skilled those guys at Shuttleworth are when you see an aeroplane up close like this.
  10. Well, I have dragged the kit kicking and screaming out of it's comfy bed in the stash. This really is a nice kit. Congrats to all of you out there who have one or three. A quick scan of the parts reveals a few areas of improvement. First, the wings. The ribbing must be smoothed out, way too prominent. The slats need cutting out and rebuilding, having just scribed lines does not work in 1/32. The wing access panels need replacing. Fabric details need adding. Wing mechanical details need adding. Fuselage; Access panel lines are inconsistant (on my copy) need better definition or replacing. Remove dzus panel fastener pips and replace with something better. Improve surface details, add missing details, make the removable panels look like removable panels, rather than scribed lines. AND.......does anyone make a 1/32 Kestral engine??
  11. Thanks Kagemusha How's that HP coming along? Did you finish it?
  12. Ah, ok Kev, will give him a shout over on Britmodeller
  13. Also, for what it's worth, Max has bumped this build in front of a Kotare Spitfire, a Border Lancaster, a 1/200 HMS Hood, and a 1/100 HMS Victory. Plus several "on-the-go" WNW's, and a Lukgraph Lohner L seaplane Lololol.
  14. Also a public call out to John Adams to add any and all comments, advice, corrections and anything else he can think of to make this a decent model.
  15. Thanks Max, this is all your fault! So, here we go, no getting out of this now. Hawker Demon build number two (Max's is the first one). This will involve the learning curve of a total computer idiot trying to figure out how to post pictures so any help, comments or rude remarks welcome. The kit is the Silver Wings Demon. References include "On Silver Wings" by Owen Thetford, "Hawker Hart Family" by Alex Crawford Mushroom Models Publications, "The Hart Family" Aeroguide Number 5, Max's build thread, and my own photo's of the Shuttleworths' Hind.
  16. OK, so I put one Demon fuselage half against the opposite Hart half, and they fit perfectly. From the engine front to the front cockpit, and from the rear edge of the respective gunners stations to the tail on both the upper and lower fuselage joins. There is no height difference in the kit. So, to be accurate, the top decking of the Demon kit does need lowering. Question is, how? Will ponder the issue.
  17. Hhmmmm......and there's me thinking double D's meant something else.
  18. I really should get on with it Max, I really have no valid excuses.
  19. Looking good Lutz, I just picked up the Mk1 version this past weekend. You are doing a great job so far.
  20. Hi Max, got 3 Demon kits and two Harts. Am planning on building a Hart, an Osprey, a regular Demon, a turret Demon, and a Hind.
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