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New Tools Time!

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Doesn't seem like anywhere else would be the most appropriate place to post this one - so miscellaneous will have to do.....


I've decided to treat myself to a few new tools, and with Telford fast approaching, I thought this would be the perfect time to obtain them.

So first of all, a set of new sprue clippers, something that will snip those parts with the cleanest of cuts, and least likely to cause any damage to the smallest of parts...

Secondly, to take things up a notch or two, a riveting tool to redo any lost detail when sanding back those pesky seems.

Thirdly, a re-scribing tool. At the moment it's a pin in a vice tool that's sufficing, so I thought I might try and do things properly for a change!!!

Any recommendations? I do have a budget of about £25-£30 per tool but not really more than that. Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


UK sources only please.

Edited by treker_ed
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1 hour ago, treker_ed said:

Thirdly, a re-scribing tool. At the moment it's a pin in a vice tool that's sufficing, so I thought I might try and do things properly for a change!!!

I find a pin (or in my case a needle) in a pin vice is sometimes the ideal tool.  I also use an Olfa P-cutter, which I've seen sold under other brand names,  including Tamiya, and something I bought when it was called  a Bare-Metal scriber: not sure if this is still available,  but it has a resemblance to a dentist's tool.  Which I use depends on the panel line, its location on the model, and a few other factors.



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I've gotten to liking these tools for scribing. This is a set, each can be purchased individually. These are from UMM-USA, I haven't any idea if they're available from other sources.




My hands are on the large side so I prefer the longer scriber.


Edited by denders
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1 hour ago, denders said:

I've gotten to liking these tools for scribing. This is a set, each can be purchased individually. These are from UMM-USA, I haven't any idea if they're available from other sources.




My hands are on the large side so I prefer the longer scriber.


Thank you, but... Some US stores have decided (due to the change in EU/UK VAT rules) not to ship to UK. I would not want to run the risk of having to pay import fees, etc on top of what I've paid for the goods (plus goodness knows what for shipping!).

I think I need to specify UK sources only please.

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4 hours ago, MikeC said:

I find a pin (or in my case a needle) in a pin vice is sometimes the ideal tool.  I also use an Olfa P-cutter, which I've seen sold under other brand names,  including Tamiya, and something I bought when it was called  a Bare-Metal scriber: not sure if this is still available,  but it has a resemblance to a dentist's tool.  Which I use depends on the panel line, its location on the model, and a few other factors.



@MikeC - Would it be this one by any chance?



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Same. I'd like a steer on decent snips/side cutters. Sick of cutting parts from sprees and taking a scalp of the kit with it. Equally cutting the sprue and then having to file or cut away the stump left behind. There has to be a solution. I use a Tamiya tool for scribing and its quite effective in 32 scale.





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1 hour ago, Stevepd said:

Same. I'd like a steer on decent snips/side cutters. Sick of cutting parts from sprees and taking a scalp of the kit with it. Equally cutting the sprue and then having to file or cut away the stump left behind. There has to be a solution. I use a Tamiya tool for scribing and its quite effective in 32 scale.





I'm recommending the Meng/DSPIAE cutter. Quality had a price but this is the best one I ever used!

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I've sourced new sprue cutters - and will be picking those up in the next few days after a few recommendations from my local club members.


Still after riveting tools and scribing tool suggestions so I can research and look into them in time for SMW@telford. I'll be doing the trawl of the various trade stands whilst there looking to see what I can pick up. 

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