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Found 6 results

  1. This build was VERY lucky to see the light of day, almost gave up on it quite a few times, but happy to say, it made it to completion (after 2 years on and off) and not the final flight against the wall Base kit is the Revell ju88A-4, wish I'd had the A-1, would have saved me a lot of hassles, especially in the cockpit area/rear glazing to fuselage fairing. Fit of the kit wasn't the greatest, plastic was quite pebbly and soft. Not totally satisfied with the end result, but here she is! With a HUGE shout-out to @Pastor John from AIMS, people like him and others, keep us modellershappy! Ju88C-6 with Fug 202 of 4./NJG100 on the Eastern Front Revell Ju88A-4 AIMS Ju88C-6 "Nachtjager" Resin conversion set AIMS Decals "Ju88 Fighters" AIMS Luftwaffe Gun Sights AIMS Ju88A-1 Tail Wheel bay Eduard Brassin Main and tail wheels and cockpit details Owl Fug 202 antenna Master barrels Profimodeller Main wheel bay detail set HGW seatbelts and a TON of scratch-building! All paints Gunze laquers
  2. Hi all, I took my sweet time, but finally finished another build. This time the Revell Me262B-1 nightfighter. I wanted to do another wheels up build. Luckily I had some pilots from my ZM He219 lying around waiting to get in the air. So I did a pretty quick build of the cockpit because not much will be seen with the pilots in them and the canopy closed. All in all it was a pretty tight fit. The rest of the build is pretty straightforward although I had some trouble closing up the gundeck. There are some pretty large gaps and steps to be filled and sanded. The same with engine covers. Just another example where the kit is designed to be build with panels open instead of closed. Anyway with that all sorted I had to make a choice for the color scheme. I really liked the one of Red 8, so went with that one. I found an excellent thread from Mark aka 'Madmax' here on LSP: Link. He did some research on this particular ac which helped me a lot. So all in all I'm pleased with the result. It's not my best build (had some trouble with the canopy as is evident in the pictures), but it looks pretty cool in my opinion. I've left off the external fuel tanks, because I don't like how they disrupt the lines of the aircraft. My guess is that the pilot dropped them before getting in action. Or call it artistic freedom. Products used: - Revell Me262B-1 - AIMS decal 32D007 - Master model FuG 218 antenna - Mr. Paint - Pilots - Zoukei Mura He219 - model stand of unknown brand
  3. Old build I did at the beginning of 2019.
  4. Some of you expressed a strong desire for an AM supplier to sell a clear resin canopy for the Bf110-G conversion set (which comes with two vacuform ones that require some surgery and skill to replace the kit canopy). So I thought I would see if there's enough interest to tempt someone who can cast clear resin. This is no knock on Pastor John's conversion set, which is awesome. He made a business and production decision to use vacuform instead of clear resin, and I suspect most modelers will be happy with the vacuform canopy.
  5. I finally wrapped up my other loose end project, this morning. So, now I can start the plane that I've been absolutely obsessed with, over the last few months! I'm hoping to turn this: Into THIS: I still need to clean up from my last project, but hope to get started on this in the next day or two. Wish me luck! John
  6. So, the production line of 109's is in full production. With kits of Hasegawa, Revell and Eduard done or almost done, I was curious about the Trumpeter kits. In this build, I will try to do a G-6 nightfighter. This Trumpeter 109 has many parts for cockpit and engine; you can build the engine quite easily. I plan to have the 3 engine panels open on this build, so I've started with what I like best; scratching details: Fit is really good and the kit is a very good base if you want to go far in detail. Fortunately, a lot of info and photos are available in books and on the web. A testfit of the engine with a little extra detail. A lot more has to be added, though. I often tape the kit together to see what effect it has and what needs to be added. Here's a close-up: Some of the lines have Tamiya tape around them to get a slight difference in diameter. I pulled some really thin sprues for the small lines, some are barely visible. The sink marks on the insides of the covers will be a problem I have to deal with. They are in difficult spots... I still have to glue those typical bulges on the fuselage and add detail as well. Anyway, this one won't be an out of box one, like the G-10. Hope you like her! Nic
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