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Found 6 results

  1. Time for something else. I pulled out the Tamiya kit which had been on the alley for many years and got started with it. I have some aftermarket, the Aires cockpit and seamless intakes and burner cans but I do not know who made them, a great book for references and I have some MK82 Snake Eyes coming from Eduard. DSCN2099 by Rick Martens, on Flickr DSCN2103 by Rick Martens, on Flickr DSCN2104 by Rick Martens, on Flickr It should turn out in one of these two planes, haven't decided yet which one Untitled by Rick Martens, on Flickr Untitled by Rick Martens, on Flickr So far I installed the intakes and the splitter plates and I have made a modest start with the cockpit. DSCN2102 by Rick Martens, on Flickr The modest start with the cockpit was mainly spending a lot of time on my knees trying to find part number 1 which I dropped. Offcourse the carpetmonster was ruthless. DSCN2108 by Rick Martens, on Flickr Maybe somebody has a spare? And a question, what would be the load on a Marine Phantom, I have the Snake Eyes and on what kind of pylons would they go. Are the kits pylons good enough? Did the Phantoms use Sidewinders or Sparrows in combination wth droptanks an bombs and how did that look? I have seen a lot of beautiful Phantoms over here and I hope I can get close to one of those. Rick.
  2. We take a look at a very useful set of decals for modern Low-Viz Insignia And Data USN/USMC/USAF. Have fun! Iain
  3. This build was for our local clubs Marine tribute in honor of past club President, avid modeler, and Marine Ed Kinney. I wanted to do a Desert Storm Hornet from the Hasegawa F-18 kit I had. Going through all the options I decided on a stinger from VMFA-451 because it received a purple heart for damage incurred from a SAM missile to the sidewinder station. The Warlords frlew out of Shaikh Isa AB in Bahrain. The Warlords were also the first Marine unit to attack Iraqi locations in Desert Storm so there was alot of history here to model. This has been my most involved build, which ended up taking 6 months to complete (although there were a few family interruptions and that leaking 2nd floor bathroom lol but that's another "remodeling" story). Forward dating the model, which was essentially the prototype AC, was a chore helped along by 3 great LSP'ers. A big round of applause to RedDog, Dragon & Dandiego who donated parts from their stash, the Academy kit(a special note, that's RedDog's belly tank you see), and some aftermarket resin! To this I added the Avionix cockpit and tail resin F/A-18A conversion set, AMR Reaver screens and vents, Flying Leathernecks decals, TwoBobs ordnance decals, a Navy pilot from my stash plus alot of scratch building. My logic on weathering was that since this stinger was in action my first time weathering efforts would be ok if they were a little on the heavy side. I learned as I went along, practicing on the Haz parts I didn't use before doing the real thing. I used The Scale Hornet by Jake Melampy for reference. My WIP page has all the details on scratch buildings and techniques used to complete the project. Check it out! Let's start with some main profile shots and then I can add some details in second post (Note the flap and tail position are set for the takeoff orientation I use on the stand).
  4. I had some old slides scanned and imported in Lightroom. There were some pics from the early 1980s, among them this of an 1:48 A-4M. It's completely scratch built (mostly from card board, aluminum foil, brass rods etc.) and all the markings are hand painted... The model doesn't exist anymore. It didn't survive moving house a couple of times. So it's good, that some of the slides were still in good shape. Hope you like it. Cheers Rainer
  5. What I have so far, with more on the way. AMS seat, Rhino intake (re-posted on ebay recently), Master Model pitot and the SAC landing gear. Some of my references. A couple more on the way including the Schiffer book Crusader! Also have the Ginter series in pdf. I've really been wanting to do these markings for quite awhile- seems like a good opportunity now to finally get around to it. VMF-312 was at Da Nang for about 6 weeks, from Dec '65 to Jan '66 for 718 sorties. Right now, looks like I'll be doing the wings straight, up, flaps and slats down, refueling probe out, brakes open, but everything else closed up. In typical Marine style, will hang Mk82's and Zuni's. Will follow up with open box and more pics later Kai
  6. I recently rediscovered Hasegawa's OA-4M in the attic. It seems that the rear IP is that of a TA-4J while I would assume that the rear cockpit would resemble the IP of an A-4M. Rear cockpit photo of a TA-4J from www.a4skyhawk.org Can anyone help me with pics on the rear OA-4M cockpit? Thanks in advance! Erik B.
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