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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. I think you are fine, If I remember right their other business was firearms, so solid company.
  2. @Iain has summed it up pretty well. I would add that you might want to start with an FDM printer to cut your teeth on then move to a resin printer.....you will know when its time. The units I use are the Creality CR10 S-Pro (FDM) and the Creality Halot Sky (Resin), both are well made trouble free machines. In my opinion the printing is the easy part, the difficult part is the CAD if you wan to produce your own designs. I can recommend Fusion 360 for design work, they do have a hobbyist license for free and its very high powered. There are many things to consider when designing your own parts but its fun figuring those problems out. Ryan
  3. From Indiana, right? I have not bought from them but had a vendor table next to them at an AMPS show a few years back. They are legit.
  4. Denis, to this day I use "Elmer's' White Glue" to help with decal adhesion. In my opinion it also helps with silvering as the extra glue fills in the microscopic hills and valleys in your painted surface.
  5. What's also interesting is the primer seems to only be applied to the fuselage internals....the wings cavities are in natural metal.
  6. @alain11 And then there is this nightmare photo!
  7. @alain11 Good morning sir, there is no denying the pics above are green. I struggled with the choice made but if the photo is labeled correctly this is a III E well. http://fanakit.free.fr/mirage3_walkaround/Walkaround_photoscope_dassault_mirage3.htm I wonder why Dassault would swap primer colors, perhaps different production runs?
  8. Upgrades have arrived, more pics as I get closer to using them. After reviewing some references I went with a yellow ochre to represent the yellowish coating on my the gear wells.
  9. Seems there are a couple of primer colors I could go with.
  10. @alain11 Yes, as you say very inspirational!
  11. @Furie Fantastic, but it seems I'm in need of a repaint on the nose gear well.
  12. I'm concerned it might not be the right color, could it be yellow zinc chromate?
  13. @Furie do you have any good links for wheel well pics...a hidden gold mine somewhere?
  14. Thanks, BTW I should get the new engine parts today, so will do a full pic review of it.
  15. Remodeled a walk-in closet this weekend, but did get these painted, not sure yet on how much detail work is needed as most of it is natural metal. Finish is Vajello duralumin.
  16. Our Mirage is covered with air scoops and vents on the bottom and just about all of them need flash cleaned up. A couple of vents I got heavy handed on and had to fill with card. Gear wells feature great detail and I’ll get some paint on them soon.
  17. Thanks Nick, once I get the positive primer mask on it it will be finished. Good info about the antenna.
  18. More tail work refinement and panel line restoration. The data probe is suitably blended and ready for my primer mask to “raise it” from the surface. The deeper river holes I will fill with Vajello primer to shallow them up later.
  19. I don't see a souris either. Excellent paint work on your cockpit! Ryan
  20. Holy cow you are right, I will show myself to the door.
  21. @LSP_Kevin I can measure them for you sire.
  22. A man only has so long on this earth, I’m not going to spend any of it cleaning these. My time is better spent elsewhere. Reskit replacement on the way!
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