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Tom-Thumbs builds a Mig 3


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Whoa...settle down on those LG indicator holes mate...you'll raise the bar so high you'll put the rest of us to shame. :)


I like the effects on the white so far. I think I know exactly what you mean when you talk about just building something that isn't an darned experiment for once. Still we gotta start from somewhere eh? It'd be nice to know that if you followed your normal recipie that there'd be a predicable result in the end.


But so far so good...really nice. :)


Cheers Matty


PS BTW your email box needs cyclosporin...it keeps rejecting me :) :)

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Hiya Matt.


I think my email box is intelligent and taunting me. But I got everything you sent. A lot of it I got two or three times! Did you get my thank you email?


I am seriously going to do a simple build next.


My next kit is going to be a simple Revell BF 109 G-4. I got a resin spinner for it (I used it's spinner for my K-4, who's spinner I melted......dont ask :) )and some nice ruder pedals and seatbelts and a kicking instrument panel from Eduard that is prepainted :)


And I am going to do it in a desert scheme thats dirty as hell and weather it untill it is cross-kneed and menopaused. I reallly look forward to it! :)

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yep I got it late last night...your welcome. At my end I get a 'warning message couldn't be sent' with a lot of the mails so I'm figuring you box is full. I sent a reply to the question you asked in your last email but that got bounced back as well with the same error message. But are they all getting through anyway?


Maybe I should be called spam... :) :)


Mmmmm 109's..ssssss arghhhhrghhh Homer drool. now that sounds cool

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Was that the email where I asked where the "CQBDent" comes from. I have to know because everytime I see Dent I want to say Arthur.


I cant wait for the 109. I have already packed out and repacked the box several times. I'ts really pathetic.


I't is not really such a simple build, in fact I suspect the un-AM'ed MiG might be a bit simpler, but at least the 109 is a subject I am comfortable with.Like playing a home game. :)

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TeenieWeenie Update.


PE Parts on the gear bay covers. Looking back I should have sanded them a lot thinner, but it's too late to cry about that now. They are all painted in the prime colours of blues.


I think the evil ejector pin marks will be hidden by the gear assembly.But no regrets right? :)


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Just an info update this time.


I have been trying to get the snow finish the way I like it, but the more I try, the thicker the paint gets, and the more detail I lose and more difficult the washing becomes. So Last night I decided to stop myself.


I will now carefully soak all the paint off the kit, taking care not to affect the clear parts or the cockpit.


This will take several days, during which time I have started my 109 G-2 conversion :rolleyes:


I am happy with this decision, as I now have more experience with the white finish, and should get it right fairly quickly. Of course I now lost all the decals, but thats OK. I will mask most of the new ones and the slogan's decal I made myself so I have more of those. So no problems.


I'll be back on her as soon as the paint is gone. See you all on the other side! B)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's where we are now. I chose to dissasemble the pit anyways, and rebuild it, incorporating some new lessons, and doing it (the cockpit interior)in a scheme of my own reference. The bird himself will be still in the "bolshevic's Party" scheme :ph34r:


I am busy refilling the seams and fixing lost rivet detail.


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Wholly _hit Piet.What the hell happened there?It was looking axcellent...I'm upset,I can't watch anymore :angry: B) :ph34r:

Don't worry Dave. When he goes back together, he will look a lot better, and with less trouble.

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Yeah man..I hear you. That winter camo is tricky eh...to avoid the stark white, opaque white everywhere without interest. Ye gads doesn't it show all your sanding issues :o I thought you'd been doing a pretty damned good job though...seriously, I thought you'd nailed it.


Good luck mate...I'll be asking for your advice on my Hartman.


Cheers mate...I'll stay tuned...same bat time..same bat channnel.



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Guest LSP_Jay L
Here's where we are now. I chose to dissasemble the pit anyways, and rebuild it, incorporating some new lessons, and doing it (the cockpit interior)in a scheme of my own reference. The bird himself will be still in the "bolshevic's Party" scheme :)


I am busy refilling the seams and fixing lost rivet detail.

F****ng nutter.... :lol:


Good luck mate, although I know this will turn out absolutely beautiful. Is it a South African thing to be ultra resourceful and expertly turn clacked out things into useful items? Maybe a few years of international sanctions could imporve my modelling skills as well? :lol:


Cheers mate,



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F****ng nutter.... :lol:

Bloody ******! :lol:


Today I decided that since I came this far, lets have the wings off too.


Started a new adventure packing the assembly lines, rebuilding some sections and here is a test fit of the new cockpit floor.


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TeenieWeenie Update.


PE Parts on the gear bay covers. Looking back I should have sanded them a lot thinner, but it's too late to cry about that now. They are all painted in the prime colours of blues.


I think the evil ejector pin marks will be hidden by the gear assembly.But no regrets right? :lol:

Some nice detail on the gear doors. Might want to clean up those punch marks next time though, as I think they'll be visable


I hear it's one of Trumpeter's better kits, nice work.


Mike V

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