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Everything posted by AndersN

  1. Lucky you, up here the B-25 and Do 335 are €250
  2. Yes, of course! Numbers confused me, you are correct, thanks
  3. My guess is that the hat was painted on the four first A (photos of three different hats in Classic Ju 87 book) but perhaps not the fifth? Yeah lots of interesting aircraft involved in the scw! Cheers
  4. Never seen that before...hehe why not light grey is it? Both sides facing left, or? Dimensions of the roundel? CR.32 is the one Silver Wings kit I don't have :/ The Ju 87A kit is next on my shopping list... I'll check what I have (and don't have.) Thanks.
  5. Ouch...this will be my first WNW kit...can't resist a small Hansa-Brandenburg!
  6. Ju 87A...I might do a (very) small batch screen printed ordinary decals if noone gets there before me...don't know if or when I might find the time and energy to do it though... And of course I'll have to buy the kit first
  7. Glen, I read somewhere that you learned something from the T-6 kit? Then what is this, or is the Harvard fuselage and canopy now tooled and included? If it is I'll buy a dozen! Thing is, I notice there is a Swediish option included...only one small problem, that's a Harvard not a Texan...
  8. OK getting back to the original question I bought mine directly from Fly. Free shipping....
  9. Because there's no swastika on it? Seriously..I'd love a French -5
  10. Pre-order placed! I believe it's the white disc behind the spinner that makes it look small?
  11. Yes. I hope there's cutouts in the rear fuselage... Very happy with this anyway
  12. Jens Dreyer makes a vac XIX canopy for the PCM XIV http://www.ipmsstockholm.se/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1475&hilit=spitfire+canopy If you want to make it Swedish http://www.rbdstudio.se/En.html Cheers Anders edit Perhaps not 100% but nothing your favourite floor polish won't cure...
  13. New T-6? Repop or new tooling?
  14. Lol.. We did the same with J 29 Tunnan... http://aeroscale.kitmaker.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=features&file=view&artid=4854 Cheers
  15. You can't really tell by the upper view I made, but this is in fact a RF-101B, based at F 21 Luleå, used for recon missions over northern russia.
  16. Sure...if there was a (not vac) kit to make this...
  17. It's available from the publisher www.japo.eu (signed for postage from Czech is €17) but there is only one page and a profile devoted to the Ar 234B-2N with two pictures of the Naxos unit. A few pages about the two Ar 234C-3 and 130 pages Me 262.
  18. Lovely! Legion Condor markings
  19. Remeber that there is no such thing as a perfect book... here is what made me buy the Recognition Manual ten years ago http://www.lwag.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2677 Cheers
  20. 109F Ace Maker is nothing but a reprint of the two Kagero Bf 109F monographs with a few new (smaller) profiles. Recommended only if you don't have the previous volumes. Covers development, unit history, 1/48 and 1/32 scale plans, aircraft manual pictures and plenty of photos. 109 Recognition Manual...100% technical stuff and photos. Lists production versions, rüstsätze/umbau variants, weapons and equipment. Ju 88 part one. I quote the cover "Development - Production - Technical History." Also covers Ju 188, 288 and 388. No idea if the 109 Recognition Manual is available, but the other two are. Can't help with the Spitfire book.
  21. What's missing? Well, we have no 1/32 Saabs.. Anders
  22. Very nice! Makes it a bit easier to make the french two seater (B canopy without the blisters) Oh wait, I just had an idea why don't they include these two small parts as well
  23. Oops.. I had no idea... Well, I'm glad I did pre-order it then
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