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Hasegawa Fw190A8/R8


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Hi friends :blink:


After to mount some models in the scale 1/48 (P-47M, De Havilland Mosquito and P-40E) start today a Focke Wulf Fw190A8 of the Hasegawa.


I wait to make a good assembly in this model. Critical and opinions will be comings well. ;)




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Hello Smotti,

good choice....just be extra carefull when you assemble the cowling with the fuselage,because the cowling is wider than the the fuselage,and there is nasty step to fill,but beside that a great kit to built.

Have fun with it,all the best FRANCK.

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Hi Sandro,


nice subject there!

I don´t know if you already know about the fit of the engine cowl, but before you glue the fuselage together, put together the engine cowl and see how it fits to the fuselage! It is maybe needed to spread the forward fuselage a bit.

Hope you know what i mean.





Later Edit


Ah, Francky was faster then me... :blink:

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Hi Sandro,

Great subject you've chosen and I'm just putting the wraps on my A-8 (pics will be posted when it's done...I hope) and like the other gents mentioned you may want to shim the fuselage open a bit wider.My sugjestion would be to complete the cowling/engine section then dry-fit the fuselage to the engine section and you'll know exactly what we are talking about.Other than that problem it's a great kit and you can't go wrong.I'm looking forward to your build...cheers

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After to add to some details and the seatbelt, I made a wash with a mixture of Raw Amber and Burnt Siena and applied a hand of Testors Dullcote.


I will now start the assembly of the panel in PE Eduard... :blink:



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Hi Sandro,

Great subject you've chosen and I'm just putting the wraps on my A-8 (pics will be posted when it's done...I hope) and like the other gents mentioned you may want to shim the fuselage open a bit wider.My sugjestion would be to complete the cowling/engine section then dry-fit the fuselage to the engine section and you'll know exactly what we are talking about.Other than that problem it's a great kit and you can't go wrong.I'm looking forward to your build...cheers



Hey Dave,


Is that the same with the 190A-5 as well? I have that kit and will be building her as soon as my bench is free.


TIA and sorry for hyjacking this thread.



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I was not very worried about the details of the engine therefore in the Fw190 it practically does not appear and I only added some wires...


I painted with Testors Stainless Steel and Aluminum Plate, Tamiya Neutral Grey and Nato Black and made a wash with a mixture of Raw Amber and Burnt Siena and a drybrush with Titanium White.


Finally I applied a layer of Testors Dullcote.


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