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Fw190D-9 - Hasegawa 1/32


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Thanks for your comments, guys...




about your useful remarks :


- wiring : I did not paint any wires aluminium... Only one big pipe/tube was painted aluminium/silver inside the wing gun bay, wires have been painted white or black. You are saying that all those should be painted yellow ? I will check to see if I can still repaint those without too many problems, but it could be difficult now that airframe is assembled... Same for gear bays, I painted most wires black, except the big/thick wire that should be the brake hydraulic lines (painted brown)... Should I paint all gear bays wire yellow, including those brake lines ? Again, I will check to see if I can still correct it but it can be tricky.


- leather boots : ack :angry: I have seen those leather protections everywhere... Anyway it is too late for those, I will leave them like it is... Will be better for next plane !



Another step since last post :


The trailing wing edge above the flaps is not very smooth (look on last pic). This edge is the sum of the Eduard PE flap + wing upper surface, and it does not exactly match (PE flap is slightly more wide). To correct this, I first did put a thick layer of Mr Surfacer 500 on this edge :




On this pic above I still need to put one more layer of Surfacer, as this product is retracting a lot while curing.


Then, smooth sanding of this edge with very fine grit then polishing with MicroMesh... Here is the result on opposite wing :




I still need to make one or two micro-touch ups but I guess that result will be fine enough...

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Hi all,


After several evenings spent cleaning whole plane, smooth sanding a few glitches on seams, engraving again some lines and rivets, now is time to send this airframe to the paint booth...


Masks have been carefully applied to every part that should not be touched by paint : cockpit area, opened traps, wheel bays, gun bay, etc... This masking was done with soft cleaning paper, tamiya masking tape and Maskol.






I still need to clean the surfaces with an alcool dampened cloth to remove any residual dust or grease stain... This evening or at least tomorrow, the whole plane will be painted, first with Tamiya TS-30 (silver leaf) bomb spray.

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Done, it's fully painted !!!


... well, at least the base, silver layer, that is B)


It seems not too messy, however I found one or two small glitches to correct (seam, not so smooth sanding, ...), I now need to decide what I will fix before next paint step...





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Wow!...great look!.....how about a "factory fresh" plane without any painting? Think that would be an eyecatcher at an expo :huh: great silver, what stuff ist it?




Chris "the ripper"

Thanks Chris,


but no, I will paint it and it will look like most Doras B)


The paint is Tamiya synthetic bomb spray TS-30 "Silver Leaf" and I am using this paint all the time for global metal undercoating, it is very thin, it dries in a few minutes, and this paint is reistant to most thinner and paints (acrylics, laquers, ...)

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I first applied some rough pre-shading with black in structural lines...


I don't rely too much on pre-shading, most often than not I am hiding it completely under further paint coats, I just hope to get some various shade effects here and there... Main weathering job will be done later anyway (post-shading, washes, pastels, ...).




Here is the result of first painting step with RLM76 (Aircraft Colors) on underside... Not too bad, but i was rather scared after a few minutes of airbrushing : the paint did not stick well to the TS-30 (silver) surface and was regrouping in little drops... But this effect went away after drying and a second layer of paint...


Rivet lines are still well visible (although not on this picture).



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