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Steve Eagle

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Everything posted by Steve Eagle

  1. Working on Tiggers Do-217N vaform. I have almost all I need for reference info, but the tires that are included look to be too large. Are they the same size as those on the He-111? If so, are there any aftermarket tires for the 111? Any info would be appreciated.
  2. I have seen Sugita's K2 depicted with a broad chord fin and no leader band behind the fuselage hinomaru. Then depicted with narrow chord fin and yellow leader band behind the fuselage hinomaru. Both are depicted with the code number 343-11 on the fin/rudder. Anyone have more definitive information on the correct manner that this should be depicted? I am interested in doing the Hasegawa kit in his markings. Knowing what I do know of Japanese markings, I doubt that these were two different aircraft with the same tail code numbers.
  3. Has there been any news from Nurenberg on the release of this kit?
  4. After, over the years, building several Revell kits, I would go with the PCM mtal wing kit without any qualms!! I modified the PCM to a Mk II with the help of Grey Matters Mk II conversion set. I assume it was designed for the Revell kit, but it works with the PCM kit. You can also use the Trop filter housing, but it somewhat short- I assume for a Mk I trop. Good luck with whatever one you choose.
  5. Any news on the issue date on the Azur-FRRom kit? They said something about December in a note awhile back.
  6. Bring it on!!! I have been waiting for a LLLong time for one of these to show up.
  7. Is there an actual picture of g9-BB that was flown by Manfred Meurer? The only representations of the aircraft he was lost in are illustrations. I suspect they are the results of some artistic license.
  8. I am working on the PCM Tempest and have a question about drop tank colors. In the 2nd TAF books, I have noticed some pictures of the drop tanks that do not look like they are MSG. Would they possibly be Ocean grey? Having a ball working on this kit- thanks PCM.
  9. I got the wheels also and they are very nice. Enjoy it when you get it.
  10. I picked up the Special Hobby G-50bis at the Nationals. After I got home today, I started looking at it. The kit looks pretty decent. The panel lines are well delineated- not too shallow or deep. It contains the spinners for the Italian birds or the Finnish- even though I got the RA version. There are two styles of cowlings that will allow for early and late series birds. The interior is fairly detailed, but it could be detailed more without great deal of work (look up the Werner Scheibling build in the Hyperscale site). I am sure there will be more input from you all.
  11. I just got home from the Nats. Thanks to Lee White for posting the pics- there were some very good kits there. In answer to Paul Fisher's inquiry about the Skyray, I was the builder of the great kit by your company. Thanks for your efforts. I missed the Saturday noon get together. I wish I could have made it. Steve Oakson
  12. When Fairbanks returned to 274 Squadron as Squadron Leader in February 1945, he flew Tempest NV645. Does anyone know if the individual aircraft letters would have been JJ-F for this ac? I assume it may have had a S/L pennant on this ac if it was his "personal" ac. Any info would be appreciated. I have the 2nd TAF vol 3 book that lists the numbers of the aircraft he scored kills in, but it does not show the letters.
  13. OK, afficianados, what are the guidelines for the Mk XIV landing gear colors-MSG or aluminum? I have seen both mentioned and tend to lean to MSG- unless you all can show me otherwise.
  14. I do hope they also include the under wing bomb racks and bombs for an assault aircraft.
  15. Maybe Roy Sutherland can answer this-or someone else. Did the Tempest floorboards have wood slats?
  16. I am taking my sweet time in fitting the cockpit frame work into the fuselage. I looked over the instructions very carefully to make sure I was getting everything in the correct position. I found out that the Z support on the armor plate mounting is the most crucial possible fit complication. The lower horizontal bar has to be behind the side frames and not attached as the upper bar is attached ( between the side frames). By doing this I don't have the issue with not getting the fuselage halves together, as mentioned in another posting. My radiator bulkhead is going to be ground down some to fit properly. The inserts are about 1/4" too wide and will take a little work for proper fit. This is tricky in fitting the parts mentioned. Once this is done, the rest of the build probably will much less of a problem than I've had with some other short runs i.e the MB-152!
  17. For those in the know. Will we see the new kit at the US IPMS National in August?
  18. OK modelers of all makes and models let's get the party started. I received my kit several days ago, and I have been very impressed with what I have seen. Love the decals and clear parts. The decal sheet gives enough C1 roundels to complete the kit with the late war specified roundels. There seems to be a bit of lack of finesse with several of the parts, but that comes with short-run style of kit. I accept that. The PE that is included has parts that be a good addition to the cockpit. It also gives you the radiator screens- which on this aircraft are very prominent pieces of the anatomy of the plane. After separating parts from the sprues, I began to put the cockpit assembly together. I have strayed from the suggested order of the instructions for assembly. Because after fiddling with the parts, I felt that the side walls needed to be added to the floorboards before the instrument consoles are added. This is to make overall painting of the assembly easier-for me. Everyone out there will discover what works for them. The one issue that has caused me a little grief is that the stick seems to set too far forward. It is interfering with the compass. Therefore, with the way I have placed the stick, the pilot could only pull back on the stick-not good for correct aerobatics. I am going change the position after getting the seat in place. I should have room to move it back. Another issue that I noticed is that the rear ID lights on either side of the fin are not mentioned in the instructions. The insets for the clear parts are there. These are located on the rear end of the horizontal stabilizer filets, and the clear parts are on the sprue. Just a word of caution and a heads up. That is all I have run into so far. In the scheme of things, these issues do not rate in the major category in any way. I have been waiting a long time for a kit of this aircraft in the CORRECT scale. Thanks to all that were a part of getting this kit produced. Thumbs up.
  19. Also, the oil coolers inside the cowlings come from the Eduard Ki-43 set. The Spinners and props were modified from Ki-43 ones. The tail wheel was from a Bf-110 kit. The outline of the canopies in the kit are wrong, and I did my own vacu-form canopies. I love the lines of this aircraft, and I have to say the efforts were worth it. The ID kit had some nice "BluePrint" drawings to get a lot of the outlines corrected. Sorry about the rambling. Let me know if you need more info.
  20. Thomas, if you match the left and right wing chords at the fuselage joint lines, you will see the differences. Also the nacelle positions and contours on the wings will need some reworking. If you have specific questions, I would be glad to help. I have some cockpit information that I could scan and send to you if you wish.
  21. Thomas, I think I might still have moulds that I made for the canopies, prop/spinners,and engines. There should be a picture somewhere in The LSP site of the built-up kit. Be aware that the wing chords are not equal from anterior wing edge to the posterior wing edge. I used the Bunrin-Do and the FAOW books for information. Also, the Monogram Japanese cockpit book is also useful.
  22. Thomas, you are a brave man. I built this some time ago. There is almost nothing that is correct in outline on this. It is not Tigger's fault. He inherited the issues. You will need to address wing and nacelle inaccuracies in addition to the fuselage problems. My kit is about 1/4-1/3 putty-probably an exaggeration. I will be glad to give you tips to correct some of the problems if you would like..
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