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Everything posted by Judyc

  1. Judyc

    Eagle Parts

    Hi guys; I hate the shipping fees just as much as you do. Drives us crazy, and yes, USPS just upped their rates AGAIN! Not to mention UPS for domestic shipping went up 5.6% as well. Just insane. Nevertheless, when you place your order with PayPal, the shopping cart figures shipping based on total value of the order. Therefore your order for a total of $50.00 in EagleParts kicked in the $45.00 flat rate international medium box fee. What we have been doing is refunding any overpayment that PayPal charged. There are two alternatives to the shopping cart: place your order on our online secure page, we'll figure shipping, let you know what it is prior to charging your card and prepare the order (www.eagle-editions.com/order.htm). The other alternative - send us what you wish to order in your email, we'll figure it out and send you a PayPal invoice/money request. This way we can charge the proper shipping fee rather than overcharge and refund. Hope this helps you understand the shipping fees. Please feel free to ask if you have additional questions. Judy Crandall Eagle Editions
  2. Just recently a new Bf 109 G-6 that had never been seen before, was discovered in a private film. This colorful G-6 was flown by Erich Hartmann, 9./JG 52, when he achieved his 250th victory on 4 June 1944. Of special interest is a small Red '2' inside the "Yellow 1" which leads us to believe that this was a back up machine for Erich Hartmann at this time. Our profile was based on stills taken from the original film; however, we do not yet have permission to publish the images themselves. Visit our website for more details. http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal132.htm Jerry Crandall Eagle Editions Ltd.
  3. Hi guys; We know that a few Ta 152 Cs were constructed and at least two were in service with JG 301 according to the strength reports. Unfortunately there are no known photos of them in service. It is known that a torpedo was fitted to the Ta 152 C prototype. In our instructions we state the following: "Luftwaffe Quartermeister Report dated 20 April 1945, shows two serviceable Ta 152 C-1/R31s on strength with the Stab JG 301 stationed at Welzow. Unfortunately there are no known photos but for the adventurous modeler, Green Stab numbers are provided for the modeler's choice. Standard Black chevrons were discouraged by JG 301's Kommodore Fritz Auffhammer. Keep in mind, the markings are purely speculative." So we don't say it is fiction, we just have no photographic proof as of today. Hope this helps you out.... Judy Eagle Editions Ltd.
  4. Nick - stay tuned on the "C" kit!!!! Judy, Eagle Editions
  5. Hi guys; Have just announced the newest EagleCals for the upcoming Hasegawa Bf 109 F-4 Trop kit. Here are the hyperlinks: http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal130.htm http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal131.htm Also, we are announcing the newest EagleParts, torpedo Flugzeug for the Fw 190 A-5 and the Ta 152 C. In the A-5/U14 conversion set you will find the tail wheel, tail wheel assembly (necessary for the tall tail wheel so that the torpedo will fit under the aircraft!), set of main tires/wheels, the torpedo, rack decal for TD+SI and photo etch for the sway bars and torpedo tail fins and propellers. http://www.eagle-editions.com/ep62.htm In the Ta 152 C conversion kit for the Ta 152 C/R14 you will get the torpedo, rack and photo etch. http://www.eagle-editions.com/ep63.htm Happy Modeling - see you at the Nats! Judy and Jerry Crandall Eagle Editions Ltd.
  6. Hi guys! Just thought I would let everyone know that we will soon be releasing our newest EagleCals for the Fw 190 A 1,2,3 - just in time for the new PCM kit! Visit our site; http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal128.htm http://www.eagle-editions.com/decal129.htm Happy modeling! Judy Eagle Editions Ltd.
  7. Hey Tim - careful what you wish for!!! Yes, we are hard at work on these, as soon as we have an idea as to what schemes we will do, we will post them on our site. Probably do all three scales too! Cheers, Judy Eagle Editions/Monogram Aviation Publications
  8. Hi guys; I thought you might like to see a copy of Jerry's write up from his book on Assi Hahn where he did technical comparison between the E-3 and the E-4, based on Messerschmitt documents, page 122 of the book: Technical Data Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 and Bf 109 E-4 The Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-3 began its service life in Autumn 1938, it was faster and more heavily armed than the Bf 109 E-1. Power Plant: DB601 Aa 1150 hp Fuel Requirements: 87 octane Armament: 2 MG 17 7.92 mm machine guns mounted over the engine (staggered); 1000 rounds per gun. 2 MG FF Oerlikon 20 mm cannons mounted in the wing; 60 rounds per gun. A proposed MG FF Oerlikon 20 mm cannon engine mounted firing through pro- peller hub was never utilized. Wheel and tire size: Main; 650 mm X 150 mm. Tail wheel; 290 mm X 110 mm. Dimensions: Wingspan 9870 mm, 32' 4 ½"; Length 8640 mm, 28' 4 ½" The Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-4 essentially was the same aircraft as the Bf 109 E-3. According to Messerschmitt documents, the only difference between the E-3 and the E-4 was the introduction of the MG-FF/M cannons with a projectile having a faster muzzle velocity and the addition of armor for the E-4. Both features were later retrofitted to many E-1s and E-3s. The spinners on some production E-4s were capped. A later variation fitted with the DB 601 N engine of 1175 hp was designated Bf 109 E-4/N. Most production E-4s were equipped with the square style canopy. Without knowing the Werknummer it is almost impossible to determine individual aircraft's identity between these two versions. Power Plant: DB601 Aa 1150 hp Fuel Requirements: 87 octane Armament: 2 MG 17 7.92 mm machine guns mounted over the engine (staggered); 1000 rounds per gun. 2 MG FF/M Oerlikon 20 mm cannons mounted in the wing; 60 rounds per gun. Wheel and tire size: Main; 650 mm X 150 mm. Tail wheel; 290 mm X 110 mm. Dimensions: Wingspan 9870 mm, 32' 4 ½"; Length 8640 mm, 28' 4 ½" JudyC Eagle Editions Ltd.
  9. Hi Chris; Alan is correct, the early Fw 190s, since they weren't equipped with an ETC rack to carry a drop tank or bomb, had a clean instrument panel without the additional weapons arming device that was installed at the bottom center of the panel. When the F was brought into service it was referred to "Schlächter". So, both the F and the later A series Fw 190s had this additional armament panel installed. HTH Jerry
  10. Hi Koala; Unfortunately Altner's "White 10" had streaks of gray on the side of the fuselage, maybe not quite as pronounced as the instruction sheet but they were there. There are five photos of this Fw 190 A-8 in Rodeike's Fw 190 book that show this streaky camouflage. Some time ago Master Model Ian Robertson did a beautiful build of this A-8 in Altner's markings that was featured on Hyperscale. If you could go to the gallery section it probably is still there. HTH Cheers, Jerry
  11. Judyc


    Hi Guys; Sorry it has taken so long to respond to the thread, but my computer inernet access has died and I am borrowing Judy's.... TimC pretty much answered your question I think and hit the nail on the head with his answers. A couple of notes though...our company Eagle Editions Ltd. has had the name since 1983. Why other companies want to use a name that is close to ours is a mystery to us, but it does cause confusion. Thanks to Charlie Metz for correcting this issue... The drop tank situation is as follows: every kit I can think of that has a 300 litre drop tank is incorrect. In some cases the shape, for instance, the tank that comes in the series of 1/32nd Hasegawa kits, is poorly rendered. One of the other major problems is that they all have too many seam lines forward of the carrying strap. For some reason, they keep molding it with three panel lines. The drop tanks had only two panel lines. Charlie is right about the flat bottom as Fw 190 pilots were instructed to land and take off from the three point position with the tail down because of the large propeller diameter. The standard metal propellers were 3.3 meters and then when the wooden paddle bladed propeller was installed it was increased to 3.5 meters. So, if the pilot was not careful, the propeller could strike the ground causing a crash. As far as canopy situation goes, the early A-8s with the flat canopy had the pulley system as already described but late in the war, A-8s, A-9s, F-8s, F-9s and some Dora aircraft were equipped with the flat canopy that had the pulley installed in some cases and without the pulley in others. But, just because the pulley was installed does not mean that the system operated as it did originally in keeping the wire taut. Some late war canopies do have the pulley but the antenna wire is only attached so when the canopy is slid open, the wire goes slack. HTH Jerry
  12. Hi Steve; Here is the information you are requesting regarding the Fw 190 A-8/R2 W. Nr. 681497, built by Fieseler-Kassel in late summer 1944: It was a legitimate R2 equipped with two MG 151 20 mm cannons inboard, two MK 108 30 mm cannons outboard with the appropriate upper wing fairings. The two 13 mm machine guns had been deleted. The fuselage was equipped with the 5 mm armor plate and the wind screen had the armored quarter panels. JG 4 normally did not use the blinkers on the canopy. It was equipped with an ETC 501 rack and carried a drop tank on its last mission, Bodenplatte. This is documented by photos. When it crash landed, the rack was partially destroyed, and the antennas were damaged. The FuG 25a vertical antenna on the rear fuselage was bent back, the DF loop was torn off and the FuG 16 zy antenna was broken off as well. However, the a/c was equipped, when captured, with the radio. The BMW 801 D2 engine was originally equipped with a 3.5 m three bladed VDM 12176A wooden paddle bladed propeller which was destroyed when the a/c crash landed. After the US captured it, the engine was replaced along with a new standard VDM metal 9-12076A 3.3 m propeller. The fuel octane triangle was stenciled C3 100 octane. This a/c was also equipped with MW 50 power boost. Note the port side of the engine cowling was all dark gray behind the JG 4 Knight's head emblem. All this information is taken from Allied documents and other sources including unpublished photos. HTH Jerry
  13. Hi Steve; First of all, this aircraft was used in Operation Bodenplatte by JG 4 which was a ground attack mission. JG 4 at that time had a lot of Sturmbock aircraft. The photos of "White 11" were taken after it was captured by the Americans on 1 January 1945, and the a/c is pretty well stripped. Notice the armament has all been removed as well as the ETC 501 rack. Some of the photos also were taken after the 5 mm panzer platen was removed from the side of the fuselage. Keep in mind also that as part of the Sturmbock equipment, the wind screen quarter panels have armored glass plus the quarter round trim. The outboard armament consisted of MK 108 30 mm cannon. You are right about the canopy. This a/c had the standard flat A-8 canopy with antenna pulley system, so the antenna wire comes into the canopy around the pulley and back into the radio compartment. In addition to that wire there are two support wires for the armored head rest bracing so you will have a total of three wires in the canopy, as you point out. Keep in mind the name "Rammjager" is a sensationalized name that is unpopular with the pilots of these Sturm units. The ramming part of this story is exagerrated and the veterans become somewhat angry about this reference. The correct term for these aircraft is "Sturmjäger" or an Fw 190 with Sturmbock equipment. HTH Jerry
  14. Hi Chris; Sorry I have taken so long to answer but our server has been up and down then up again, so here is the scheme for Nowotny's A-5. JG 54 used some unusual colors, so far not identified 100% but in this case, Nowotny's Fw 190 A-5 appears to be RLM 70/71 that was painted over the base camo colors of 74/75. In this case, Claes' profile is accurate in that respect. The upper wings match value wise and seem to be the same color combination of 70/71. I have some unpublished photos of this a/c which helps to confirm this color information. Keep in mind, that these greens are painted over gray and if the paint isn't thickly applied, it will have a different value than if 70/71 was painted over metal. Which, in that case would have been a thicker application of the paint. Yes, the small number under his cockpit is '13' his lucky number and the small white 8 in the middle of the << is a reference to one of his earlier 109s. This a/c is an A-5 not an A-6. This is verified by W. Nr. and loss records. The top view we are posting for you and others is from our newest Fw 190 A-5 sheet, EagleCals #82-32. On the next sheet, #83-32, we have also included Nowotny's "White 4", another colorful a/c. HTH Jerry
  15. Hi all; I need to make one more comment about these colors and then I'll shut up about it, but you must know that another Dora 9 recovered in recent months also had an RLM 02 master compass. This gray color that appears on some master compasses and also other a/c components is distantly related to RLM 02. This was related to me by Warnecke and Bohm during one of our visits. Unfortunately like Tony says, most of the documentation is missing so it is not clear if this color was a new color or use of an existing color but it is fairly common on late war a/c components. Cheers, Jerry
  16. Here's a picture of our compass that came out of a D-9 in late 1945. As you can see, it is RLM 02 and I've placed a piece of the inside of the fuselage that has RLM 02 paint from John Caler's old Bf 109 G-10/U4. It's of course slightly faded compared to the fresh paint on the compass but the color is the same. To view the picture, visit our site at http://www.eagle-editions.com/mc.htm It looks possibly like the compass that Vincent has shown is faded RLM 02. What other gray could it be? Cheers, Jerry
  17. Hi Thierry; Thanks for your nice comments about our EagleCals. Like most prominent pilots, Herman Graf flew more than one airplane while he was in JG 50. We have several photos of Graf in and around his aircraft and others, plus there are several photos of him in Christer Bergstrom's book Graf and Grizlawski that we published. The one photo in G&G showing Graf in the cockpit appears to have the oval bulge with a rearview mirror. Another photo of a G-6 slown by Graf clearly shows no bulge and mirror, but it does not appear to have the Red Tulips. Unfortunately there is not enough of the photo to see if it is in fact his Red Tulip G-6. Another photo we have in our collection shows Graf sitting in the cockpit of a G-6 with the Red Hunter emblem under the cockpit that has no bulge and mirror. There is not a clear photo that I know about of his Red Tulip G-6 that shows this area due to the fact that the canopies are open. So, we did not include that in our decal profile as we could not prove this matter one way or the other. We know for sure that Grizlawski's White 10 did not have this bulge and rearview mirror. I hope this helps answer your questions. Jerry
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