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Posts posted by BJW

  1. On 1/10/2019 at 1:01 PM, Avenger2614 said:

    I picked one up at the local hobby shop after looking in the box, and felt "it doesn't look that bad. . ." After getting it home and doing a little research/comparing to the excellent Hasegawa offering, I came up with a few solutions for it:


    First, I'm going to shoehorn an Avionix resin cockpit for the P-40E into it, which should look the part and upon initial inspections will fit just fine after doing a little sanding on the rear armor plate/cockpit wall (the quarter window profile on the two kits are different). Also, as confirmed and well-known, the cockpit is far too shallow, but not nearly as bad as the P-40B/C kit. The Avionix cockpit will obviously correct this issue, as well as addressing the flat cockpit floor in the kit (replacing it with the correct angled floor where the two wings junction in the center of the cockpit). The Trumpeter instrument panel is much larger (in width, height, and detail proportion) than the Avionix, so hopefully the Trumpeter fuselage isn't too wide for the resin cockpit to fit correctly.


    I can confirm the spinner is much more angular and pointy compared to the Hasegawa piece, but nothing a little careful sanding won't fix. If necessary, I could always make a resin copy of the Hasegawa spinner and mate it to the Trumpeter kit, but at this time I cannot confirm the noses have the same cross-section at the spinner plate. I'll get back to everybody on that one.


    Also, I wish Trumpeter would get over the vinyl/rubber tire fad, as they just don't look right. I'll be adding Brassin wheels to mine, which look like they'll slide onto the kit struts with no modifications. The Brassin wheels really are a treat, it's just a shame to cover up those gorgeous hubs with the photo-etch wheel covers!


    Hopefully I can do a WIP thread on this to show it's very possible, and with any luck I'll end up with a very passable (and cheaper) P-40F. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm still holding onto my Grey Matters conversion to do the long-tail P-40L. Both will be done in North Africa markings, with the Trumpeter kit possibly (maybe) getting French livery.

    I looks like (from the Trumpy site anyway) - the upper nose forward of the exhaust is too rounded on top where it meets spinner backplate?

    Looking at scale plans of the Merlin engined F/L - it is more flat where it meets the spinner - Can you please verify?

    Thanks,  Barry Williams


  2. On 10/3/2018 at 1:59 PM, gingerbob said:

    Did I miss something?  Discussion was about Finnish Buffalo and F2A-3, then suddenly we're focusing on an F2A-2 kit.


    I was wanting to know IF one could model the longer fuselage US Navy F2A-3 using the Finnish "Taivaan Helmi of Finland" Model 239

    version of the kit, just by adding aftermarket decals.

    From what I've learned - I can as that version has the spare extended fuselage & engine cowls.


  3. Hello All -

    As the few of us that need a 1/32 F2A-3 to fill a void in their respective stash are aware -the Czech Models F2A-3 release has become wallet unfriendly & SCARCE !

    Can anyone tell me if you can make a Brewster F2A-3 from the Special Hobby Brewster Model 239 Buffalo "Taivaan Helmi over Finland" version?

    I have the Special Hobby 1/32 Brewster 339E - it only has the short fuselage & no alternative fuselage or nose extensions on the 239 version,  

    from what I've seen of the sprue trees online.

    It looks like all the alternate parts are there to make a later Navy bird,  just need confirmation. 


        Thanks in Advance -    Barry 

  4.  Thanks Wouter,


     I'm wanting to super-detail the DB 601N, the detail material available for the DB 605 seems to be more readily obtainable.

     The HpH 1/18 DB605 is stunning, but from my available reference material, the plumbing & wiring looks completely different ?

     I have good photos of the DB601 used in early Bf109E series, just not clear pictures of it mounted on a Bf110 opened up to show detail.

     Maybe Kagero will do a "3D Special" on the Bf110 like they produced for the Bf109F with the CAD drawings showing how its plumbed & wired ! 


    Thanks Again,   Barry       

  5. Looking for pics for the wiring & plumbing details on a DB 601N on a BF110D.

    All the pics in my reference material are vague or inconclusive OR shown on engine rack unplumbed. 

    With the excellent detail given, its a shame NOT to show it off !


    Maybe Pastor John can weigh in on this ?


    Thanks in Advance ! 

  6. As I'm no Mustang "expert" - nor a rivet counter, most of the labeled -C Model's that I've come across in my reference material seem

    to be F-6C TAC Recon Mustangs flying in Europe. but all seem to have that dorsal strake/fillet.   


    Capt. Beerbower's Bonnie "B" II was a P-51B-1NA and I'm guessing it was retrofitted at depot level with the tail fillet? 

    ( possibly soon after the Malcolm hood was added ?)  


    -- Barry  

  7. Hello,


    I'm doing Cpt. Don Beerbowers  P-51B-1-NA " BONNIE "B" II " 353rd FS/354th FG in 1/32 - using the Trumpeter P-51B Kit 


    Does anyone have a source or helpful suggestions for the tail fillet on late model P-51B's & C models ?

    I even thought of "grafting" the rear tail fillet assembly from the spare clear P-51D Fuselage in my other Trumpeter kit,

    but noticed looking at available online images & my available reference material they are different.


    Any help would be much appreciated -    Barry




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