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Everything posted by BradG

  1. I did have another thought. Try to stock quality paint that you can both airbrush and hand paint regardless of price. I was thinking perhaps Gunze for the airbrushers and Vallejo for the hand painters (the two I use and have had a good time with). Someone mentioned some kits for the kids, which is ok too. But the kids will probably be hand painting and I think where the hobby may fall down for them, is at the painting stage. If they have access to a paint that is easy to brush on and looks pretty good, they may keep coming back to your store. That goes for modellers who still brush paint too. Just thinking out loud.
  2. Just keep it simple, get in a selection of good quality kits and make sure the prices are reasonable. Brands like Tmiya and Revell are a good starting point. I would avoid trying to appeal to the enthusists, so I wouldn't bother with resin or etch sets.
  3. Done, seeya there Kev! I'll probably be on the entry desk.
  4. The 8th annual Eagles Day Competition and Exhibition will be held on Sunday, October 16th at Essex Heights Primary School, 22 Essex Road Mt Waverley. Melways map reference 61, B10. Entry times are from 9am - 1pm, general admission from 11am. Presentation of trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd along with some special awards will be held at 4pm. As usual, any aircraft or aviation related subject is elligable for entry. This includes but is not limited to; spacecraft, pilots/aircrew, flak guns, rockets or vehicals mounting AAA. If you any any further questions please feel free to ring Keith on (03) 9467 4672 AH.
  5. Nothing on the tail. Some Mig-17s had a red tip to the fin and some mig-21s had solid green on one of the upper panels but no flag or other markings. Check this thread and scroll down to post 15 and you will see a pic which confirms red 5015 (there are also pics from the other side in the same line up of migs in the book) http://forums.gunboards.com/showthread.php?158660-warbirds-questions
  6. There was nothing like you wanted in 'Migs over North Vietnam', but I can confirm the lower profile. It's not impossible as there was no formal camo pattern applied. There are profiles of Mig-21s in green tiger stripes along with pictures and profiles of them in solid green upper. I doubt there would have been a soviet star on the tail though.
  7. Everytime I worry that I'm spending too much on model kits I just think of a lot of my mates in the cricket club who drink like fish, smoke like chimneys and gamble until they have empty bank accounts....and then I feel better.
  8. Thanks guys! What I did was I cut the bottom out of the seat, thinned the back and replaced the bottom with plastic card. It isn't 100% accurate but looks better than the stock part, plus I couldn't justify another $25 to get a resin seat.
  9. Thanks guys! This is the 'flak 38' version, but they give you the 3.7cm gun as well (actually two of them along with almost 2 complete flak 38 quads). I pinched the flak 38's for a 1/72 U flak-1 I will build one of these days. I have it my display case keep dust away!
  10. I posted a Schnellboot eariler but thought I'd put these up too just to show I do actually make large scale too. I'm into captured and post war use of Axis aircraft. All 3 are the new Hasegawa kits. Focke Wulf 190 - straight from the box but I did mask and paint the red stars using tape. Ki-84 Frank - heavily modified the seat and added belts. Markings painted with home made masks again. Bf 109G-14 - seat belts added, numerous things left off like amour and guns markings from the spares box (except the P).
  11. It's an ok kit, but suffers from some dodgy fit, flash, sinkholes and lack of detail in some spots. Overall though, for 35 bucks it makes into a good looking kit. There is aftermarket available which address the shortcomings, but this was built OOB.
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