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Chance-Vought XF5U-1 'Flying Pancake'


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HEEEEEY, Everybody!!!! :lol: Whelp, it's been a little over a week since I last posted, and I feel the strangely exciting urge to post some crappy pics! About time to take a break from my crusade to 'Save The Manatee'(and it's Philippine cousin the 'dugong') and post the latest news anyway. Hey, I'm DONE! Whoohoo!! :lol: I'm going to post the last in-progress pics here tonight, then post the finished Flapjack in that new gallery they got going on for finished builds.

I ended up stripping the paint off this lump TWICE with an acetone soaked rag, because of various chemical reactions and blunders. The first coat shown previously never really dried, and reacted with,....well everything I tried to put over it. I thought it was to dark anyway. :lol: Yeah, yeah, that's it,....too dark. heh heh.

Rather than gnashing my teeth, and gabbering on about sordid details and tales of woe....it's time to post some crappy progress pics.

Here's the pilot before a finishing wash to bring out all the rumples in his flight suit and other assorted what-nots.




My home-made 'Bugs Bunny squadron marking'. This was before the final lacquer semi-gloss coat.



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Hmmmm, can't see those mass balances too well in that shot, so here's one from the rear right after I had just sprayed the first coat of lacquer on. Looks kinda wavy in this light, but it settled down nicely when drying. We've ben having 'sand-storm' conditions on the coast here the last few days, and I needed something that would dry like RIGHT NOW so I wouldn't get dust on this thing.




Different view from the front during final clear-coating. This is the last pic I'm going to show before posting in the final gallery, so no images of this all put together and finished yet. I want to take the time to take the final pics in daylight. It's hard to get images of this semi-glossy dark blue thing in any other kind of light! Looks pretty cool all finished up, and I can't wait to share pics of what it looks like completed. This build progressed from a 'geometric flatuation', to a waffle, to a lump, to a dung-beetle, to a pancake, to completion. Took me about 3 months total building time with all the pauses (that's a LIFETIME for a Russ-build! :lol: ) and required vacuforming and resin-casting. All good fun! Hope everybody enjoyed following along as much as I did building it? I'm ready to dilly-dalley around with something else now, so this thread is now history. Final pics coming soon to the 'Ready For Inspection Gallery'.





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