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Me109 E-1 Arno Zimmermann 7./JG54


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thx for that Matt - i might experiment later on next week with that (friends over from Czech tomorrow, so no modelling for a while)


anyway, update time:


more cockpit stuff done, and mostly fiddly but simple enough if you are patient :rolleyes:


a little cutting...



a little folding...(if you do not posess one of these little fold tools you do not know what you are missing)



and voila...



one of my cats (Spitfire) didn't seem too interested, but kept me company nonetheless...


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does anyone know how many pics i can upload in 1 post???




adding some more bits - no idea how visible they will be, and i'm not working from plans or anything, just a hotch-potch of photos i've found...






a quick test fit...





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i chopped the oxygen holey thingy down to size, per advice i've seen on Arc and (sshhh don't say it ) Hyperscale




Spitfire asking for food...




and back to the modelling!!!


the seat seemed to be sitting too high, so i had to sand down a couple of "ridges" (if anyone is doing this build and wants part numbers etc of problem buts let me know)


here it def looks wrong:



so some sanding...



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PE and brass rod combo...




the other panel finished...




and one last test fit (it was bloody tight!!!) - i attached the double wheel thingy to the cockpit wall, not to the gizmo on the floor ie i did not follow kit instructions here, as i was doubtful of fit


anyway, seems to look ok:




that's all for now


hope you like it



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Very nice work Nick! All those details are really coming together.


does anyone know how many pics i can upload in 1 post???


If you're uploading directly to LSP, the per-post limit is 100KB, so you can put in as many as you like, as long as the total file size doesn't exceed that figure. If you're linking your images from somewhere else, there shouldn't be any limit at all.



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thx for your comments both


Kevin: i was linking direct from Photobucket and i tried to do the whole lot in 1 post and it blew a fuse!!


not a prob though, as i know for next time and will break it up accorindingly


right, off to watch some tv!!!



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Great work nice details lovely cat show's the same intrest in modeling work like mine cats.

I use patex super strong glue it is flexibel and when dry you can cut a way the glue that is too much.

If i use super glue I take a little rod 1.mm and dip it in the bottle and use that to get it in little place's



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ok, update time...i did this stuff a week ago but have been away for a bit so haven't had the chance to do the upload etc etc


this pic enables you to see the "chopped down" oxygen regulator a bit better (although i took the picture from the wrong side by mistake :lol: )




and the cockpit walls glued into the fuselage...



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i then got round to looking at the chin and radiator etc


i read on fank crenshaw's arc build there were problems here


the fuselage seems to go together ok without it (i cannot recommend the clamps highly enough btw):




i filed the ridge of the sub assembly off to make placement a bit easier in the chin "basin" - the are grooves on the fuselage side which still enable correct alignment




and the sub assembly was ready for test fit




and it seemed to go in ok




however the front of the fuselage opening for the sub assembly should have straight sides on the inside, but the kit part (the fuselage half itself) is curved

so i built the sides up with a bit of sheet styrene, sanded them then added some liquid putty and repeated the process


not sure the pic shows it, but this simple solution should make things a bit more realistic:



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Hi there,


The PE looks great. You're doing a lovely job and all painted up it will look amazing.


If you do decide to use CA for gluing PE you could try using a clean 'endodontic K File'. You local dentist should have some used number 10 or 15's which he/she can sling your way. You can deposit quite small amounts this way. Tip courtesy of Jeff Herne.


Cheers Matty

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  • 2 weeks later...


after a week of not being able to do anything because of work commitments, i finally managed to get some stuff done today


first up, Spitfire had to move to make way for Messerschmitt!




here is another couple of shots of the thin fillets i put in the nose to make the intake / cooler area look a little better once everything is closed up:








i then got on to painting the cockpit interior...detail work after going to the gym and doing weights is not great - my hands were shaking - but i tired to combine realistic colours with adding a little "life" to what looked a little drab.

surprisingly, i cannot find a comprehensive colour call out for all the cockpit bits (or indeed decent pics in the first place); if anyone has one, it would be useful for future builds.

anyway, first the paint...




the dry brushing was with Tamiya - looks a bit mad in the photo but not too bad in reality





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