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Everything posted by Pup7309

  1. So do large decals go better on acrylic/ water or enamel/solvent based paints or doesn’t it matter?
  2. Kind of an educational survey: what are your favourite paints for brushing and airbrushing?
  3. 2 threads for fixes/ AM & inaccuracies is up to streamline this discussion.
  4. This thread is about the shortfalls of this kit that can (hopefully) be fixed. It is meant to be separate from (and possibly complement) the ‘fixes’ thread...
  5. This is a thread for AM updates and fixes for the Hobbyboss B24 Good luck gentlemen!
  6. Just wondering WNW mentions that the surface for decals needs to be gloss paint not just a gloss coat. Or am I reading this wrong? Anyone have any tips or experience with applying large lozenge decals? And decal solutions- are a good idea or an optional extra? Dont want to botch my first job!
  7. Yeah it’s a shame. This is it. The only choice and chance to own it. I guess if someone else did think of doing a 32nd B24 and read this thread, they would be wiser for it? But who else would do it? Not a Japanese or European company. I don’t know much about HK but they did a B17 and Lancaster, so unless they do a more correct version, TrumpyBoss’s it is...
  8. Thanks, they have a good range for such a small-looking shop. No CSM 1/32 Nieuports yet...
  9. Macchi m5 if memory serves correct (That's the WW1 aircraft, not the red one) They fought against Austrian Lohner flying boats. These are both at the top of my list. Got a feeling if WNW does kits other than British/German types, they might also do a Hanriot HD1 (assuming no-one else has done it?)
  10. Pup7309

    1/32 B-29?

    Didn’t want to. Was giving final response to arguments comparing these to other military events. I have removed the comment in case it is taken out of context. Modeling and historical events are connected obviously, but it’s a hobby, for enjoyment in the end. If someone makes a 32 scale B 29 and it goes well there, great. But a P38 and B29 can’t be compared in their historic associations. ...but if you’re comparing the 2 in a modelling sense the P38 would take up a lot less space. But each to their own
  11. Pup7309

    1/32 B-29?

    Apples and radishes indeed! That said, the 1/32 vacform/ scatchbuild B29 above is phenomenal. Just getting it in the photos must have taken work!
  12. Pup7309

    1/32 B-29?

    I think some modellers round the world would enjoy and have space for a B 29. Museums might be interested too. (though they’ll have to get a volunteer to build it:) Not sure it would be profitable for a modelling company, but that’s over to those in the industry. A grey option? Why not? (It’d be a good time to have shares in silver paints if it does come out!) The other issue, I’m going to skirt around as it’s related to cultural/ historical/ social factors. Unfortunately some of the reponses here have missed the point by comparing apples with oranges.
  13. Yes, might have to scratch the 1500. I imagine they’ve thought of doing a Zeppelin Staarken but with an 140 cm wingspan (like the 1500?) it would be pretty impractical. But who knows... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeppelin-Staaken_R.XIV
  14. Great! Well at 43 pages I think this post has now trumped the Lancaster post!
  15. Pup7309

    1/32 B-29?

    Yes, model companies in Japan make better quality kits. Would they ever do a B-29? No. Size concerns rule it out anyway.
  16. Yes bring 2019 on! (Although I might pass on the HP 0/400) Who knows what will be announced next...exciting times.
  17. Great guesses and wishes. Only ones I’d add are some flying boats (Lohner etc.) and just maybe a SPAD and Dr1...
  18. Is the pilot supposed to sit on the seat and put both legs into that tiny hole?
  19. 4-5 hours of polishing? No thanks. I was really looking forward to getting this kit. At this stage unless AM comes along, I’m out.
  20. Yes. HB seem to have got the surface detail right and if they simply upscaled and emulated the Hasegawa wings, turrets and engines everyone would be giving HB hi- fives. Not sure about the Academy kit, the Has is better IMO.
  21. 2 cents worth: Well I hope that those working there don’t experience too much stress as a result. Mistakes happen. Just a hunch but it seems like they had a top shelf product but had time pressure to get it out by this Christmas and so cut corners... Of course it is great they brought out this kit, no doubt. But it’s like they thought oh well, it’s not 100% but we’ll put it out for the mass market anyway. HB are on a winner with this one, but a revision/ replacement of the turrets is in order. The wing, for the average consumer/ builder of models, is a take it or leave it proposition. Would be great if they revised the kit but it’s over to the ‘plastic surgeons’ for now...
  22. Yeah good luck to anyone with the time/skill/inclination to have a go. If Monogram did get it right 40 or 50 years ago why are we having this conversation in 2018/19?
  23. May be that he got the right cross-section but in the wrong place i.e. half way down the wing and not the wing root.
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