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Roy Sutherland

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Roy Sutherland last won the day on July 29 2013

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  1. Hi PZ. Unfortunately, its the nature of the beast. Applying tiny cockpit stencils is, by definition, really fussy work. The white ink against light blue backing paper is the way it is. Cartograf does not offer decal paper in any other color. The only thing I can suggest is more light and more magnification. My eyesight is not what it once was, but I managed to get them all installed. Its not exactly relaxing work, but the payoff is a great looking cockpit. Whether it is too fussy and/or too much work is a personal decision. Happy modelling! Roy
  2. Hi Frank. That looks really great. It's inspiring to me. Makes me want to get mine finished up. Love the oil streaking back on the stbd cowling. What did you use for this? Can you contact me off board at barracudacomments@gmail.com? Thanks! Roy
  3. Hi Murph. While the color information is generally good, the part about black cockpits is outdated. The Birdcage that came out of the lake (Michigan?) and is being restored had a Dull Dark Green cockpit, and Dana Bell, noted US aviation author and researcher, has stated that Birdcages were painted as such. I don't think there is any hard evidence for black cockpits in F4U-1s. Not to say that there might have been an exception or two to prove the rule, but it was not the standard. Hope this helps. Roy
  4. Hi Cees. Not sure if you are aware of the Barracuda Studios Tempest mainwheels, but they are a big improvement over the kit wheels which are too small in diameter and too wide. http://barracudacals.com/prodimages/3212402.jpg Available here, or shortly from Hannants. http://barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BR32124&cat=33 I have a few more 1/32 Tempest accessories coming soon, but they are too late for your build, which is looking very nice! Looking forward to seeing it progress. Roy
  5. Hi Guys. Sorry to hear you had some problems with some of the larger stencils, such as the stencil for the armament panel under the main instrument panel. The trick to installing them is to cut the stencils into smaller sections before applying them. I like to cut them into sections and cut away any clear film that would interfere with a large switch or knob. Each section is then wet and applied separately. They are printed in one section to show the final shape when installed. Understand that applying such tiny decals is a challenge. Its going to take a number of hours to do, but then anything worth doing is worth the time it takes to do it properly! :-) Model building involves some amount of problem solving. Sometimes you have to think outside of the box. I was not sure if cockpit stencil decals were going to work or be seen as a viable product, but I've seen many excellent results so far, and I managed to install a set myself without TOO much trouble. It took me two evenings to finish, but i have to say I enjoyed the process. Hope you come away with the same experience. Hope this helps. Happy modelling! Roy
  6. Looking good so far, but be aware the the birdcage Corsair's cockpit was painted in Dull Dark Green, not Green Zinc Chromate. Color photos of unrestored Bircages confirm this. Hope it's not too late! Happy modelling! Roy. PS. Work slowly and carefully with our cockpit stencil and placard decals, they are pretty teeny! Looking forward to seeing this come together.
  7. Nice work, Matt. Really looks the part! Makes me want to jump into building mine! Glad you enjoyed building the kit. Roy
  8. Yay! Any word on workin that magic on some Tempie resin pit set parts Roy? Hi Brian. Not right now. I am up to my armpits in new sets I'm about to release for the Tamiya 1/32nd Corsair, which by weight of possible sales, wins handily! Announcements coming very soon. Roy
  9. Hi Matt. Looking really good. Good to see that the kit builds up reasonably quickly (for a short run kit). I was involved in the development of this kit, so I take a personal interest in seeing it coming together. Just as a heads up, Barracuda Studios will be releasing some really nice resin 1/32 Tempest wheels soon. These are a big improvement accuracy and detail wise over the kit wheels. Watch for announcements later this week! Happy modelling! Roy
  10. Hi Andy and fellow Tempest enthusiasts. You might want to put those kit wheels back in the box! I have some new Tempest wheels coming soon which are a huge improvement in both accuracy (the kit wheels are fat, and a little mis-proportioned) and detail (just wait til you see them!). Expect an announcement later this week with photos of the parts in resin. Happy modelling! Roy BTW, looking good so far! Looking forward to seeing it finished up.
  11. Hi Chuck. Just stumbled upon your finished Mustang here. Beautiful work! You got those removable engine panels to fit quite well. A nice change of pace scheme, too. If you don't mind, could you contact me off board at: Barracudacomments@gmail.com Thanks. Roy
  12. Hi Jeff. Wow, that is really superb! Love the photography as well. First time I've seen our new 262 wheels painted up, and what a stellar job you did with them. I'd like to see a step by step tutorial of how you painted them. Glad the wheels added to your enjoyment of the build. Happy modelling! Roy
  13. You beat me to it! LOL Postage is at pretty much at cost, somewhere around 8-10 dollars for overseas. We actually absorb a little of the shipping costs to keep it affordable. Roy
  14. OK, the wait is over. :-) New stuff is up for viewing and preorder. http://barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BR32062&cat=33 http://barracudacals.com/proddetail.php?prod=BR32063&cat=33 Happy modelling! Roy
  15. It seems like the one set might be just in time! The other one is probably too late, but no matter. More new 32nd scale resin is coming soon! Looking forward to seeing your Lightning corrections. Looks like another big job ahead. Too bad they didn't just copy the beautiful Airfix Lightnings in 48th scale. Roy
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