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Shawn M

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Everything posted by Shawn M

  1. how ironic that I JUST cut up a Brita filter to see if it had anything usable...now I will keep all the little spheres from the next one. Looks great in the cockpit!
  2. wow, this is an amazing build, thank you for sharing it with us!
  3. thank you both! Hopefully I can finish it nicely as well. I'll be glad to get this build finished. Regardless of the frustration it has caused me I have learned a LOT about building from this project and look forward to applying it to my next build as well.
  4. I'll be back at it this weekend, I fell on my spine on some ice here at work and cant sit comfortably to build... time to finish up some nacelles and gear bays...maybe even get them attached to the wings?!
  5. looks great! Hope you've seen this thread: http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=21808 should answer any questions about that airframe you may have.
  6. looks to be a lot of the same images (photo wise) as the Squadron Signal books, now some of the line drawings are different and quite nice! Thank you!!!
  7. looks great, love the crewmen. Looking forward to seeing your finish scheme.
  8. I cant catch a break with this kit, revell seemed to think its OK to ship kits with warped wings! Gee thanks.... The port wing has a nice wave along the te at the aileron, should be fun to fix while the starboard wing is straight and true. I sat down and added the "vanes" to the oil cooler inlet last night, turned out better then I thought. I started looking at the landing gear last night..lets just say I should have done a crash diorama with them sheared off. For fun I fit the wings to the fuse, shes a BIG bird!
  9. man that thing is huge....looks nice. Great work on the motors.
  10. wow, thats great! I need to find some of these kits. Can they be had on e-bay?
  11. Im going to do the kit marking of a ZG.26 bird with the temporary white nose from the Battle of Brittan. I intend to weather her up a lot (as much as german birds weather that is). Since I dont have an airbrush the camo is going to be tricky to get its soft demarcation lines and mottling. I need to just sit down and crank through the gear bays, you can see in one shot I've started building the gear bay flooring, need to hit up my references for bits and bobs in there to busy it up. Those oil cooler ducts were a real pain and Im debating if I want to go through and make the 7 vanes in the openings.
  12. Thank Marek, this has been a challenge to say the least.
  13. Thank you I will have to pick that up when I start the kit! I failed to find that when I searched out Montex.
  14. Picture update: MG/FF racks and drums Split Elevators and Horizontal Stab: ETC Rack: Stock Not Stock:
  15. Thats great! After my wife destroyed the last one I built, I figured I do something different then Green or Grey Here was my last one:
  16. For the Zero or this specific scheme? The scheme is about as basic as you can get. I just looked and under 1/32 scale there is no listing for a Zero.
  17. thanks Matt! I have found the scheme was used by the Kokutai squadrons which from I can understand were training units? I've found some "images" of the scheme on A6M5s and A6M2s, I have no idea which is accurate. Did your book have images and if so any chance you could scan it for me?
  18. ooo 2 neat kits! That frogfoot is such a unique airframe.
  19. Im researching the color scheme for my next zero build (70s issue Hasegawa) and Im finding a few images, but no details. The aircraft is all green on top with orange under sides replacing the standard grey areas. Any info, images, etc would be really helpful. Thanks! Shawn
  20. i now have both nacelles almost finished up and have started reworking the wing gear bay area. I'll get some pics up this weekend.
  21. where did you source your metal gear from?
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