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Everything posted by Kagemusha

  1. More pics http://www.tamiyausa.com/product/item.php?product-id=60321
  2. Let's just hope we have two great kits to choose from, ZM were taking pre-orders for the Ta 152 way back in May, with the kits not being shipped until November, so the chances are their Skyraider is hardly due an immanent release, and who knows maybe Trumpeter will pull out the stops to have theirs on the shelves first, which can only be a good thing.
  3. Oops, sorry, Freudian wish-fulfilment slip-type thing Harrier on the min...
  4. You folks in North America are spoilt, the ZM Ta 152 is the most expensive kit I've bought, everything included postage, tax and kit came to £120, which is US$154.55, the price from ZM USA is $95.00, quite a difference no? If there's not much difference between the Skyraider kits quality-wise, and if I were to buy one I'd prefer it without all the interiors, I guarantee I could get the Trumpeter cheaper, albeit from Hong Kong.
  5. Classy work, I've got a few of the Puchala figures, pity they're oop, the one with the K is superb.
  6. Wow, that really is great, but where's the snow?
  7. I doubt it very much, firstly it wouldn't sell that many, secondly as Ali states the kit's going to be a British Jet Fighter, a Revell 1/32 Harrier just went for £66 on ebay.uk so there's clearly a desire/market there, waiting to be tapped.
  8. There's also a correct vac canopy from Squadron http://www.hannants.co.uk/product/SQS9408 obviously Hannants have put the wrong picture up.
  9. No, not that fat fella in red - enough of Wayne Rooney already - it's almost Kit of the Year time! What say ye? will we be able to vote for Tamiya's Spitfire VIII, what category will ZM's Ta 152H fall into, does Czech Models T-33 qualify even though it's still not available in the UK? Questions, questions...
  10. Lovely clean work, I particularly like the worn effect on the fuse ends, did you use the salt method? Pity the Hurricane isn't quite up to your latest standards... ...still a bit nice though.
  11. Another possible positive is price, Trumpeter put out their 109's at a very competitive price, and maybe ZM will have to take a look at getting a European distributor and making it easier to buy.
  12. Kagemusha


    Just in case you don't have a pic of the IP http://www.airliners.net/photo/638850/L/
  13. There was also a replacement tail made by Vasko http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=25397&st=0&p=212190&fromsearch=1entry212190 though I'm not sure if it's available, he also made some etch wing fences, the Cutting Edge intake and wheels are worth getting, they sometimes show up on ebay.
  14. Fantastic, really makes me wish Revell would release new tool versions of the GR.3 and FRS.1, really makes me sad. RIP
  15. I should add I wasn't criticising Relish Models, just pointing out the price. The VAT increase really isn't going to help businesses like model shops, I'll go bite my tongue now as I don't want to get politikal.
  16. How much!!! http://www.relishmodels.co.uk/tamiya-1-32-supermarine-spitfire-mk-xive.html?utm_source=General+List&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Relish+Models+Newsletter+23rd+December&utm_content=andrewbirnie99%40btinternet.com
  17. Not a bad price http://www.relishmodels.co.uk/hobby-boss-1-32-supermarine-spitfire-mk-vb.html?utm_source=General+List&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Relish+Models+Newsletter+23rd+December&utm_content=andrewbirnie99%40btinternet.com
  18. I think I might have that, and am already going to post over some artwork for masks shortly, will let you know Dave.
  19. So I was right, no. 4 is a P-51D, 5 a Raiden, 6 a P-51B, and 7 a TSR2!
  20. http://www.modelzone.co.uk/voucher?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=10+off+in+ModelZone+stores+NOW&utm_content=10+off+in+ModelZone+stores+NOW+CID_bd9ac6f09ac24ecc6f89e9d402288473&utm_source=Email+marketing
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