RandyB Posted May 11, 2007 Posted May 11, 2007 Hey Folks- It's always necessary to establish some ground rules and points of etiquette so that we avoid problems before they happen. Please read these rules and keep them in mind when posting. The LSP Staff are committed to establishing a modeling community where manufacturers, distributors, modelers and enthusiasts are all welcome and feel comfortable contributing. As such, the LSP staff reserve the right to delete or edit offensive posts without time consuming explanations and notification. We expect polite and civil discourse even if you disagree with someone. MEMBER CONTENT LSP is a philanthropic website and considers member content to be owned by the member with all rights reserved. All trademarks and copyrights are held by respective members. However, there is an expectation that by choosing to post on LSP's forums, members make the choice to cede their content to the LSP community. Whilst LSP itself does not make any exclusive claims of ownership, staff retain discretion over requests by members to remove their content. The necessity for this discretion reflects the unfair, unsanctioned collateral damage that can occur to the content of other forum members due to technical limitations of the forum software. The limitations of the software on content removal during account or thread deletion is hopefully only temporary. This structural limitation has been brought to the attention of the software developers in an effort to seek a solution. PROMOTION OF OTHER SITES OR ACTIVITIES LSP does not exist as an avenue for the disingenuous promotion of other websites. We do not permit links or embedded videos as referrals to external monetisable sites for model builds, review and model unboxing content. The occasional link to general modelling, non-modelling activities elsewhere as a reference point within a LSP forum conversation is certainly not discouraged. However, inserting those links ostensibly as a means of channel self-promotion, business advertising or monetisation, can be removed at the discretion of staff without the expectation of member dissent. LSP does not discourage vendors or manufacturers from posting their own in-house video content or links which is pertinent to modelling in general or our LSP niche. We encourage connections and collaboration between members and industry via the LSP Discussion or the Vendors forums. Content posted by LSP website sponsors is considered on a case by case basis. PHOTOS While LSP actively encourages and supports individuals adding photos to various subjects for illustrative purposes, we moderate and remove excessive duplication of those images while quoting posts. Please reduce redundant photo duplication when replying via the quote function to speed page loading. OFFENSIVE POSTS/THREADS Posts or threads that are offensive include those that are meant to be insulting, threatening, or those which are obviously 'trolls'. These will be deleted by the LSP Staff at our discretion. Examples are: outright personal attacks, flame wars, posts that are 'intended' to incite or upset others, politics, religion and other topics considered not in the interests of our membership by the staff. Whilst we all enjoy the LSP forums being polite and peaceful we do relish debates on a range of hot topics. We are committed to ensuring all members that are behaving reasonably and politely are able to offer their opinion. We are only ever likely to intervene when those hot debates devolve into ad hominen attacks or replies we deems are masquerading as insults. LSP is not the place for the denigration of model kits or the people/companies who made them but we have no issues with members offering a critique of any model kit or product. Making the effort to offer constructive criticism is not only helpful, insightful, it also creates less complaints. Criticism works best on LSP when it is intended to be constructive and helpful but if a member declines or specifically requests they not be offered critical feedback then don't persist regardless. POLITICAL OR RELIGIOUS POSTS AND STATEMENTS LSP's focus is modelling and modelling related discussion in a peaceful, respectful and inclusive environment where anyone is welcome. We do not permit posts, signatures, avatars or topics that are outright or ostensibly political, religious, insulting or salacious in nature. Staff reserve the right to remove or edit posts that they deem non-compliant without having to justify or explain their intervention. Participation on the site is contingent on accepting these conditions. LSP AND WORLD EVENTS LSP is a community of modelers with similar interests and many of us have made friends here. Discussions about our personal adventures and experiences are welcome and encouraged. LSP staff strongly discourages the posting of negative world news events, particularly those involving violence and tragedy. Staff reserve the right to delete or edit such content. The pruning of lapsed content in some forums constitutes normal site management and maintenance. DUPLICATE POSTS LSP doesn't allow posting duplicate threads in multiple places in our forums. If this happens, staff will remove duplicate threads but leave the original in the appropriate forum. REPORTING A POST To report an offensive post to the LSP Staff, please use the 'Report This Post' link to advise the staff and outline to us why you found the post offensive. Please resist the temptation to reply to posts that irritate you. Replying with an adversarial or irritated tone always makes things worse. You can be reassured that your complaint will be considered with both an open mind and in the context of the entire LSP community. We don't intervene where we regard a member has been intolerant, overly sensitive or has a biased interpretations of the offending comments intent. Mostly, we expect LSP members to self-moderate their tone and content to avoid being offensive. BANNING MEMBERS We only ever ban members when their disruption is repeated, egregious and it is in the best interests of the LSP membership. Bans can be temporary or permanent. Members who repeatedly ignore staff directions and cause disruption can expect to have all of their content moderated. Members that ignore the moderation directions of the LSP staff, threaten or harass other members either in posts or via Email and PM or in other serious cases which the staff consider are appropriate can be banned. We have the ability to ban members, both by username, IP address, or domain wildcards. NEW MEMBERS As a spam-prevention measure, all new members are subject to a short moderation period, during which their posts will need to be approved by a moderator. The moderation period is based on approved post count, and allows us to weed out the spammers before their posts even become public. You will know when you have served out your moderation period by looking at the member group in your profile (or under your avatar in any of your posts), which will have changed from Members to LSP_Members. Please note that the Traders Board will not be visible to new members until the moderation period has been served. Posting sale ads or parts requests in other areas of the forums as a substitute is not acceptable, and these posts will NOT be approved. THE MODERATING TEAM If you have any questions regarding the forums, moderation, administration please contact any of the staff. If you have specific technical questions or problems we'll do whatever we can to help you out. We hope that everyone will enjoy the forums, and we remind you that continued participation in the forums is assured if you adhere to the basic rules of etiquette when posting. In the process of dealing with material or posts which are regarded as breaching the rules of the road, members must follow the directions of the staff. Lack of prompt action by a member will result in further active intervention by the staff and potentially a restriction of member privileges. Members are welcome to discuss the management of their material or posts with staff in a private fashion (i.e. via emails, PM's but not in the public forums or via other members as proxies). All staff decisions are final. Note: These rules are subject to change as individual or novel situations require. Updated 13Jun22 via LSP Staff Happy Posting! sturmovik and Bill Cross 2
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