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Doyusha N1K2-J "George"

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OK, on the home stretch with the headrest now. I have to say that if I were to do this again, I'd cut the old one off, laminate some styrene sheet to form a block, and carve/file/sand it to shape to create a new one. The way I'm doing it now is too fiddly, and takes too long. Anyway, I'm stuck with it now, so here's the latest:




Just a piece of styrene sheet glued into place. Once it's solid, I'll trim it back to shape, and work on eliminating evidence of all the bits I've slapped on. I'll also clean up the join between the new and the old in the photo above.


With only about 3 weeks to go on this GB, I'll probably build the rest of the kit as near to OOB as I can, otherwise I won't make it!



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Ploughing on, hoping (but unlikely) to make the deadline. I've finished the headrest to my satisfaction:






While still a bit rough, I think it looks much better than the original, and is certainly more accurate. I think there are easier ways to accomplish this though than the route I took.


I've started fashioning a rear tail light:




I cut the end off a clear plastic toothbrush handle, and then cut that in half. I glued one of the halves in the cut-out I'd already made, using Araldite 2-part epoxy glue. I used a generous amount and allowed it to squeeze out, hoping to fill the inevitable gaps and mismatched contours. Once it has cured for a day or so, I'll start hacking it into shape - and hope it stays on while I do!


More soon.



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Another quick update to keep things rolling along. Here's the finished tail light:




It's not quite as clear as I'd like, as the original plastic material I used wasn't exactly crystal clear to begin with, but should do the job under a coat of floor polish.


I've also been struggling to get a seamless join between the fuselage and the front cowling section. The overall fit on this kit is not great I have to say, and in getting the top of the forward fuselage sorted out, I managed to sand in a flat spot with a noticeable dip at the end. This resulted in quite a step between this and the cowl section that I couldn't sand out without ruining its shape. So, out with the Milliput:




For some reason I find Milliput really difficult to work with, so I just kneaded out a chunk and slapped it on. Whenever I try to shape it, mould it, or otherwise not just slap it on, it ends up a great big mess. Obviously I've left myself with a fair bit of sanding and filing to do, but once Milliput is cured, you can carve it off with a knife, so that's where I'll start.


Someone remind me that I've still got a gunsight to scratch build...



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Nice work Kev, and I think you'll sort that lump of Milliput nicely! I've had that experience with some fillers, but now I'm using one for auto repair that I think works nice! It's an acrylic one componet filler!



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Whoooaaah,...that engine install looks like the real thang there Kevin! MUCH more visible than I thought it would be. Thanks for posting a pic of the install, I was really curious as to how well it would fit. Whew!, looks just like it came outta the factory....verrrrry nice. :blink:

Tail light is a nice touch. You just use a toothbrush? Hmmmm. may have to try some of those shenanigans. B) Can't wait to see what you come up with next!? ;)

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Thanks guys. Don't know whether I'll get this done by the deadline, but I doubt it. Still, updates continue. I've got the wings on, which turned out to be a bit of a trial:




Earlier test-fitting had told me that there would likely be significant gaps at the wing roots, so I tried the method of attaching the upper wing halves to the fuselage separately. It's the first time I've tried this approach, and it resulted in a great fit at the wing roots, but seems to have displaced those fit issues elsewhere.


Example 1:




That one's pretty easy to fix, but the next two not so much.


Example 2:




I think it's also resulted in a slightly exaggerated dihedral, but I can live with that. While I think this particular approach to attaching the wings has some merit, I wouldn't do it on this kit again, as I think sorting out the gaps at the wing roots would've been easier than what I've got now.


Example 3:




I can see plenty of filling and sanding in my immediate future...



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Looking good and I really like the clear toothbrush idea! Nothing like recycling for a good cause.

Like you, Milliput and I do not get along. I prefer Tamiya putty by far. Looking forward to the finished product.


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Whew, I thought seriously about doing the same thing to my George when I was putting the wings on. Thats a tough break for sure Kevin but hang in there and push through it mate. You've still got two weeks, maybe you can finish this one in time. What you've done so far is really good.

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Thanks for the replies fellas - they help keep me motivated! Not a lot of time at the moment, so I'm just trying to keep chipping away at it. I've packed out the mismatched wingtips with plastic rod:




I'll sand it back to profile and then use Mr Dissolved Putty to finish the job. I also packed out and puttied the large gap at the front of the starboard wing (shown in a previous photo), but my attempt to photograph the result was an abject failure.


With so much still to do, I can't see how I can possibly make the deadline, but I'll give it a go!



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Time for yet another update as the deadline closes in. Here's the left wingtip shown in the previous post:




Packed, filled, sanded, polished, with wingtip light added from the same toothbrush as the tail light. Not much left of that toothbrush...


Here's a couple of shots of the left cannon ports, which if you recall I managed to get badly mismatched top and bottom:






Basically I packed out the undersides with Milliput, and carved back the topsides so they were flush. Hence followed much sanding and cursing. Not perfect, but good enough for the ye olde gubment work.


Now a rare shot of the bottom:




All filled, sanded, polished and ready to prime. Which I should probably go off and do now...


More soon!



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Dang Kevin! Whupped those problem spots out slicker 'n grease! Look at you! :lol: I see you've found a use for that Mr. Dissolved Putty. :huh: Great idea on using the rod as a filler too! You sure are making things that are hard to do look,....well, ehrm.....easy. Feels good, huh....real good. ;)

Really impressed by all the skills and techniques you've got polished and put into this build. You're blowing me away with all the things you're doing to this kit, and your confidence really shows. Very cool my friend. So, uh....when are ya gonna try a scratch-built Rufe?! Bwhahahaha. :P Guess we'll have to wait til you're done with this one first, huh? he he.

Can't wait to see the next round of progress pics! Later, Russ

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