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Found 7 results

  1. Yet another new project with Laminar Flow Design. This will be finished as a Malta Spitfire Mk.Vc from operation Bowery
  2. This is 1/32 Kotare’s Spitfire Mk.1a with the markings of N3180 KL-B "Kiwi" from 54 Squadron. I have used Eduard’s space set in the cockpit. Exhausts are from Artscale. Paints are Gunze and Tamiya acrylics. You can find full build story by using the following WIP link: https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/97877-finished-132-kotare-spitfire-mk1a-n3180-kiwi/ Happy modelling
  3. Yet another tick to my bucket list. This is 1/32 Tamiya Spitfire Mk.IXe with the markings of TuAF circa 1947-1948. Thanks to Ozkan TURKER for the reference picture. According to the sources I have, all TuAF Spitfire Mk.IXe’s have clipped wing. It looks like this Mk.IXe (#6290) is the only one with classic wing. I have used Barracudacast resin seat, Eduard seat belts and instrument panel. Tamiya’s Mk.IXc kit converted to E wing by using “Alley cat” conversion set. Main wheels and Cockpit door replaced with Barracudacast goodies. Paints are Gunze Sangyo and Tamiya acrylics. Fuselage national insignias and flags on the tail are from Turquoise decals. National insignias on the wings are painted by masking. Happy modelling
  4. This is 1/32 Hasegawa Spitfire Mk.Va with the markings of W3114 FJ-K “Argentine (British)” from 164 Squadron, Skeabrea , Orkneys in May-July 1942 The donor kit is old 1/32 Hasegawa Mk.I/II. Cockpit modified with Barracudacast resin seat, Eduard seat belts, Yahu instrument panel and some parts of Barracudacast Spitfire interior set. Other modifications are; Archer fine fasteners Quickboost exhaust set Quickboost propeller set Master details horizontal tails Barracudacast cockpit door Barracudacast main wheels SAC main landing legs Paints are Gunze and Tamiya acrylics. Decals are from Hobby2000 Spitfire Mk.Va kit. Happy Modelling
  5. Hello everyone, I've waited for years, hoping maybe one of the manufacturers will release a large scale Spitfire Mk.XII. The result is a big zero. Finally, I decided to start a surgery-intensive project with the after-market parts I had. I started this project a few weeks ago. However, the summer heat prevented me from bring this project to here the WIP section. The heat has decreased a bit for a few days and I decided to move this project here. Although most of the construction is already completed, I am posting the pictures I have. I hope Murphy doesn't send his fingers and I finish this project without ruining it.
  6. http://www.cmkkits.com/en/aircraft/spitfire-mk-vc-raaf-service/?cmd=show&imageID=49393 Currently l am almost done my four 1/32 Spitfires Mk IX. l was sitting there the other day looking at my stash on the shelf above my workbench. l got one hobbyboss 1/32 Mk Vb which would be a nice kit but my eyes see the fatness of the fuselage and it just does not look right. l got two Hasegawa Mk Vbs on the shelf, Mk VI and one MkV fuselage. l had earlier came across the above RAAF Mk Vc which would not be hard to do a conversion to one of the Hasegawa kits. l have a spare tamyia Mk IXc sprue ( BB sprue ) with what l need to convert the Mk Vb to a "C". My main problem is again ( always the same old story with me and my choices) is finding markings which in this case is RAAF one with the white tail ( sorry like it ) Do any of you chaps and gals know who has these markings? As for the hobbyboss one well l going to marry the spare hasegawa fuselage to the wings. l have already dry fit them together and it will work. The span is spot on just there will be a thin gap to fill but it is doable . Hacker the magnificent ( yeah right )
  7. Hello! Another recent release on RESIN2detail.com -- this is a set of main wheels for the late-mark Spitfire which has three spokes, as opposed to the more commonly seen 4-spoke variant. The tread is the box-type and is finely and delicately replicated on the outer surface. The side walls have the Dunlop manufacturer label and the rims are separate from the tire to facilitate easier painting. The rear rims have the air hose stub. Available for purchase on my site for only $6.49 USD per set (plus shipping), by clicking HERE!
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