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Airscale PRO 3D32 FOLD 1/32 TBD-1 Devastator Wing Fold Set


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Looks like this is going to be useful!


A couple of notes on the ribs:


On the fixed center section (the "stub wing") the lightening holes were backed by waterproofed fabric; the fabric was painted the same as the adjacent metal structure.


The moving section of the wing was also sealed by waterproofed fabric, but the fabric was on the outside.  It could be detatched on one side and rolled up for access to the wing, but if it was, the lightening holes should be drilled out.


I know the photo shows only a test fitting, so make sure the folded wing lie flatter on your completed model.


I'm already interested in this and the cockpit set, and I haven't even purchased the model yet!






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