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Posts posted by ScoobyDoo

  1. No I didn't scooby but I no longer build in those scales. My eyes are not what they used to be

    I hear all my friends saying they can no longer see well close-up. But knock on wood, I don't have that trouble yet.


    With the quality of kits coming out now in 1/32, I want to make the switch to 1/32. I've built a Tamiya Spit and absolutely loved it. I currently have a Tamiya Corsair in progress.


    I've flown in two B-25s now, so I really want to build one in 1/32.


    I have three Tamiya Mustangs, three more Spits and another Corsair on the shelf. So I guess I have started the switch.

  2. I didn't know there were any pictures of that day. But obviously there had to be some for the investigation. 


    We stripped and rebuilt 702 for service so many times I lost track of it.


    The jet was all prettied up a new paint job to be mounted on its pole.  


    Finally came the day to mount it and someone the previous evening pried the canopy open and took the pilots helmet. This couldn't have been a tech as we know how to open the canopy without a prybar. So we had to fix up the damage and find a replacement helmet.


    We mounted it on the pole and the bolts snapped as the supplier didn't properly heat treat them. That was the end of 702.

  3. Thx. Note this is a year old thread eh? This build took a nap for awhile. I'm into it now though.

    Looking forward to it, this may be my next build. I am still struggling with the size of it.


    Did you seer the RCAF B-25 decals I had Barracuda do for us for the Edmonton show? I only had them printed in 1/72 and 1/48. The cost of 1/32 was too high. I should have added all the markings except for the roundels.

  4. Considering that they can look at far more surviving 1a Corsairs in Museums than bird cage planes I can't imaging that the latter versions won't be just as good or better than the -1. I really believe they engineered all of the versions they plan to kit in one go based on the design of the kit. The engine is a from a 1a and I am sure they engineered the correct cockpit for the 1a.

    The only surviving of two Birdcage Corsairs in the world is the one that was just pulled out of Lake Michigan, which is currently being rebuilt in Pensacola. So they didn't have many options to research a Birdcage. The plane that has been built to resemble a Birdcage in I think Spain, is not a F4U-1.


    There is another a Birdcage in Australia being rebuilt at the moment, which increases the Birdcage survivors to 2. This one was the 124th Corsair built.



    I trust Tamiya will get the variables correct, for the most part they did on their 1/48 kits.

  5. Looking great Ron - really coming alive...


    What is it with Canucks and brilliant paint schemes on their aircraft?  :thumbsup:



    I am good friends with the brilliant guy who has designed all those jets, he even did one scheme for me!


    He owns a sailboat and you should see the beautiful scheme he has painted the hull. I have pictures of it somewhere.

  6. Scooby,


    Hammy flew a -1D in the Pacific, and since a -1A is immenent, then how does Hammy's plane fit in? Will they include markings of an aircraft he flew in the North Atlantic off the carrier Rajah? I hope Tamiya doesn't do 115 from Formidable and call it his plane that he was killed in, because there is info out there that make the arguement differently.



    They'll be a 1D version released that will be used for Hamptons aircraft. I don't know about the decals but I would be willing to bet it will be 115. There is no definitive info on what plane he was flying except that it wasn't 115 as that aircraft flew after his death.


    He had flown 115 as a semi-regular aircraft of his though.

  7. Some more info http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10289943 looks like no FAA markings...  :fight:

    There will be, the research for this kit was done at Vintage Wings of Canada. They told that organization they will do a Hampton Gray FAA release.


    VWOC's Corsair is in Hampton's markings.


    As well, the only Allied Soldier to have a memorial on Japanese soil is Hampton Gray. This memorial was destroyed during the Tsunami but has since been rebuilt.

  8. Since Tamiya has already released very nice 1/48 Mossie kits, why would they need to measure another Mossie? And why would this measuring of another Mossie mean a new kit is coming? And in 1/32?

    Awful lot of assumptions...

    Because they put a lot more detail and finesse into their 1/32 kits. They seem to be scaling up a lot of their 1/48 kits with a lot of enhancements.


    I was lucky enough to know about their 1/32 Corsair, Spitfire, and Mustang research. I stumbled onto the Mossie info by accident when a person I know who is "well connected to the industry" told me of the "worst kept secret in the industry."


    I have to say I trust this info.

  9. Really?  <Wishful thinking> Hope it will be a PR I/PR IV/PR IX/ PR XVI variant </Wishful thinking>

    It is the worst kept secret on the Internet, first time this has occurred to Tamiya.


    When the owner of a Mossie post the information with pictures of Tamiya measuring I trust it.


    I already posted the Facebook link.

  10. I'd bet the farm that the next 32nd from Tamiya will be an Axis aircraft....F4U-1A..hmmmm,  great,haven't finished the Mustang or the Spitfire yet.or the PCM Tempest,the Hurricane,the CH109E-4,the Revell Ju 88,  etc..etc.   Good God! are we getting spoiled.

    Then you lost the farm, the next kit is a Mossie.

  11. Does someone have a photo of an FAA bird cage with clipped wings?  I wasn't aware that such a thing existed, since the bird cages stayed in the US for training.

    Yes, you can find one in this link:




    The nosed over aircraft in the article (NAS Brunswick).


    I have more I can post direct images of tomorrow.

  12. Jennings:


    SOMEWHERE around these boards (which I cannot seem to find for the life of me), someone posted an image of a nosed-over (perfect three point landing:  two mains and the prop) Corsair I with clipped wing tips.  So I know there was at least one example of that kind.

    You can find that image in this link:




    About half-way down. I also have more on my iPad but I don't know how to upload the images to photobucket, I know how to from a computer.

  13. Here's my input; For the upper side I used Tamiya Neutral Gray and added a few drops of Tamiya Medium Sea Gray, and for the undersides, I used Tamiya Medium Sea Gray right out of the bottle. I'd post pics, but for some reason, photobucket and my computer do not allow me to post pics on this site.






    If you built a 1/32 RCN Sea Fury I would love to see it!



  14. I am sure Tamiya isn't happy with Avspec announcing this.


    When the Spifires, Mustang, and Corsair were measured by Tamiya at Vintage Wings, they kept total secrecy.


    I found out from friends at Vintage Wings very late about the Spits, roughly a year in advance of the Mustang and roughly six months in advance in regards to the Corsair.


    This same Mossie's visited Vintage Wings last year. I wonder if it was also measured at Vintage Wings............ :)

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