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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. ...getting started. cleaning the parts.
  2. ...a bit closer to show how rough it's done compared with a spay. second ,and third coat if needed, will give it a smooth finish.
  3. ...first coat of paint added...
  4. ...finished the engine compartment today...
  5. ...last parts,fueltank,air intake,etc... have been added. She's ready for 'prime' time.
  6. Hi Mike, I think this project has a lot of guts ! Especially that as a basis the rare George kit is being used. I wouldn't dream of cutting up my George to do a conversion. There is surely no lack of interest for this project by me ! Keep us updated on this one please. Greetings
  7. Hi , Interesting to see how other build up a model. I see you place the clear parts on early in the build.And you already do painting before final assenbly. Something I never do. Clear parts are the very last,and painting is done after the whole plane is build. As you can see with my George. After adding the wings,don't you ruine the paintwork by filling and sanding? Greetings
  8. fixing the wing to the fuselage turned out a bit more difficult than I thought. But nothing my two plastic 'sergeants' (that's how we call those blue things in Belgium) couldn't handle.
  9. ...another part finished today.
  10. Erwin


    Hi Ermeio, I'm begining to understand why you bought all my biplanes some time ago. Any interest in a Hobby Craft 1/28 Fokker Dr I kit ? (13 Euro + postage ) Greetings
  11. after dryfiting the wing and fuselage I added some plasticsheet to insure a extra surface to glue the parts together. It is olso necessary to insure a perfect fit between the fuselage and wing. Without it the wing sincks about 1 mm ,witch is to much to correct with filling.
  12. ...fixing the upper wing parts gave no problems at all. Just a bit of filling and sanding to make a smooth wing edge.
  13. so far the only thing not by the book. Joining the two pieces of the cowling.After dryfitting it was clear that it didn't look good because of the bad fit. I decided to join them and make a one piece cowling. Some filling and fine sanding did the rest.
  14. ...not the engine you are used to see from the LSP 'super detailers' but this will do for me.
  15. ...been making some smaller parts too.
  16. Another good thing about this kit is that the fuselage halves can be joined without having to build the cockpit first. That and the instrumentpannel can be added later on. This was a good fit,and very litle filling and sanding was needed to maka a smooth seem.
  17. Hi Ermeio, Glad the tips helped you to post pictures. Nice build on an unknown flying machine.
  18. ...to make the flaps down.I had to cut away a part of the upper wing. Lucky for me,it's already 'pre-cut'.
  19. Hello all, Well after you helped me to decide to build the kit,I will post some pic as I go about building a model OOB This being not just any 32 nd kit,I started out by saying to myself 'this must be my best build ever ' It's up to you to give me grades in the end ! (No 'F' please ) When first seeing the kit,I was overtaken that such an old mold is still well done.And ,in my opinion,can easely be compared with others like the Hasegawa Oscar and Zero. The mold is well done and only very little pre-build filling has to be done
  20. Hi Chris, Same story here.I got a smaller pile of kits(30) waiting to be build.I even have modern plane kits that I know I will never make.I only do WW-2. I just get them when I can at a cheap price to sell later with a small profit or as a trade item. On average I make 7 models a year,but that's just OOB.So it doesn't take that long to complete. Most of my pile are doubles .One in a while I go to a convention to try and sell some.But 32 nd scale doesn't sell that well. Greetings
  21. Hi all, Saw this on Ebay.But are not sure about the scale. I always tought it was not 32 nd. Any info ?
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