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  1. An odd title, you may think. It's inspired by the car stickers one used to see, usually on decaying old rust-buckets, that stated "My other car is a Ferrari/Rolls-Royce/Cadillac/" etc. Anyway, I had a Wingnut Sopwith Pup, a figure of an RFC pilot called "Henry" who is depicted holding a small spaniel-type dog, and a career that involved working and living in Gosport for nearly 10 years, and all this came together in this model. The subject is a Sopwith Pup from the School of Special Flying, Gosport, where Major Robert Smith-Barry developed a system of flying training that produced far better results than previously, and is basically still in use world-wide to this day. Anyway, without further ado, here's Henry "Sorry old boy, even at my rank I'm not allowed to take you flying" Forgive me for having a play with some effects in one or two of these photos: Thanks for looking, and for all the kind words and encouragement on the WIP thread. Comments and any suggestions for improvement welcome.
  2. First, a quote from Flying Fever by AVM S F Vincent (Jarrolds, 1972), which is an excellent read, although alas long out of print. "[The date is early 1917. Major Robert] Smith-Barry, my previous CO in No 60 Squadron, had left almost in disgrace, because he had complained so much and so frequently about the abysmal state of training of the pilots sent out [to France] to fight. Eventually the War Office took note and said, in effect, 'If you think you can do any better, come home and do so.' He was given the training squadrons at Gosport which were formed experimentally into the School of Special Flying ...". History records that Smith-Barry eventually developed a system of flying training which is still in use world-wide today. The SSF had a number of aeroplanes on its strength, including some Sopwith Pups. One of these was B2192, and markings for this machine are in the "Gnome" boxing of the WNW Pup. As I missed out on the original issues of the Pup, I was pleased to be able to add this to my collection. The scheme chose itself, not least because in the mid-1980s I worked in an office block built on part of the old Gosport airfield; the hangars were very visible from one side of the building. I don't often do WIPs because I forget to take photos as I go along, but I hope to do better with this. So here we go, with a boxtop shot. And the rather striking scheme I'll be doing: CDL underneath, white on top, all covered with black stripes. Whilst WNW provide decals for the fuselage stripes, I'll be attempting to paint them, along with the wing roundels. I'd do the fuselage roundels as well, but my circle cutter does not allow a small enough radius of cut. Wish me luck!! That's the first Pup: the second, to go with it, is in the arms of "Henry"; the plan is to put him on the base with the completed model. I think the dog is just about small enough to qualify as a pup. I've already opened the box and completely ruined the value of the kit by removing the wings and fuselage halves from the sprue, so here we go, watch this space.
  3. Hi guys! Finally, we are ready to introduce some new Proper Plane products! We have spent a huge amount of time and effort to create a unique high quality product. We would like to thank Dave Douglass for his professionalism, endurance and patience. Dave, you are the godfather of this project. Many thanks! It is a perfect carry bag for the connoisseur of Great War Aviation. The bag measures 35cm x 42cm (14in x 17in), is tough and durable, and fully washable as it’s made up of 80% polyester and 20% cotton. The perfect companion for hobby shopping or general shopping! Have a look at them! www.ProperPlane.com
  4. Hello , two weeks ago I have started the next Wingnut kit , as promissed it is the Sopwith Triplane , a kit that is sold out since 2012. I had luck to get one last year in an auction , but the price was sky high , don't ask me . But luckily our hobbies don't need to be economicaly correct , so I don't care to much , if I want it I get it somehow. The good thing on the Tripe is that is is an relatively easy to build plane , not too much parts and not much rigging. A fun project , so let's get it on. The obligatory box picture. The version I want to build is the only french one , an easy decision because all the other ( english ) version are in very boring overall PC12 , while the french is in PC10 with wooden cockpit cover and aluminium engine cowling. Much more appealing to me.
  5. Hi guys, This is my first WnW kit. It was absolutely relaxing OOB build. Used Tamiya and GSI acrylics mainly, and Ammo weathering product for finish. I did rigging in easy way, with no turnbuckles, just silver paint. At the end, to be honest, I'm not satisfied with outcome. Even turnbuckles are not so prominent on Snipe, on my next WnW project will use at least some grey tubes. And yes, didnt use the flat rigging. But will try on my next biplane, which should be postwar Dh.9a Coastal Kits insignia base used for display. WIP link: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=63009 thanks for looking, hope you like it jan
  6. Hi ! Here is my first finished WNW model (i still have 2 on the bench). It was a pain to rig, but i think it is most because it's the first time for me. That was not very difficult, but very long. The kit is very nice, as usual with WNW kits. It's pretty simple with not too much parts. The paint job is also pretty simple, but monocolor schemes are not the easiest to do, if you want to make it cool (not flat color with no variation, boring like death to look at....). I find it a bit too dark, but it depends a lot of the ambiant light, so i dont really know. The good point with british PC is that there is a lot of possibilities with no absolute truth, you can go from brown to green, that's interesting if you dont want to paint each time the same color. The weathering is done with AK washes, and i applied a neutral wash from MIG on the rigging lines to break the white and give a more dirty/oxyded steel look. I hope i've not overdone the weathering as it is very muddy on the underside. I hope you like it ! Here is a tiny bit of a WIP on another forum. It's pretty short, but there are a few WIP pictures : http://fighters.forumactif.com/t67055-1-32-sopwith-pup-wnw
  7. Well gents my last couple of WIPs/builds have really gotten the better of me, and although I will return to them at some point, I need a feel good sanity check build. Something I can actually complete. Something I can work on and feel good about it being 100% OOB. Although Im not normally a WWI guy, there is no better feel good build IMHO than a WnW kit. Ive always wanted to try my hand at a Inter-war machine, and loved to try to incorporate some foiling in as well. I thought there would be no better kit suited, than a WnW late Sopwith Snipe, from 17 Sqn in 1924, with all silver dope painted mid-rear fuse and wings, and an all natural metal front fuse and cowl. Ill be foiling the front ends as needed, and applying paint for the silver dope: If youve never built a late WnW kit, these are some of if not the best engineered, layed out, and presented kits you would ever hope to build. Everything is as you would want it, if you yourself were starting a modeling company............................ Well thought out directions with tons of color pics of the 1:1, sealed bags for your sprues, supreme accuracy (as far as I can tell and read) and the best fit, detail and engineering you could ever design, and decals from Cartograf that lay down like a supreme dream. I dont normally gush, but these really are feel good kits even if your like me, and arnt necessarily a super duper WWI buff. The kit is a wonder, and Im going with the assumption that most of you reading this have already seen a WnW kit, and when I start this, there will be plenty more pics, so I didnt feel the need to snap a ton of sealed sprue shots. The boxs, and box art that sir Peter puts out are quite amazing as well though: For as much as I love them, with this being an Intra-war plane, I didnt think the GasPatch Models 1/32, or even 1/48th turnbuckles would look right, and their "RAF Late war" turnbuckles have no real secure anchoring for the rigging material, I decided to go once again with a combo of Gas-Patch and Bobs Buckles..............just a different combination this time. This time Im going with GPs new 1/32nd "Anchor points / Eyelets" for the eyelets, as to my "eye" they look better for this application than Bobs twisted eyelets: Im using the GP eyelets, and then Im also using Bobs Buckles 0.5 cut tubes to seal the anchor point ends off with. I know these are supposed to be the rectangular/flat spade type connections, but I think this looks a heck-of-a-lot better than OOB stock or the older style GP turnbuckles. Ill be using Bobs Buckles cut tubes, but will be replacing his twisted eyelets for the GP ones: I will also be using the Gas-Patch 1/48th scale turn-buckes to sub in for the control lines: So far, even reading over the WnW instruction manual has been a relaxing and enjoyable experience. So other than some Prym "knitting in" thread for the rigging, the GP and BBs stuff, this one will be pretty much OOB. Even the decals OOB for WnW, are amazing.......................Cartograf decals that generally go on like a dream. I think this will be just the ticket to get me back on track, with the little precious modeling time I have had lately. I took a few days off over the upcoming US 4th of July holiday weekend, so I hope to get cracking on this one ASAP! Cheers,
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