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Found 9 results

  1. Hello all was beginning to feel a little bogged down with the FM-2 project, hence decided to go for a palette cleanser with this lovely kit from Eduard. Goodness what a dream of kit which also includes resin wheels, etched brass, canopy mask and a great set of decals which wont get used As if that wasn't enough a few after market bits were also purchased which include:- Montex mask set the yellow nose one is my choice JG3 Quickboost seat with harness Quickboost exhaust set Cockpit side walls were black based and a misted coat of of Hataka RLM02 was added the harness was was picked out with Yellow Ochre from Vallejo and Steel from Vallejo I cut the oxygen bottle down a smidge as it looked a little tall, various bits of etched brass were added and painted using Various colours from the Vallejo palette The prop has been fitted by using 2mm Magnets making it posable as well as easy to remove for painting This has been a great break from the other project and will continue in the back ground as the wings on the FM were attached tonight and should be dry by the morning
  2. I had a good selection for this GB, but decided to go with this as it hadnt featured yet. As per usual with me Ive gathered up a raft of AM and PE to boot. The box is stuffed full of plastic and she's going to be a big bird. Scheme wise gotta be a winter white wash I found the review on LSP so first job was to cover up the panels and rivets on the rear of the fuselage. Hobby Boss Il-2 Sturmovik on Skis | Large Scale Planes Gunze putty then a sand and all good. And started on the pit, replacing several plastic parts with PE. Aaron
  3. Here is my first RFI on the site, proof that I actually have built some models more to come at later stages as I get pics taken. This aircraft is a Bf109G-14/AS from 4./NJG11 (or 5./NJG11 depending on sources). SAM Publications Modellers Datafile "The Messerschmitt Bf109 Part 2 'F' to 'K' variants has an image of the aircraft found in a hangar at the end of the war on page 55 of that book as well as a colour side-view on page 93. Some would have this as possibly a G-6/AS variant, but in my research the presence of the larger Fo987 oil cooler which is quite evident on the image puts this as a G-14/AS, as the G-6's used the smaller Fo870 oil cooler. But hey, I might be totally off the mark! I used the AIMS Decals "Late war 109's" decal sheets as a basis to cut my masks for all the insignia. Parts List: Revell Bf109G-6 "Late and early version" A.M.U.R Reaver Resin cowling and spinner/prop blades Barracuda Studios resin wing inserts, large oil cooler, tall tail wheel, MLG wheels AIMS Late war 109 decals (basis for masks), exhaust stacks, hatches and latches(to modify the filler cap locations for this a/c) HGW Rivet/control surfaces set (for Hasegawa, bit of fettling to make it work on the Revell kit), seatbelts and Bf109 stencil set OWL Fug217 antenna and exhaust stack covers (all now sadly OOP). Some Fug 217 were SB to replace broken parts Master Brass barrels Eduard Instrument panel and Brassin U/C legs Quickboost Revi C/D gunsight MDC Drop tank and centreline mount/braces Noy's Miniatures Luftwaffe Hangar for the photo's All paint/markings/spirals - Gunze Laquers. RLM76 overall Might be a bit more small things I've forgotten about, but hope you all enjoy Thanks for looking Iain
  4. I'm hoping to get a start on this, hopefully this coming week and have it done for the group build deadline...nothing like a late start hey?! The armload of accessories My (hopefully) chosen color scheme I'm not sure what all it needs for improvements but I guess I'll burn that bridge as I cross it.
  5. My latest build for a GB on another forum, but large scale so thought I'd show it here. I realise and know the canopy is wrong and a couple of other bits, but this was for a Hobbyboss/Trumpeter kit GB and I just wanted to try the camo scheme for this Malta Spit. I've 4 more variants I want to do and these will be much for accurate (hopefully). I did correct the tail stabilisers and the prop with quickboost am as well as master barrels and some eduard pe. Mr Paint, Gunze and Tamiya for paintwork and oils, ammo and AK for weathering. And the book I was working from
  6. Here's my entry, first in progress work and GB on here so go easy please. Hobbyboss as the main kit and canopy and filter from Hasegawa Selection of decals and masks (kit was second hand and decals missing from box) AM And reference And finally the aircraft
  7. So this is my next build on the bench 30.04.45 - FW 190 A-8 W.Nr 739 136 'White 15 + -' of II.(Sturm.)/J.G. 4 'White 15 + -' took off from Parchim, north-west of Berlin, piloted by another Estonian, Oblt. Anatol Rebane. This FW 190 was scrapped in Sweden in 1946. Anatol Rebane lived in the West after the war, and after leaving the United States in 2002, now lives in Estonia again. Found Claes Sundin's profile on his website and fell in love with the late war appearance. Then found several images of the plane which are perfect for an accurate build (hopefully)! Hasegawa kit for the build Eduard PE for the pit And started on it, whilst the paint dries on the Kolibri
  8. Alright so some of you folks have been very non observant.. over two weeks ago I changed my airplane pic in my sig.. then last week I changed my personal pic to the 90thTFS "pair o dice" logo.. then Ernie did, and THEN some of you guys noticed... Well, here we are. So here is what we are doing! A brief background to the 90th in Vietnam: The Squadron we chose to represent in the Group Build is the 90th Tactical Fighter Squadron. The 90th Was Assigned to the 3rd Fighter Wing on 9 June 1964 and Flew the Hun from 9 June 64 to 19 November 1965 from Bien Hoa From 3 February though the 10th of May 1965 the unit was detached. From 3 February 66 through 31 Oct 1970 the unit flew from Bein Hoa and conducted the large proportion of its strike and interdiction work over South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Ernie and I will be doing a first ever Buddy Build in a Group Build of the same kit, same materials same squadron of the F-100 D Super Saber. Trumpy Kit, Aires Super Set , LOTS of AMS Parts, Quickboost Refueling probe ,Zacto nose, Master pPitot tube etc etc custom art/ masks decals. You guys kick back and relax.. we got this! Now that Ernie has gotten all but his IFR probe we can get going.. Wish us luck folks.. Paul
  9. Well here we are. Just a while ago this GB was nothing more then an idea.. a dream. My first project will be Trumpeter's A-4F. I bought the following additions for it and plan to use them all. Aires Resin cockpit set AMS Resin Corrected Air Intakes Eduard Slats and Vortex generator parts CAM Decals for VA 212 I will most likely do my own landing gear bay details when I wire and plumb the landing gear on the scooter. I will also use Harold's New MK 82 snake eye bombs and Paul Fisher's Zuni Rockets. Here is the prerequisite first day shot, taken early this morning before I went to bed.5/1/2014 I am looking forward to watching all the great builds, and thank you all for joining in! Paul
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