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Everything posted by Joe66

  1. Awesome....don't see where to order one yet though...? Joe66
  2. Wow, that is a really great looking E III ! I especially like the way you've finished the cowling and sheet metal Joe66
  3. The corrugated surface was certainly a challenge...and one of the things that drew me to doing it ! The model has been with a friend of mine all these years, and I contacted him to see if he could take some additional photos of it. I will post more as soon as I get them. Thanks for asking ! Joe66
  4. Thanks all. It was an interesting, challenging and fun project ! Joe66
  5. Bravo ! Beautifully done ! And I think you hit it right on the head....many people think "dull" when it comes to modeling the british planes of this era, but I think it is a challenge to get the color and weathering 'just right' as you have done. Excellent job. Joe66
  6. Horsa.....1/35......Thanks for sharing that bit of news Bill. Any word on the Waco from any quarter, in either scale (1/32 or 1/35 ) ? Joe66
  7. I think that's got it..... Joe66
  8. Well...lol...as soon as I figure out what the hell I'm doing......
  9. https://www.flickr.com/photos/jpz2012/15463701678/ I scratchbuilt this, then molded it and sold it in kit form, back around 1998. The model is back east with a friend of mine, so this is the only picture i currently have....foam under wings was for stabilizing during transport..... I asked him if could get some better pics and will post them if I get them. Joe66
  10. Oh heck yeah...I'm not big into jet age...but seeing some of the fantastic models built here on the site is generating some interest ...and the Canberra family short and long wing would be a really interesting subject or subjects for sure. Didn't the RB have bigger engines and nacelles too ? Joe66
  11. Umm...yeah. And the title of this topic was Canberra/B-57.....( Not RB-57 ) 24" wingspan in 1/32 scale, without the rust. Joe66
  12. Ran across this short video on YouTube.....it really is a very nice SPAD replica in the markings of Francesco Baracca......😊 Joe66
  13. Specs I have say 64' for a B-57 and 106' for the RB-57.... And I was speaking of the regular version, not the high altitude, long wing model. . ( .375" x 64' = 24" , yes ? ) Joe66
  14. I built one of these many years ago.... I remember that part of the build. What I did was take a piece of square plastic stock and drilled the dual holes through by drilling on the flats. Then the piece was cut to length and shaped. I threaded the wire ( nylon fishing lead ) through the holes and left a bunch of excess. Setting up some vertical uprights, I measured and marked off the future connection points and clamped the lines to the posts. At that point, I aligned the center piece and glued in place....acc glue transferred from a piece of wire. That sub assembly was later transferred to the model, carefully aligned and glued. The holes in the connection points were drilled through so that I had a means of setting alignment distance. Those holes were later filled. A little bit of heat to the monofilament lines had them nice and tight. I hope you can 'see' this in your minds' eye ! Joe66
  15. It wouldn't be that big.....1/32 scale would make that a 24" wingspan I believe..... Puts it in league with the HK B-25 kit ( size-wise )..... Joe66
  16. Bill Cross said; "And word in the tread community is a "Tante Ju" JU-52 is in the works-- in 1/35th scale. " Ok fine then...if the C-47, Waco glider AND the Ju-52 come out in 1/35th scale () I guess I will have to stake out some new real estate for the displaying of these mini-monsters.... Joe66
  17. Wow ! Look at that !....The '"Superb" ( thanks for the compliment ! ) resin Junkers D.1, was a product from my workbench and kitted some 20 odd years ago ! I really enjoyed doing that corrugated surface and then engineering the kit so that there were few, if any, seams for the modeler to deal with that would foul that surface ! Great to see a shot of it here in the forums ! I hope you build it and post some photos ! - Joe66
  18. Tom's modelworks has Japanese carrier deck tie downs in 1/32 scale I saw them on ebay...item number 400731027144 Joe
  19. Being new here, I've been reading over this topic...very interesting, I know it is a bit out of date, but has anyone distilled this information down yet ? Eliminating things that have ben released and putting the tallies up for the rest ? Just curious.... Joe
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