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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all I try to build all last manufactured models of the Swiss Air Force jets starting with the DH-100 Vampire Mk. 6 with the matriculation number J-1200. So I decided to use the DH-100 Vampire FB Mk.5 1/32 scale from Infinity Models as a base. I bought some add-ons for the modifications into the Swiss version: Scale Mask from ASK: 1/32 DH-100 Vampire Mk.3 / Mk.5 double-sided express masks for Infinity Vampire landing flaps and air brakes from Infinity Models: INF 3203 6+ DH-100 VAMPIRE LANDING FLAPS AND AIR BRAKES Vampire FB Mk.5 Photoetched detail set from Infinity Models: INF 3203 2+ DH-100 VAMPIRE FB MK.5 PHOTOETCHED DETAIL SET Decals from Matterhorn Circle: MC32021 - DH-100 Mk.6 Vampire decals (in my opinion the best on the market) Hawker Hunter Detail Set from DJ Parkins for the MB Mk.2V ejection seat: Hawker Hunter Details Set
  2. Never having laid claim to a mind of sense or reason, reading the reports of how terrible Infinity Models' first venture into injection molded territory was, awoke something in my few remaining brain-cells. With every word of admonishment that adorned build review, just like that red flag to a bull, I wondered what sort of a Worst-Kit-Ever was hiding within the quite large box. Looking over the sprues revealed a interesting combination of raised and engraved details, miles of flash and plenty of mould release lines. One curious detail was that whilst some parts were (randomly) numbered on the sprues, others had no numbering at all. A check of thr sprue layout in the instructions cleared up which part was supposedly which, but more on that later. Whilst infinity offers all manner of add-on detail kits, I like my models closed up, preserving the shape of the aircraft, so luckily those won't be a further hindrance of dragging this kit across the finish line. One addition I do think needs be made, is the PE dive flaps. They're a fairly costly necessity, but given the fragile, multi-layered nature of these flaps in real life, compared to the somewhat representative blobs of plastic provided in the kit, I think they're a must for anyone contemplating this build. Other than these and a set of Master perforated gun barrels for the rear guns, I'm aiming to go OOTB with this. The plan is to build the 3 tone paint scheme (or something similar) as provided in the kit. On to the plastic! Denzil
  3. Hi guys, I tought I really needed to stop polluting Iain's Vampire threads with all my comments and show some pictures! Actually, that Sea Vampire story started in a weird way. I'm not really interested in the RAF Vampires and more particularly silver-doped postwar planes. And if I really like FAA birds, I do not really like the two-seater Venom/Sea Venom because of the round black nose that, to me, looks like the nose of a Looney Tunes dog! I like the RAF Venom single seater but as you know, there is no kit. So, I did not really consider such kits seriously but was somewhat interested in the Infinity kit. I really love all those Eastern short run kits that are like big Classic airframes kits! Then, a friend who's building two 1/48 Vampires asked me if I had no information about Mexican Vampires. He knows I have a huge library. I knew that I did not have a lot of things to help him and quickly looked after online references. I was browsing the Interweb and found that picture: Wow! I was hooked! THIS was different. With the short wings, larger flaps and the longer fuselage, the look is clearly streamlined and loosing that egg-shape! And if you add to that the Sky/EDSG scheme, I did not hesitate a single second and ordered the Infinity kit. Still not a Hawker Sea Hawk but close! However, I soon realized the path to build that Sea Vampire was not an easy one. First, the Vampire documentation is quite limited when you consider the service use, the number of air forces and the different variants! I was shocked when I realized how few books had been published about that plane. Moreover, with regard to the F20/F21, this is far worse! You have the two/three classical pictures showing the quite crazy belly landing tests made by Eric Brown but few service pictures and no good walkarounds. Moreover, there is no good plan showing the top! The "Vampire" aeroplane special magazine is the only reference in which I found a bunch of some correct pictures of Sea Vampires on deck. So, I hesitated somewhat. The first F20 were not really navalized. They were just Sky/EDSG-painted Vampires. And this means no need to do crazy cuts and scratchbuilding complicated parts. Nonetheless, I really loved the one showed on the CyberHobby box and decided to have a try! Some days ago I had purchased one set of Sea Venom decals from an australian garage company as the Berna decals are OOP everywhere. Moreover, I finally got a Revell Sea Venom for less than 40 euros. So, I thought this could help for the rear fuselage and the decals. We will have a look at that.
  4. We take a look at the new de Havilland Vampire F Mk3 kit from Infinity Models. Have already started building it... Iain
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