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Something Different! F4U-1A Diorama


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After my two FW190 builds have stalled and a slight loss of motivation, I figured something different and quite unique would pique my interest again. A guy has asked me to build him a Tamiya F4U but in a completely different setting, and put in a glass display case.


So, i'm 8/10ths of the way thru finishing a Tamiya F4U-1D kit (No decals, all markings masked and sprayed, I figured that I would do something completely different with my Tamiya F4U-1A. A diorama.

I searched the web for ideas and ive been doing lots of research and come up with an idea, I can't share it right now as it may change slightly throughout the build process.


Now I have the kit on the bench, with the finishing of the '1D', and everything so far has been primed and ready.

I'll be using the following items:


Eduard Brassin P&W 2800 Engine

Eduard Exterior set

Grey Matter Figures Forward Accesory Bay

Yahu Instrumant Panel

HGW Fabric Belts

HGW Cockpit Stencils

1 Man Army Stencil Paint Masks


I dont have a scheme in mind yet, Actually I don't really need a scheme for this diorama idea, the only idea I have so far for it is that it will be done as an aircraft from mid 1943 whereby the national insignia had the Red surrounds to them. So i've already cut the paint masks for the insignia on my cutter as I just dont do decals where I can help it!


Here's where I am with it so far:


Corsair 1


Corsair 2



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Well, two days later, and here's where I am with it so far!

I need to keep this looking 'like new' for the diorama, so I'm keeping the washes and weathering to the very minimum.

You may also notice that I like the 'Spanish Style' of detail painting, with the highlights on ribs, etc.

And yes, I know the 'Wiring/Tubing' in the cockpit is not 100% accurate, but it's there just to show 'Something'.




















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