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Spanish Starfighter

Antonio Argudo

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8 hours ago, chuck540z3 said:

Really nice start Antonio and if you haven't got it already, I highly recommend the ResKit engine and nozzle set.  It is night and day better than the kit nozzle and it fits the kit parts very well- with the usual kit vs resin adjustments!




Thank you Chuck,  glad to see you over here, hope you'll help me with your knowledge and experience on this aircraft/kit :),  you are correct, I'm sure the Reskit beats the kit's quality engine and nozzle! although I'm going on a different path for that part of the kit ;) if anyone has pictures showing details of the nozzle cover will be more than welcome!





Edited by Antonio Argudo
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10 hours ago, Shujaa said:

Looking good Antonio.

Maybe a nice addition to Your After Market goodies, a nice set of 1/32 stencil-data :







Kind regards,



thanks Rudy, Iam served for the moment, have x2 stencils already for this kit, cheers


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That’s my Tony dude, not starting with the right kit, but instead of going the easy way and swapping boxes, just spit in his hands and start making the right version out of this one.

Congrats mate, that tail is looking better than on the G sprues 

Keep chasing the stars, that’s gonna be marvellous.


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2 hours ago, MDuv said:

That’s my Tony dude, not starting with the right kit, but instead of going the easy way and swapping boxes, just spit in his hands and start making the right version out of this one.

Congrats mate, that tail is looking better than on the G sprues 

Keep chasing the stars, that’s gonna be marvellous.


 Thanks bro, haha yes, had to paid my ignorant mistake with some old fashion modelling techniques like plastic and putty to convert it in the right version,  yeah chasing the stars, sky's the limit! :lol:

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well, these days have been more and more sanding, trimming and dry fit for the resins, otherwise the fuselage halves do not close properly, it is getting very heavy and I think some tubing will be necessary for the front strut gear or it will collapse probably! the aires wonderful cockpit knobs and panel details had to be sacrificed for the exquisite Quinta  set, I also fabricated  a stand for her with high-tech materials and design, hoping some work and paint on the next update finally, cheers








Edited by Antonio Argudo
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