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Everything posted by olgerd83

  1. I'm also going to use PE seat belts and to close a canopy, so I don't think that it's necessary to buy ones
  2. Hi everyone I decided to make a model of this plane I thought that it would be a quite easy build, but when I started to search information about the plane I understood how I was wrong. Firstly I added some additional parts on ejection seat, also added some wires of different diameter in a main landing gear niche http://s3.postimg.org/7s7yp3zub/20150816_213253.jpg
  3. Well, I wanted to post photos of the completed model yesterday, but there were some problems with forum, so here they today
  4. Thank you guys. I've started washing the model Teresa, you have to make your model, it's a really wonderful kit and especially decals, they are so thin that you, even, don't have to use set/sol
  5. Landing gear And the model is drying after the 'decaling' and a layer of future Now I'm on a finish line with this model ;-)
  6. The paintwork is done, now time for assembling some parts and applying decals
  7. Thanks, now photos of the first layer of aluminum, I also sanded model with 2000 sand paper to make it smooth
  8. Vitali, yes the airport still works, I was there about a week ago ;-) The model was covered with a primer and also I made a preshading
  9. Yeap, the girl is hot, she always distracts my attention when I paint models
  10. I solved the problem with air brake - I used epoxy putty to fill holes, sanded it and than glued foil, after that I made holes using a cut medical needle Next step was to paint bombs, I think the process is understood from the photos, unfortunately flash "kills" all weathering effect(((
  11. After a small vacation in Carpathian mountains (its a wonderful place I should notice) I came back home and here the result - the model gets in the shape and is almost ready for painting works. Any ideas how I can make a late-type air brake (with a lot of holes) from this early-type one?
  12. And here you can notice completed pit with all wires from dashboard,sight etc.
  13. Thanks guys, here some small update: I put additional weight inside nose wheel bay Painted all wheel bays and gear doors with zinc chromate color After that added some wires and PE parts on a "back part of the cockpit" (I don't know how should I name it ) Made scratches and running tracks, glued colored PE inside wheel bays and gear doors
  14. It's good for me too ;-) I also want to immigrate to Australia, but they don't want me (((
  15. Yeap, Vitali, there are a lot of IL-76s full white, with UN markings, when you are driving to the airport you can clearly see their tails, An-26s and I even saw few Mig-23s, but I saw them couple years ago and, unfortunately, nowadays it's a restricted area (because of the war) (((
  16. When I glued wings I suddenly understood that my working table is s small and I need a bigger one))) Painted jet intakes and put some masks Also painted missiles and now they are drying after layer of future
  17. Some new photos of the progress: nose had a trace of the joint molds, so I sanded it and put weight inside it. Also I had to cut out some plastic, because the "ceiling" of the main wheel bay didn't want to get on its place ;-)
  18. So, here we go first photos of the process, because I have color PE interior I cut all plastic buttons and instruments and glued PE part on their places After that I painted cockpit in interior green and put PE seat-belts, I used P-39's ones, because Eduard doesn't give them in its kit, I know that they should be different, but it's better than noting )))
  19. Thanks for watching my build guys, I'm going to make the plane with kit's markings and specially for that I found that photo to be sure that it was a real plane. Teresa, I saw your work and I want to notice that you have a wonderful progress so far, I will be interesting to compare our two models in the end of the GB ;-)
  20. I also decided to participate this GB with a wonderful model of F-84G Thunderjet. From adds I have only Eduard's PE interior kit, I believe that the most interesting part of the building process will be painting, I'm going to use from 3 to 5 different metallic shades to make a panel effect. And here a photo of the prototype
  21. Mmmmm... nice, more Ukrainian planes needed different and interesting!!! Have you chosen a prototype?
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