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Spitfire Mk.I/II

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My my, what a long time it's been since I've done anything on this, or posted!


The clock's ticking now, and I have a month to finish this before we move house and relocate back to the UK, so expect to see a flurry of activity now to finish this, and then nothing for a year!


The dark earth has gone on, and the prop has been sprayed black. I'll be masking it off this week, and then on with the green.


Looking at it again, it seems patchy in places and there are some parts that need going over again (I was using a very thinned out mix to enable me to spray in the 35 plus degree heat we have here).




The canopies are masked and ready for the interior green then dark green, and then once that's done, the rest should fall into place quite quickly (at least that's the plan).





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Nice to see you back at this one Nick. Looks like it's coming along nicely too. Why so long to relocate? A year seems an awful long time to be 'in transition', as it were.




Oh God, tell me about it!


Work in Dubai has gone down the pan due to the recession. I'm a freelance photographer and my wife freelances as a writer, and it's been very tough.


We're in the middle of the summer, and there's very little work, so we decided to leave and go back to the UK.


We're moving out of our house at the beginning of September, and most of our stuff will then get shipped home.


We'll then move in with her parents here, until at least January, when we can send the dogs home (they started their at home rabies quarantine and can thus avoid UK quarantine), and then maybe stay on a few months more to try and stash as much money as we can before we finally leave Dubai in April.


We then move into my folks place in the UK to get settled and look for a house, so I have no idea when I'll get to do any plastic tickling after the boxes go off in a month.


A very long winded answer, to a very long winded move!



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  • 1 month later...
Ah, welcome back Nick! Looks an excellent paint job mate. How's the move progressing?




Cheers Kev.


Sitting in a house full of boxes as we speak!


Moving some stuff to the in-laws this weekend, then the packers come in and pack up/ship to the UK what we want to keep.


Following that, I do a huge house clearance sale for all the stuff we don't want, and then settle into the outlaws.


Hates moving we does!

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Cheers guys.


With decals and a coat of Klear.




Very, very annoyed about the ridge through the port roundel (too much spray against the masking tape) which I only really noticed after the roundel was on. The snuggling down effect of Klear makes it much worse, and I ain't taking it off and re-doing it.


Oh well. The guy I'm making it for is a pisshead so he won't notice.





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Cheers Kev.


It bugs me to look at though, so I think I'll sand the ridge down (have to go through a coat of Future, then the decal then the ridge line) and touch it up with paint.


It's for a comissioned build, so I can't let it go out as is.






Nick, rather than sanding, it might be worth trying to slice the ridge down with a razor or scalpel blade. It might help minimise damage to the surrounding area.



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