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Everything posted by nmayhew

  1. i watched some baseball on ESPN a few weeks back before Sky encrypted it again - kind of like "Cricket Lite" i'll stick to the sound of leather on willow thank you. PS should be a good finish to the series at The Oval!!!
  2. we were within a whisker of a test match finishing inside 2 days for God's sake!!!!
  3. Dan, Charles, and Edgar thank you all kindly. The PCM kit has both carb types so that's easily taken care of if i go down this road (not decided yet), and both the IX and the VIII (generally?) had C type wings if understand correctly - I am looking on the Spitfire Site as i type this... however, are the control surfaces different as you say Dan? I couldn't find a record of this, of perhaps i am not looking at the right info why are Spit wings so dastardly?! the tail wheel was the obvious bit that i completely missed - am having trouble locating Paragon designs conversion that keeps coming up in my "googles"...
  4. just sent you a mail... makes a pleasant change from watching us get our behinds smacked in the cricket!
  5. hi, I am aware of some of the differences in specification between Spitfires IX and VIII, but what are the main visible differences? Would anyone be able to post some panel line drawings / profiles to illustrate them? many thanks, Nick
  6. ok yes - forgot they were field mods rather than "official" additions... Gladiators from bicycles...
  7. pretty sure some Malta Spit Vs had wing bombs...
  8. errr that'll be deal!!! Thank you Jerry. PM inbound any second...
  9. woo hoo!!! can we have at least one or two Czech Sqn aircraft please???? Otto Smik's aircraft are pretty colourful (well for Spitfires anyway) - kill markings, Czech "roundel", and "stork emblem" sqn marking from memory too... i can list a few of the books i have which are really good refs if you are interested? cheers, nick
  10. if their Ta-152 was anything to go by, it was bashed out in an afternoon!
  11. yes very good spot indeed! i found them after trawling around for ages - my fault as i don't touch anything immediately post war, even if it's only a month or so after. just me being silly! still, would be nice to have a proper set, rather than having to spend the same on decals as the whole kit!!
  12. ok a subject and harsh descprition on my part, but when i hear "major shape errors" i am put off. when i was 8yrs old it didn't matter, as i didn't know any better. (ahh...happy days ) 30 years later, and unfortunately now i do, and i can't change that. oh well...
  13. hi, which current aftermarket guns would be most suitable for these MG151/20 in the Ta152? i gather they didn't have the "sock" type covering at the base seen on Fw190s, so would quickboosts Me109 G cannons work maybe?? cheers, nick
  14. so the kit may look like a P-51 from a distance, but is basically a piece of sh*t seems to be what we're saying? changing props etc can be done with a few ££ and some aftermarket...changing body shapes is way out of my league and means the kit is a no no...
  15. ?? does this mean you plan to do some / is it a surreptitious way of plugging your products? just checked your site and couldn't see anything Spitfire...
  16. just re-read this post: which new P-47 are we talking about? confused...
  17. thank you Brad, most kind. i am at once both very impressed at Brian's work (VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV cool!!! ), and also very depressed - that kind of detail from scratch is soooo beyond me it's not funny... by the way "The centreline bomb rack is from the Eduard set" - which set is this??? my only hope is that Eduard come up with the goods with their new Spit... thanks for posting though - hadn't seen that before. cheers, nick
  18. eh-hmmm (clears throat) i think you mean Mk.I
  19. hi, now that Eduard are going to enter the fray with their own Mk.IX Spitfire, my thoughts turn to what i will do with my 2 PCM efforts...as many on here will be aware (and probably very tired of me moaning) I am VERY fed up with the fact that there are no markings for 310 & 312 Sqn (Czech) birds, and no decent bombs rockets or drops tanks etc etc# aaaaanyway.... i have the Cammett conversion for one of them to make the Mk.XVI, but what about Radu's cool looking Mk.XIV? are there any markings out there for this? i am guessing no because a) it's British and British doesn't seem particularly cool and because it's something that i am considering, so it is bound to be fraut with difficulty!!! yours, hoping against hope, Nick
  20. i think mine will go on ebay. my preference is always for inj moulded over short run... just my feeble modelling skills! also, we might FINALLY have some Czech Sqn Spit markings and some decent accessories!!! the window for the aftermarket chaps on this one is closing rapidly (...hint...hint!) Nick
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