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Everything posted by Zola25

  1. Those look super nice - another "must have" for an F-16 build. Now you have brilliantly covered all the pylon stations except for stations 3 and 7 - dare we hope for PIDS+ pylons next? /Niels
  2. That is indeed an ex-danish Draken (AT-154). Several Danish Drakens found their way to the National Test Pilot School when they were retired from the RDAF. It Apparently has some quite unique stall characteristics Niels
  3. I think I prefer the single seater but that Double-Delta shape looks good on anything /Niels
  4. They are only available to order if you reserved one I am afraid . You have until November 11 to make the purchase or you Will loose the reservation. Niels
  5. I had never built a full resin kit before I made my Viggen. I was terrified that I would mess it up big time. Brittle material and lots of CA glue - how could that possibly go right - instead it turned out to be a very rewarding process for me. I was always scared of venturing in to these (for me) desirable resin kits from HpH but now they are on my to-do list.. once I find the money that is.. I am really in to modern jets at the moment so they are not a priority. It is a lot of money for sure but as a modelling experience, it was a big confidence booster for me. /Niels
  6. They seem to sell out of whatever they put on the market so I guess it comes down to production capacity and priorities. - But at least the community seems to have accelerated this project
  7. DonĀ“t hold your breath - what if Border Model wants to start making stuff this size as well - who knows what scale that will be /Niels
  8. Managed to get my VISA card closed trying to pay - MasterCard did the trick. - Got number 12972 My bank has now put them on the "approved list" so I can buy future kits without problems - I hope. I notice in their email from yesterday that there is already a lengthy wait list - popular kit. Even though they have "promised" me on more than one occasion that they would include the RF Nose for Danish Drakens I have a feeling that this acceleration of the production date is going to kill that prospect. I noticed that they mentioned in the release notes that "versions with little or no external differences will be included". Only the very early Danish Drakens had the pointy nose. Not really complaning as we are finally going to get a Draken. Maybe this is a good time to start learning how to design and print my own parts I am an Engineer after all - how hard can it be Thanks to PaulusVictor for making the overview above as part of an elaborate decal set. If you ever want to build an RDAF aircraft in 1/48 then check them out /Niels
  9. Yet another one from Trumpeter.. I guess many will find this the most attractive version.. I cannot see this having been posted already but if it has please feel free to delete - it was news to me anyway /Niels
  10. Wow - That is a spectacular looking model /Niels
  11. Can you buy Temp ModelĀ“s stuff anywhere but their own website? I have the NAZA models Su30MKM Conversion set but I really want to build a Su30SM from that. The Temp model stuff looks awesome, but shopping directly from Russia presents a problem these days.. /Niels
  12. That is one beautiful Viggen build.. I prefer the Fields & Meadows scheme but I might have a go at a NMF with my AJ37 kit. I can't see myself going through all that masking again Niels
  13. That is a crazy cool mount for a crazy cool build /Niels
  14. I am slightly drooling... very very impressive
  15. Amen! The image posted earlier in this thread of the Viggen rear end looked the same for me. Clearly taken with a layer of grey primer making everything look even worse. The thing is that after 60 seconds with a sanding sponge mine looked pretty smooth and not an issue what so ever. I sand all my kits anyway so I did it without thinking twice about it. The cockpit, as mentioned, was a bit frustrating to sand but for a very limited run kit.... show me a company who does it better for a complete package. On any limited run kit I would easily expect to spend twice as long making it as on a normal kit, but I can safely say that I did not. I am a fan /Niels
  16. On the first Viggen kit ( the only one I have built so far) the decals were very nice. Printed by Cartograph, very thin, in register and responded well to micro sol/set. On that kit they forgot to include some squadron emblems which they provided as home printed extras. They were not very good to be honest. On the big plus side, they included some 10 different marking options if I remember correctly. One if the best packages I have seen in any kit Being a local Dane I am also mostly interested in the RDAF version so I hope they get it right. If they don't , here is my backup from LN Decals https://lndecals.dk/rdaf-numbers-letters-from-early-60s-and-up-3/ /Niels
  17. Hmm.. i sent them my reservation some 9 minutes after their announcement on Facebook.. hope they got it Update: Got my confirmation as well
  18. Did anyone get a confirmation on their reservation yet? /Niels
  19. Yeah.. and since Turkey us not in the EU then add VAT and customs fees.. but I want my Draken!!
  20. Free shipping? pre-order? I am sorry but I think you have misunderstood how this works. They are not taking pre-orders yet. You have to email them to reserve a kit..if you are successful then later you will be invited to make a pre-order and payment. Their instructions are pretty clear on the webpage under "what's next" /Niels
  21. Sorry.. I must be getting old The first Viggen was $192 with discount and the second was indeed $288 with discount..don't know where I got the $30 difference from.. sorry for the confusion /Niels
  22. It's 30 USD more than the Viggen.. considering the massive inflation rates the past year or more, I am happy/surprised its not more /Niels
  23. It is on their website under "what's next" https://www.jetmads.com/what-s-next Its listed at 276 USD if you preorder ( 20% discount) + 56 USD shipping. /Niels
  24. You need to write an email to Contact@jetmads.com /Niels
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