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Everything posted by 1to1scale

  1. A little progress, I started painting all the service gray components, closed up the fuselage, and filled in any minor gaps with acrylic putty, smoothed the seams over with a cotton bud and thinner. I will mask the upper cowl and throw on a second coat of gray. Next is the wing painting, masking, and shading. There really are not many parts left to fit.
  2. Has anyone received their Jeannin Stahltaube (1914) yet? I preordered mine from Wingnut back in mid September, they have not shipped yet. I am now seeing Spruebrothers have these in stock.
  3. Another kit that might be a good one...Fokker E.I, E.II, E.III. This kit does have rigging, but there is minimal wood grain painting, no struts to deal with, simple construction, simple but colorful painting, and a lower parts count. The rigging is simple and out in the open, looks pretty simple.
  4. I would have to say that the Snipe is definitely a very high tolerance kit, you will need to paint fit, and scrape, double and triple check everything before you glue anything. Also, a lot of faux wood painting. I would suspect the camel is very similar. There are a few kits that require less rigging, or less wood painting, but I suggest just starting with a single seater kit that captures your attention, something you want to build. If you have built other kits, then you will be perfectly fine.
  5. I should add that with as little as you see into the tiny cockpit holes, you could just do a "woodish" color, or use wood decals on larger sections. I plan to try a build using decals instead of painting.
  6. Most everyone is using oil paints on Tamiya paint, we are basically painting the grain on.
  7. unfortunately, this week, my iPhone died, both printers dead, my work laptop is fried, so my camera is my iPhone, and I need to wait for a warranty replacement. I have had a very bad week with electronics. When I finally get my replacement, I'll take some pictures.
  8. Well, it's been a few weeks since I touched this, but I wanted to clean up and reorganize my work area. I also wanted to complete my BF-109G6. I have also been selling off two-thirds of my 1/72 stash and some old car kits I will never touch. I also whipped together my Meng Whippet while I was at home with an injured back last week. But now I am back on the Snipe. I did a little work this past weekend doing a lot of scut work, I drilled out rigging holes, did some final detail painting, sanded the cockpit assy for a better fit, and finally glued the fuselage all together, it was a little more work getting the fuselage together than I anticipated. But, finally, its one big chunk now. More updates to come.
  9. So I was in bed last night...I couldn't wait. I got up and started the chipping process. Went ok, not perfect, and I leaned a few things for the frank build. Luckily, on armor, you can throw some mud and weathering on top to cover up the spots I over did it.
  10. I finished all the little hooks, guns, and dangly bits today, then started paint using Badger Stynylrez primer and the AK Olive drab modulation set. Primer Rust under coat, with Vallejo chipping fluid. Shadow base coat Base color Highlight Final highlight Color unit insignia
  11. I don't normally build armor, but I came across this kit online and I was captivated. Let me say this, Meng is on-par, if not better than Tamiya. This kit went together withouth any issues, any it did have, was builder induced. I got this kit yesterday, today I figured I would just start cutting track prices off the sprues since there are 144 of them, each with three attachment point, yes I snipped plastic 432 times on the tracks alone. Now let's talk about idler wheels, there are a lot, so I kept snipping, each idler is two pieces. Next I kept going, each track is a modest 68 links, so I made up 4 lengths of 34 each, relatively easy, I ended up breaking 3 pins, but they include several extra links. I figured keeping them short makes it easier to airbrush. Next I kept going and decided to build all the idler pairs, went pretty quick and I divided the three different types into mixing cups. I then loaded them up in the back plates I finished assembling each side, all of the nice inside detail, including chains and sprockets completely disappears. I didn't bother doing any detail painting, because after the tracks go on, it's all hidden. I next assembled the crew compartment, it's comprised of about 20 pieces, I went slightly out of order so I could help use the roof pieces to alight the sides. There are a few small gaps I need to fill with acrylic putty, but I blame me using Tamiya thin instead of a slower drying glue. I finished up the fuel tank and some extra pieces, and it's time to paint, I left off the j-hooks off the side plates and few other parts like machine guns, tools, and mufflers, but that's it, took me all of 5 hours from start to finish.
  12. Nice, I just completed mine, you looks great!
  13. Per another site.. Starting in mid-1944, the TBM-3 began production (with a more powerful powerplant and wing hardpoints for drop tanks and rockets). So, my guess is that the wings and cowling are different between the two, and you probably get rockets and tanks. The Instrument panel, prop, and the pilot's armor plate should be different too.
  14. I don't have any LSP on my shelf or doom, could I enter some 1/72 kits I have had hanging around? they are partially completed and collecting dust.
  15. I used Vallejo acrylic to paint mine, no issues.
  16. I like flory grime and concrete washes. The nice thing about the water wash is that if you don't like it, wash it off.
  17. I am asking if there a new Group Build coming up because I didn't qualify for either of the current two. I don't have any post WWII airplanes, and I don't have anything bigger than 1/72 on my shelf of doom. I actually have about 5 or 6 1/72 scale kits on the shelf of doom, and I'm pretty sure I read that 1/72 is not an option on that build. So, no group build for me. SO...any clues on the next Group build?
  18. My prediction came true, I just noticed in the photos that my pitot tube has snapped off and has gone missing. Sigh...
  19. Alright! Alright! Alright! I did it, my first fully finished LSP! I had a couple hours Saturday and an hour tonight and fully finished Mr Gustav! Took a few pictures and locked him in my display cabinet. When I get some time, and some poster board, I will take it outside for better pictures. There were some things I am pleased with, like the paint and weathering, however, the paint chipping was poorly executed. I tried the sponge technique, but it didn't come out very well. I have some ideas as what not to do next time. Another thing was I didn't research the right options for this plane and ended up with a wrong canopy and antenna, but I now know better. I learned to question whether a panel line should be there or not, a big boo to Revell for imaginary panel lines and very weak landing gear. But thumbs up to them for good fit and easy assembly. My goal was to learn a new teqnique with each build. And while I learned how to do mottling, I also learned how not to do chipping. Mission accomplished, this whole build cost me $22 for the kit, $11 for montex masks, $6 for the quick boost barrels, and $4 for the belts. Not bad, not fully OTB, but close.
  20. I think you could build a revell new tool kit easily if you just want to do a fun build. BUT....try to do a BANDAI Star Wars kit, try maybe their storm trooper, Tie fighter, X-wing. They go together so well, its actually relaxing, no glue, no paint, just a hobby knife and sprue cutters. These are what got me back into the hobby after 25 years away.
  21. Yesterday I spent way too much time doing decals, 45 or so tiny stencils will drive you blind and crazy, I cant even imagine you nutbags that do modern jets that have hundreds of them. Frustratingly, 2/3 of them are not even visible on the dark camo. As predicted, more carnage happened while doing decals, I managed to break off both lower wing flaps, and knock of the elevators loose too. And if that was not enough, I also put a nice scratch in the cowling and rear fuselage. For some unknown reason, the port landing gear is so loose, it wont even hold itself in by itself, i might have to add some plastic shims to get it to hold long enough for the glue to set. I had originally thought about gluing the landing gear in prior to paining, but I surely would have broken it before i was done. I might have to break out the thick CA and accelerator to get them to set. Hopefully I will get this cursed build finished with a flat coat and some weathering this weekend, before another disaster strikes.
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