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Found 23 results

  1. Hi all, I've been chomping at the bit to get my hands on the new kit from HobbyBoss - and have splurged out for two of the beasts; one to do an RAF Coastal Command Liberator Mk.VI (which will be the subject of this thread) and the second to convert to a Privateer. The Coastal Command bird will be my entry into the Multi-Engine Group Build starting Jan 1st - and I'll move this thread over when the time comes. In the interim, with all the interest (and controversy) around this new release, and in parallel with writing up the review for LSP, I thought making a start on some of my planned fixes would be in order, and not debar it from entry in the Group Build. Some place-holder images for now... And that wing cross section that's caused so much comment - as said elsewhere I have a plan, which I think will work and, tomorrow, I'll post a comparison of the kit cross section with a 22% Davis B-24 type airfoil - watch this space! I'm hoping this thread will be like the one where I built/corrected the Revell He219 - with the LSP community chipping in with thoughts/ideas/reference material. All input appreciated - but no hyperbole please - keep everything constructive eh? Have fun! Iain
  2. my last built : this plane was part of the DELACHENAL patrol which was later named Patrouille De France
  3. This aircraft is made from the Hobbyboss kit and it was a nice enjoyable build, there was a few tricky areas where it needed re-riveting but nothing too serious. I did a bit of research and came across 'Silver 6' by accident and thought it slightly different with the half star on the rear fin, so i made up a set of masks for the aircraft Silver 6 which was flown by Snr.Lt. A.I.Borodin of 504. ShAP (74. GShAP – Guards Assault Aviation Regiment – from 18 March 1943), Stalingrad front, winter 1942/43. Painted with gunze and tamiya paints and weathered using Abteillung 502 oils 'Glamour shot to start with... All comments are welcome :-)
  4. Greetings all, This rather large box somehow appeared on my doorstep this week - how these things happen I shall never understand... I love the 8th Air Force and the B-17 and B-24 in particular, so decided to have a go at the recent HobbyBoss release of the B-24, or the 'crate the B-17 was delivered in' if you spoke a B-17 crew. Not very fair really, especially when you consider it could fly farther, faster and with a greater bombload than the Fort. The kit looks fairly simple in places as has been discussed at length elsewhere, but that's just what I'm after at the moment - something nice and straightforward but with an imposing end product. We shall see... Customary box shots: IMG_0197 by Thomas Probert, on Flickr IMG_0199 by Thomas Probert, on Flickr And progress so far... I thought I'd ignore the instructions and start with the main undercarriage bays. First up was a spraying of aluminium and a grey Flory wash to bring out some of the lovely detailing: IMG_0195 by Thomas Probert, on Flickr Following by it all slotting together rather nicely into a very sturdy box-structure: IMG_0200 by Thomas Probert, on Flickr IMG_0201 by Thomas Probert, on Flickr All that only took a couple of hours in total - lovely! Take care all, Tom
  5. I had a good selection for this GB, but decided to go with this as it hadnt featured yet. As per usual with me Ive gathered up a raft of AM and PE to boot. The box is stuffed full of plastic and she's going to be a big bird. Scheme wise gotta be a winter white wash I found the review on LSP so first job was to cover up the panels and rivets on the rear of the fuselage. Hobby Boss Il-2 Sturmovik on Skis | Large Scale Planes Gunze putty then a sand and all good. And started on the pit, replacing several plastic parts with PE. Aaron
  6. I'm embarrassed to admit just how long this one has taken - but there at last (I think!). It's one of those things where I keep finding more to add - but really have to call it quits at some point! https://www.largescaleplanes.com/reviews/review.php?rid=2170 My eyes are tired now - please shout if you spot anything awry!! Iain
  7. The Kingfisher’s wash is drying, all that remains is buff it up and mate all sub-assemblies. This got me thinking on what to do next: start on the Focke-Wulf Kanguru conversion, or beat the F-84G in to submission that has been sitting on the floor for ages. I decided to do the latter, so here goes. I don’t remember exactly why I lost interest, but a few thing come to mind. 1. I had lot’s of trouble to get this part to sit and stay put in the cockpit. It’s Eduard PE plus kit parts. It kept breaking off. I added fictions bracing plates to give it more stability. I just put it back in without glue and then I remembered: the windscreen will not fit when the part is installed. I will have to come up with a fix. Then there was this seam between the fuselage and the gun-cover. Sorted now. The cockpit looks okay with the Eduard parts. Still needs some wash and Matt-coat, and I have to install the hiney-parts. . I am open to suggestions on what colors to finish the F-84G in. There is an Iranian one that looks appealing in Asia Minor cammo, but I can’t find proof of operational use so I guess it’s out of the question.
  8. I can't promise frequent and fast updates 'cause I have few different models underway but as I said - I'm in This will be almost real-world build - or as you wish - very close to what-if There are two photos (that I know about) of P-61B with polish pilot. P-61B-10-NO, c/n:1173, 42-39654 Since 31.12.1946 in 425th NFS, but from 25.08.1947 r. in 317th NFS. From 07.01.1948 renamed for F-61B-10-NO. At the end of it's service was used by Tobin Aerial Mapping Company to creating aerial maps in San Antonio, Texas. Plane was emover from service on 14.07.1949 r. Data from Northrop's Night Hunter P-61 Black Widow, Jeff Kolln, Specialty Press 2009. So why almost what-if? Because I can't force myself to remove this beautiful turret with Brownings from Master But to be honest, are there any proofs that this plane with this markings never had turret? Never ever? Maybe "Blyskawica II" had it's turret a day before these photos were made ? I'll stick with this doubt and turret will be there , period
  9. What a kit! I just got the infamous YF-23 kit in 1/48 and although i could possibly start it after quite some time from now, i`m opening this thread now. I came across a few marvelous builds here and there, but could not managed to find the best build. So i`ll try to make the best one My vision is of a real F-23A conversion such as if it was the chosen plane in the 90`s. In brief, i`ll try to make the exact same outlook (painting/weathering) of a typical Raptor as of nowadays, but will also make all the corrections/edits/improvements that had to be implemented in the prototype version... once upon a time. ) I know about the yf-23.net site and most of my references are from there. Nonetheless - just a quick stroll through the HobbyBoss`s kit: And that`s it - just 2 sprues except the main surfaces and the clear parts. But the details are amazing in terms of quality. The occkpit is ginormous. I couldnt resist to testfit the main surfaces - they all are from 2 halves. What a plane! If i love the Raptor 9 out of 10, this Black Widow is 8.5 out of 10. (of cource my first place is still for the STOVL Lightning II). So i could deffinitely say that this is strictly one of my most faved planes. It`s huuuuge for this scale... just about the same as the Blackbid in 1/72: Thx for lookin! I`ll develop the build more thoroughly in ARC, but will update it here too, when/if i start building it... some day. This plane rocks. Just starring at it is making me feel .
  10. Today we review the Airscale B-24 Instrument Panel set. https://www.largescaleplanes.com/reviews/review.php?rid=2224 Have fun, Iain
  11. We take a look at the brass undercarriage insert set for the HobbyBoss B-24 kits from Aerocraft Models. Highly recommended to all B-24 builders! Have fun... Iain
  12. Spotted Ass Ape (front ship) This ship had extra external lights so might be a good excuse for some fibre-optix/leds. Am being assembled, B17 brassin wheels, B17 armament set, HGW fabric belts. DN model mask set just ordered
  13. Hey guys! New set out for Liberator builders. Click on the image to go directly to it.
  14. Needing to break out of my current rut - once I've finished the two-seat Spit - and a couple of other projects... What I have in mind is a conversion of the forthcoming HobbyBoss B-24J to a Privateer. Yes - I *know* it's a lot of work - and lots of scratch-building - but I've always liked the Privateer (I blame the Matchbox kit when I was a lot younger). As this will purely be for my enjoyment - rather than a magazine, or customer, build - I recon I can make some rapid progress and not worry about it too much. Having spent a lot of time looking into it I recon it's doable - but I want to take a run at it when the kits arrive and we start the multi-engine group build. With the aim of being able to hit the ground running I'm collecting as much reference material as possible - the biggest challenge is in finding all the detail info you need on something like this. Have two books on the way: Also found an e-book on Google: Have found some walk-round images here: https://www.net-maquettes.com/pictures/consolidated-pb4y-2-privateer/ Some useful images via Pinterest: https://pin.it/vn4j2x7neqrgup And there are copies of drawings kicking about: https://www.google.com/search?q=consolidated+privateer+drawings&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiA_tnt7_HdAhWGNcAKHX_gBO8QsAR6BAgFEAE&biw=1440&bih=768 Also found someone on Ebay that's selling CDs of some of the tech docs. I *really* fancy doing one of these - Aeronaval Indochina: OK - so possibly a mad project I'll never finish - but feeling really positive about this one... So - on lookout/leads to any/more info on the Privateer - gaps I really need to fill at the mo: Any dimensional details - fuselage, cowlings and tail - pref from Consolidated drawings/station dimensions Detail shots of cowlings/nacelles and the lumps and bumps around the nose Anything else that might be useful! Generally - any Privateer info gratefully received! Anyone up for having a go too - and sharing info/mouldings? Iain
  15. New set out today: Luftwaffe Liberators in 32nd scale. Three options included. This should be a lot of fan for Luftwaffe fans. At least we hope so.
  16. New mask set is out today. Includes all the versions included in the decal sheet provided from Hobby Boss OOB. Available at www.dnmodels.com Be sure to share on Facebook and other sources that might be interested in the 32nd scale Liberator J. Enjoy!
  17. This is my Spitfire Vb built from the Hobbyboss kit, I know many complain about it for a few reasons, but to me it looks like a Spitfire...…...and that's good enough for me lol! Its was built out of the box and MRP paints were used. Hope you like it, but here is a bit about the man in the machine first. Squadron Leader 'Buck' Casson, who has died aged 88, escaped from France in May 1940 to fly Spitfires over south-eastern England during the Battle of Britain; later he was a flight commander in Wing Commander Douglas Bader's "Tangmere Wing" before being shot down over northern France in August 1941. Casson was one of the original three trainee pilots to join the newly formed 616 (South Yorkshire) Auxiliary Air Force Squadron at Doncaster in early 1939. Training at weekends and during the annual summer camps, he qualified as a pilot in early 1940 before being sent to France as a reinforcement to 501 Squadron. But, before he could join them, the train on which he was travelling was bombed outside Amiens and he lost all his belongings. Casson managed to escape by boat back to England from Cherbourg. After a brief spell flying Hurricanes with 79 Squadron at Biggin Hill, he rejoined 616 at Leconfield, Yorkshire, just as the Battle of Britain gathered momentum. At lunchtime on August 15, the fighter squadrons based in north-east England were scrambled to face the Luftwaffe's most concentrated attack against industrial targets in Scotland and the north of England. Casson flew one of the 12 Spitfires which met the enemy as they crossed the Yorkshire coast. Within minutes, 616 Squadron had accounted for six of the unescorted bombers, with similar results achieved by other northern-based squadrons. A few days later, 616 flew south to Kenley where the squadron was involved in some of the fiercest fighting of the battle as part of Air Vice-Marshal Keith Park's No 11 Group. Once 616 became fully operational again in early 1941, it was transferred and came under the command of the new Wing Leader, the legless pilot Douglas Bader, at Tangmere. The squadron boasted a glittering array of outstanding pilots, including "Johnnie" Johnson and "Cocky" Dundas. With his steadying and mature influence, allied to the experience gained during the hectic summer days of 1940, Casson became a section leader. On May 5, he shared in the destruction of a Junkers 88, but was hit by return fire, and was forced to bale out over Chichester harbour. On August 9, the "Bader" Wing took off for another sweep over France. During a hectic fight in which German fighters surprised them from above, Bader was shot down, and the Wing was forced to scatter. Casson had accounted for an Me 109 when he went to the aid of a lone Spitfire, but before he could join up he was engaged by a German fighter. Cannon shells damaged his aircraft's engine, forcing him to crash near St Omer, where he was captured. Shortly after his arrival at Stalag Luft III at Sagan, it was announced that Casson had been awarded the DFC. (The Telegraph)
  18. This is my Spitfire Vb built from the Hobbyboss kit, I know many complain about it for a few reasons, but to me it looks like a Spitfire...…...and that's good enough for me lol! Its was built out of the box and MRP paints were used. Hope you like it, but here is a bit about the man in the machine first. The son of Polish-born Swiss parents, Zumbach was registered as a Swiss citizen and hid his nationality in order to join the Polish army in 1934. He served as an infantryman until 1936 when he transferred to the Polish Air Force. After graduating from flying training in 1938 he was posted to 111 Eskadra Mysliwska. Zumbach did not fly during the German invasion of Poland due to a broken leg as a result of a flying accident during the summer of 1939. He returned to his unit only to be evacuated to France via Romania. While in France, Zumbach flew the Morane 406 and Curtiss Hawk 75 with GCII/55. On 10 June, he was one of several pilots shot down by Bf 109s, but escaped unscathed. On 18 June 1940, he traveled to England by boat and on 2 August was posted as one of the founding members of the newly formed No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron. During the Battle of Britain, Zumbach scored eight confirmed kills and one probable, mostly against Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters. Zumbach was shot down by a JG 3 Bf 109 over Dover on 9 May 1941 when returning from a mission, but he was able to bail out unharmed. Zumbach became one of the first Allied pilots to engage in combat with the German Focke-Wulf Fw 190 when he damaged, and in return, his aircraft was damaged by a "single radial-engined fighter" on 13 October 1941. In December 1941, Zumbach was posted to 58 OTU, and in March 1942 returned to 303 Sqn as a flight commander. In May, he was promoted to Squadron Leader and took command of the squadron, a post Zumbach held from 19 May 1942 until 30 November 1943 During this period, Zumbach flew three Supermarine Spitfire VBs, carrying the serial numbers BM144, EP594 and EN951. All these aircraft carried the same code, RF-D, ("RF" being the squadron code for 303 Sqn) and "D" being the individual aircraft code. All three aircraft carried a cartoon of Donald Duck on the port side of the fuselage, slightly forward of the cockpit. Zumbach's victory tally was marked with German crosses under the cockpit on the port side; confirmed kills were outlined in white, probable kills in red, and damaged aircraft with no outline. After handing over command of 303 Sqn to Sqn Ldr Bieńkowski, Zumbach spent a year in staff appointments, including the Polish Air Force Staff College. He returned to flying duties as the commander of the 2nd Polish Air Wing, No 133 Wing. On 25 September 1944, he scored his final victory of the war, a probable kill over a JG 26 Fw 190 over Arnhem. On 30 January 1945, Zumbach was posted to HQ, No. 84 Group. While flying an Auster that was used to visit units under the Group's command, he made a navigational error and ran out of fuel. He force-landed in enemy territory and spent the final month of the war as a prisoner of war. Zumbach's final victory tally was 12 (and 2 shared) confirmed kills, five probables and one damaged.
  19. My latest build for a GB on another forum, but large scale so thought I'd show it here. I realise and know the canopy is wrong and a couple of other bits, but this was for a Hobbyboss/Trumpeter kit GB and I just wanted to try the camo scheme for this Malta Spit. I've 4 more variants I want to do and these will be much for accurate (hopefully). I did correct the tail stabilisers and the prop with quickboost am as well as master barrels and some eduard pe. Mr Paint, Gunze and Tamiya for paintwork and oils, ammo and AK for weathering. And the book I was working from
  20. It`s finally done! * The WIP topic The F-23A Black Widow II in a searial production variant like it would be if it was the chosen winner from the ATF competition some two decades ago. The original kit is the HobbyBoss 1/48 YF-23 kit, which went through a major conversion, and almost all the surfaces were completely edited. Check out the full WIP topic for more insight although the majority of the first photos of the build cannot be displayed. She's a very beautiful plane, it think, and i considered all the diagrams and info on the http://yf-23.net page while making this conversion. So I kept the imagination level as low as possible, well.... maybe the weathering is quite alot, but who knows... maybe it really could have look that much soiled and weathered. A couple of serries of photoshoots will follow, cause the landing gear and the rudders are moveable, to allow 2 display modes - inflight and parked. First a dozen overall pics... Hope you like them, and Enjoy!
  21. Here's my entry, first in progress work and GB on here so go easy please. Hobbyboss as the main kit and canopy and filter from Hasegawa Selection of decals and masks (kit was second hand and decals missing from box) AM And reference And finally the aircraft
  22. Hello! This is the Hobbyboss 1/48 F/A-18C Hornet which I began working on last year. What with one thing and another this build was left forgotten for long time and has been begging to be completed. I have finally finished her in the markings of VMFA-122 "Crusaders" I thought this scheme was very attractive and I always wanted to build this particular fighter. The only extras used on this build were the Two Bobs decals with home made tail fin lights and a seat harness. I think this is a great kit and it was a fun experiment for me to attempt to make a grey jet look interesting. Hope you like it!
  23. Hello and final made it to make some pics outside. I now its not 100% good but this is my first try on the foil. I will like to fhank everyone for the support and good advice for completing this one. Its OOB build. Mark I have just see that i forget the lens on the nose wheel
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