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Fw190D-9 - Hasegawa 1/32


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Ahh haa, I see all of these Chris's are very good modellers :D . Can I be voted an honoury Chris! :D Okay seriously now, this is fine work Blackdog and once again thankyou for sharing techniques with us all. It is great to see these processes occur step by step, great info , great build and I too, look forward to seeing more. (even if I am not a Chris :D ) Jim(HonouryChris)InOz. :( Cheers Lads

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Hi all,


I tried to figure and correct a problem about the seam line between the top engine cowl and both lateral cowlings. The kit parts have a strange cut shape for this, and does not reproduce the correct detail for this part. In fact, the seam line is a rod/tube hinge allowing the lateral engine cowls to open. My Eagle Parts replacement part for the top gun cowl has the exact same shape as Hasegawa part for this area, so it does not help either.


The picture below shows the initial look of this part :




After some check in various docs, and with Jerry Crandall help, I can say that this line is a rod hinge, and I tried to figure the best way to correct the kit to simulate this hinge.

In fact it was quite simple : I did reproduce the rod hinge with a straight copper wire, glued (CA glue) over the seam... It is not 100% perfect but it will be ok enough for me...




I now just need to reproduce it on right side... I still find strange that the kit show such error.



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Hi all B)


Next steps, it is progressing quite slowly since one week, I was thinking that those vacation days would allow me to work more on it, in fact I am quite busy with many other topics and I am slower :unsure:


Since last post :


- Blue-Grey RLM 76 is now airbrushed on all surfaces that requires it (fuselage mostly).


- Wind shield and canopy clear parts have been masked with Montex masks. Ok, ok, it is a easy and lazy way to mask but I really do not regret it, those masks are really nice to use. Those masks have been enhanced with some Tamiya tape in the center areas. Then both clear parts have been painted in silver (Tamiya bomb spray TS-30).


I now just need to work on gunsight details, paint inner sides of clear parts with RLM66, before gluing windshield, temporarily fix canopy, then start painting RLM colors on upper surfaces...




Next step probably this week-end, if I do not have a big headache after Christmas Eve B)

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Looking good...


Paint the insides of the windscreen and canopy... wow. How are you masking that? I tried once and couldn't quite get it good enough for my satisfaction. I had problems aligning the tape with the canpoy framework.


Happy Modelling and Happy New Year!



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Looking good...


Paint the insides of the windscreen and canopy... wow. How are you masking that? I tried once and couldn't quite get it good enough for my satisfaction. I had problems aligning the tape with the canpoy framework.


Happy Modelling and Happy New Year!



Hi Randy,


well, Montex provides internal masks for both windscreen and canopy.. So it is just a matter of applying them correctly... I did the same internal masking with a 1/48 109K-4, using Tamiya tape, and it was not too difficult, just a matter of time and using tiny strips of tape...


Next step : starting wings upper surfaces :


The baby is wrapped inside soft cleaning paper and Tamiya tape :




Then I did apply the lighter color (RLM82 -> Gunze acrylic with 7-10% white to soften the hue and taking into account the scale effect).


Finally the panels centers were lightened with same paint with more white and yellow, heavily thinned :




A few remarks about above pic :


1. Some panels are only partially painted : for example the black preshading lines are still very visible on some spots : it is normal, those areas will be painted over with darker RLM83 paint (second camouflage paint), so I did not need to do a whole clean RLM82 paint on those areas...


2. This look is maybe not the final look : I need to first apply RLM83 color before deciding to either leave it like this or airbrush a very heavily thinned mist of base RLM82 to soften the contrast.


3. " A Dora is NEVER weathered because end of war, short operational life, etc" -> NO. This one is modeled in March 45 after about 7 MONTHS of fights and flights... Living on mud, snow, hidden under trees, etc. (read "Green Hearts - First in combat with Dora). So I think (after also some look of war time pictures of some D9 of JG54/JG26) that at least this aircraft could accept some medium weathering...


Ok, now returning working on her, starting RLM83...



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Hi BlackDog,


Thanks for the info... Montex masks... Is that the company name? I did a search for Montex on Google and it didn't return much...


Initial paint looks great... Watching you build this Dora is prompting me to hurry and finish my current project and start my Dora! :)


take care and Happy Modelling (and Happy New Year!),



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Next step : RLM83 on wings, same method, light post-shading :




I still need to make a few touch-ups here and there (for example, a small panel on right wing with too much weathering). I will do that after applying RLM 82/83 on fuselage.

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Hi BlackDog,


Thanks for the info... Montex masks... Is that the company name? I did a search for Montex on Google and it didn't return much...


Initial paint looks great... Watching you build this Dora is prompting me to hurry and finish my current project and start my Dora! :)


take care and Happy Modelling (and Happy New Year!),



Montex is a company from Poland, their web site is http://www.montex-mask.com .Dunno who is providing them in each country or by web sites. My nearest shop has them.

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Thanks Chris and Carlos ;)


Small step today (visually speaking, it was 3 hours work).


Frontal engine cowl is now attached to main fuselage body, as is the windscreen.


I did a global overhaul of the two-tones camouflage on wings and horizontal stab so to correct a few glitches and to make flaps and horizontal mobile part inner structures appearing.




I need to check this tomorrow under daylight (it's night now), I will perhaps reduce contrast on flaps and mobile parts by spraying a last mist of base color...


Then, painting wing national crosses...

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