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Everything posted by Hawkwrench

  1. Not that certain video, but other videos about it from doogsmodels. Tim
  2. Here shortly,(next few days) I'll be getting my MH-60L ready for painting. My goal is to have the helo painted Night Stalker black with worn, slightly light colored faded spots on mainly the top areas. I want to black base the model followed up by random spots of grey for the faded areas and the the final Night Stalker black blended on. Does this sound like the way to go? This is my 1st time black basing. Thanks Tim
  3. Here's a pic showing what I mean. If you look at where the strut comes out of the MLG strut fairing, you can see the forward angle of the strut. Hope this helps! Tim
  4. Those struts look sweet. Don't know if you know or not, but when the hawk is in the air, not only do the struts expand down, but they move forward just a bit. (I'm a former hawk crew chief!) If you need a pic, let me know. Tim
  5. Is the perfect putty good for filling seams??? I know it's good for small holes, lines etc. Tim
  6. I'm not one much Russian helo stuff, but this is sweet looking! Awesome job you've done so far! Tim
  7. Did you try the POST office??? Sorry-couldn't resist! Tim
  8. Totally insane !!!! They look real. What color did you use for the tail antenna (black one)? Tim
  9. Winnie, I just need a straight T, not the kind of T they have. I'll try to find a pic of what I need. I may have to just go with styrene rods instead. It was just a shot in the dark. EDIT: The T inside the circle connects the 3 de-ice cables together as they split. Tim
  10. I post here, ARC and modeler's alliance. Tim
  11. Does anyone know if anybody sells T connectors for cables, hoses, etc in 1/32-1/35 scale? I've checked alot of model car sites and nada, nothing. I'm needing some for my de-ice electrical cables on my 1/35 MH-60L rotorhead. Thanks! Tim
  12. I just bought the micro sol and microset holder and I love it! Tim
  13. I plan on using the Hasegawa reflective decals. Tim
  14. Those figures are just stupid detailed! I love them. Gotta get the NVG'S too! Tim
  15. Tonight I finished up the upper transition area of the MH-60L. I read where flying leathernecks offered a 1/35 ALQ-144 so I bought it and put it on. The wiring was 2 short pieces of 020 lead wire. I drilled a 1mm hole and pushed the wires thru and glued them underneath. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks! Here's what I'm after: And here's what I've got: Comments welcome! Tim
  16. Pete, the Night Stalker black is really just 2 parts MM acrylic Army Helo drab and 1 part MM acrylic interior black. I imagine MRP NATO black and helo drab would work just as well if not better. Tim
  17. Yeah, I can fall asleep eventually, but the first 36-48 hours at bedtime was not fun trying to go to sleep. When I would close my eyes, BAM there it was. I think it's getting better though. Tim
  18. Some work detailing up the tailwheel tonight. I painted it using my custom Night Stalker black. I painted the tire and the electrical cable tamiya rubber black. I used a chrome molotow 1mm marker for the oleo strut and wow, I love it. I then hit it with testors dullcote followed up by a highlighting using a white chalk pastel. Tim
  19. LSP-Matt, sorry that I let the elephant in a glass filled room. Again, it was not my intention to stir up contention. If you want to lock this thread, I understand brother! Tim
  20. Thanks to all who commented for or against. As Oldbaldguy said, I came here to this forum and talk to friends to get it off my chest so maybe I could somehow get some sleep and not reenact the scene over and over in my head while laying in bed. I've learned and heard for many years that getting it out in the open is usually one of the 1st steps, hence why I came here and the title. For those who offered help and counseling, I thank you for offering to help a total stranger cope. Ruffling feathers over one's views on certain topics was not what I had intended to do. Tim
  21. Let me add a little insight to the incident. First of all, I never said I would have fired my weapon. That would not have happened unless after REPEATED warnings to "stop beating the child" were not working and the child was continuing to be beaten, then and only then would I have CONSIDERED using the appropriate force to stop the threat to the child. Sometimes just drawing your weapon and unfortunately pointing it at the threat will stop the situation from escalating as many Law enforcement officers well know (including myself). No matter what, this was a tragic incident that I hope gets the justice it deserves!!! Tim
  22. You obviously don't pay attention to the forum title "General Discussion " Tim
  23. I respectably disagree. The gun (weapon as it's actually called!!!) was not the focus of the post. I was merely trying to convey the seriousness of how badly this child was being abused in so much as the definition of deadly force was being brought into the situation. This wasn't just a smack on the leg, this defenseless restrained child was in imminent danger of great bodily harm which is justification for the use of up to and including deadly force if needed. Nor am I trying to raise a dispute or disagreement on being armed. Just trying to get some peace by getting it my chest. Hence "decrompressing" Tim
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