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Everything posted by ChuckT

  1. Even though I see there are much lower prices (and much higher mid you) to be had for this kit, I'm happy! Great deal for a kit of this complexity and size from Revell Germany. Let's hope they have more large scale kits in the works (like a 32 scale Do 17, Ju 88G, bf 110G...)
  2. I never though of aluminium! I might have to give that a try for my spark plug wire tubes!
  3. Ah. I thought it was for one of the wing nut wings kits outfitted with a Mercedes engine! It has the same looking pipe with spark plug wires coming out along the tube just like that. I think I will make a jig for those kits as many have this same engine and will all need the same part. Not to mention each engine has two pipes (one on each side). Thanks for sharing, Chuck.
  4. Looks great Radders! Did you make a jig for drilling that?
  5. Loki, I tried your technique early on when I was making my first attempts at drilling rod/tube and it often resulted in me not drilling evenly through that material. I'm sure it would work on larger material, but when you get down to .4mm kind of sizes, it's pretty tough to keep things square. Thanks though, Chuck.
  6. I want to get a valve done entirely before I post some pics. I thought I would see if a thicker piece of plexiglass for my jig would be even better. As I drilled through the plexiglas I broke ANOTHER drill! Argh, now I'm out of drills. I have more bits on order but I won't be able to do any more micro drilling until they arrive next week. Stand by.
  7. Success! I made a jig out of clear plexiglass. On it I glued two plastic strips, the same thickness as the rod I wanted to drill through, spaced to allow the rod to sit in between. In the trough formed by the plastic strips I then drilled a #80 hole all the way through the clear plexiglass. I then inserted a .4mm brass tube in my jig and made two attempts to drill through the brass. Both attempts ended in failure as the drill bits broke! I then tried the same thing but this time using plastic rod. I was able to drill a hole centered through the plastic rod with the jig keeping things nice and square. I'm now in the process of making another jig to allow me to drill out the ends of that same plastic rod so I can then insert copper wire into the ends, simulating handles. Thanks again everyone, Chuck.
  8. I was thinking about using clear plastic as well. I'll give it a try and report my results. Thanks again, Chuck.
  9. I was thinking of something along these lines. Thanks for confirming. Just to clarify, I meant to type .4 and .5mm dimensions.
  10. Does anyone have some tips on how to drill a hole cross ways through micro tube or rod? I am trying to drill a .04mm hole crossways through a .05mm plastic rod and for the life of me can't seem to keep the drill centered as it drills through the rod when using my pin vise. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Chuck.
  11. Ha ha! Boy, this plane is much bigger than I expected. She's a big bird!
  12. I just picked up a Revell Germany 1/32 "Uhu" from Burnaby hobby for the grand price of $69 Canadian! They brought in 10 kits which are all spoken for but more are on the way! The kit looks great and the box is huge! Thanks Dave, Tom and Revell Germany for doing it right!
  13. Does anyone know of a set of Albatross W.4 sea plane plans? I hope to modify a Roden Albatross D.II to W.4 if it's possible. Thanks in advance, Chuck.
  14. Hey great idea! I wish I had kept my old balsa cutter from when I was a kid now.
  15. I stopped off at the print shop today to get a set of BV 215 plans printed off in 1/32 scale. I pick them up tomorrow morning to get the ball rolling. Wish me luck!
  16. Thanks again to everyone for all the knowledge. I think I am going to try using the method Pete used in the link above. That looks like it might work best for someone who finds carving challenging.
  17. Thanks everyone for the input. I hope to do a Luft. 46 subject. The Blohm and Voss BV p. 215 night fighter.
  18. Ha ha, yah I hear you! For some reason for me trying to carve a shape is WAY harder. I guess I'm just not talented in that area. I didnt say it was the smartest way to do it, but I want to give it a try anyway. Thanks for the feedback though, Chuck.
  19. Thanks for the input. I am going to make the basic form with bulk heads and stringers, then cover the exterior with masking tape. From there I pour resin from the inside to fill the voids between the bulk heads/stringers to the tape shell. Finally I remove the tape and sand and fill the shell until I am happy with the over all outline. Once I'm ahppy with the shape, I will use it for my vacform master. Does this kind of make sense? Lot of work I know but I want to give it a try.
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